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    10 Little-Known Facts About Your Sexual Biology


    The always-excellent blog Don't Feed The Animals has a post this week called 10 Things You Didn't Know About Sexual Biology (Couples Edition.) While most of you have been taught a few of these, they're all at least mildly interesting:

    1. Being in love with someone reduces the appeal of other potential partners

    2. Your immune system determines how much you are attracted to someone else

    3. Gay men enjoy the scent of other gay men, but not of straight men.

    4. Babies can evaluate attractiveness, even at under a week old

    5. Women have more orgasms with men who have symmetrical bodies

    6. Looking an attractive person in the eye makes the brain anticipate a reward

    7. Humans are more likely to choose between two similar partners instead of considering a third, unique choice

    8. Kissing may have evolved from "pre-chewing" by mothers for their infants

    9. Women are just as quick to be aroused as men, they just are not as aware

    10. Monkeys will pay for porn, too

    If you're as intrigued as we were, find out why chimps like Sasha Grey and how proteins can through off your scent by clicking here.


    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Oct 29 09 - 11:56am

    Proof of evolution right there: Only monkeys actually pay for porn these days!

    Oct 29 09 - 7:41pm

    so is that a test of symmetry? the number of orgasms your partner has?

    Oct 30 09 - 8:08am

    so is that a test of symmetry? the number of orgasms your partner has?
    P.S. - Sorry, forgot to tell you great post!

    Sep 28 10 - 2:41pm

    Interesting post, but you really need an editor.