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    Lunchtime Link Love: Steve Carrell's Amazing Lovemaking

    satanDid you know that the guy who plays Jacob on Lost is also the guy who stuff's The Dude's head in a toilet in The Big Lebowski? This being Lost-related, you know there are other parallels.

    President Obama told CBS last night: "I always come from behind."

    The state of Mississippi, always way ahead of trends, has announced that abortion will be up for a vote next year. If they vote yes, which it probably will, the state will consider fetuses to be human beings.

    Good news, America: you're no better than Europe. Bad news, Europe: you're no better than us.

    Jimmy Kimmel celebrated April Fools' Day by asking viewers to videotape themselves dumping water on a sleeping partner or roommate's face. Man, this LLL is getting kinda nasty, isn't it?

    This'll cheer you up a bit: the twenty-five weirdest "beware" signs, including "Beware Jumping Gay Walrus," which better be real. (The sign and the gay walrus, that is.)

    And Steve Carrell reveals his date night agenda: "For [wife] Nancy and myself, there is a lot of laughter.  There is an open line of communication and we just have fun with one another.  We never forget make fun of ourselves and to not take it all too seriously.  That’s, I think at least for us, that’s what helps… and amazing lovemaking."


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Apr 02 10 - 12:41pm

    I'd like to thank Jimmy Kimmel for making April Fool's Day extra special this year

    Apr 02 10 - 12:47pm

    Yeah, Kimmel's really good at exactly this kind of very funny thing. Could he be the talk show host for the internet generation?

    Apr 05 10 - 3:59pm

    Of the funny signs, the one about invisible cows is definitely real. I used to drive that road regularly (it goes up Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii). It's also dead-on accurate, except it doesn't warn you the dumb cattle will sleep on the road because the asphalt heats up in the daytime. If you hit one they nail you with a big fine *and* make you pay for the damn cow.