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    What a nice symbol for the effects of our more harmful beauty standards: a contestant in the Miss Plastic contest fell down because her large breast implants threw off her balance while wearing stiletto heels. Effective, but not very subtle, forces of the universe.

    Remember that factoid that explained how, if Barbie were a real woman, the weight of her hair would break her neck? It's like that, except so much sadder because this is a real person. A friend of the girl, twenty-three-year-old Alexandra Horvath, said, "She had not got used to the extra weight on top and her new hair extensions got in her eyes - she just lost her balance and tore a ligament in her foot badly."  Yikes. This is like The Bionic Woman in reverse.

    Here's an AP video report on the event itself:

    Now, I know some people who've had plastic surgery, and my general philosophy toward it is casual indifference - if you have the money and the desire, go for it. And I admit, it's strangely refreshing to see a show like this that states upfront: this is not real!

    But thanks to the weird, bandaged-themed costumes and the surgeon who assures us the competition is good -  for plastic surgeons (and maybe the women, you know, when they're not being physically handicapped by their new boobs) - I think I'm going to trust my ickiness sensor and write this whole thing off as a Very Bad Idea.

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