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    facebookfAttention, kiddos, a cautionary tale:

    A sixteen year old boy left his Facebook account open on his mom's computer and she went in and poked around. Now, that sucks, but it's kind of like getting mad when your mom finds porn under your bed - should have seen it coming.

    Step two is where it gets nutty. Then, she allegedly changed the password so she could access the account but he couldn't, had multiple conversations with his friends, and posted "slanderous" comments on his wall. Now, for the life of me, I can't find this kid's Facebook page, and no one has republished the comments, so I don't have any idea how slanderous we're talking, but I will say this - the case has been accepted by an Arkansas court, which means there must be something.

    Oh, because that's step three. He's suing her. Not stamping his foot or telling her that he wishes she was dead. Suing her. I thought you were only allowed to do that if you were a child star or heiress.

    However, while there are lessons to be learned here (kids, don't sue your moms, moms, don't slander your children), I have to side with the kid here, right? If for no other reason than he's sixteen and she's a grown-ass woman.

    Commentarium (12 Comments)

    Apr 09 10 - 11:38am

    What could she possibly have published?

    Apr 09 10 - 11:43am

    Moms on facebook. Kids suing parents. God Bless America.

    Apr 09 10 - 11:53am

    It's actually worse than that. The kid filed harrassment charges, and the local prosecutor is pursuing a criminal case against the mother. At most, the mother showed poor judgment if she in fact engaged in conversations appearing to be the son, but the idea that her actions are criminal is ludicrous. This prosecutor needs to be removed from office.

    Apr 09 10 - 12:24pm
    Ben Reininga

    I agree that to call her actions 'criminal' is probably a stretch of language and the law. That said, she sounds mean.

    Mar 22 11 - 1:33pm

    an adult posing as a child online sounds like it's pushing some legal boundaries

    Apr 09 10 - 6:39pm

    that sucks

    Apr 10 10 - 9:14pm

    The mother doesn't have custody of the teen. His grandmother is his custodial parent according to news reports. There may be a reason for that...

    Apr 13 10 - 4:36am

    Hmm.. not sure I see the humour in this one. Mum doesn't have custody, locks kid out of FB account, makes him look a fool in front of his friends, and the case was accepted by the courts.
    I'm thinking this is a case of child abuse.

    Jul 23 10 - 1:15pm

    It's illegal to pose as someone else, no matter who it be, whether a 16 year old or a 40 year old. that's like saying someone stole your identity and bought a candy bar posing as you. it's not a big deal, but still incredibly illegal.

    so stop crying about how it shouldn't be considered "criminal", because it is.

    Aug 04 10 - 4:59pm

    wow! as a mom that has spied as her teens on facebook... i hope they don't read this! because i do plan on doing it again! lol

    Jan 20 11 - 12:46pm

    I agree with Taryn, and I can't imagine what it must be like for the kid... I mean you'd be more than just pissed, it's kind of a betrayal of trust...

    Jul 21 11 - 10:33pm

    Wait, I cnanot fathom it being so straightforward.