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    I know what that looks like (hint: a vaginer.) But this ad for Penthouse, seen along a busy stretch of road in Bulgaria, is an optical illusion, according to the media. If you look closely, you'll see it's really an eye.

    The ad was removed anyway, ostensibly because drivers found a naked woman('s eyeball) to be too distracting. Interestingly, the silly complainers sound just like the ones we have here in America, where every attempt at censorship features a preamble about the First Amendment:

    "We understand that there is freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and that they have to be respected and upheld, but we cannot hide our contempt for the filth that is the Penthouse billboard." [AdFreak]

    Ah, yes. Freedom of speech and expression for all... but not for every thing.

    Commentarium (11 Comments)

    Apr 13 10 - 11:40am


    Apr 13 10 - 11:45am

    I heard somewhere down south they had a billboard advertising The Vagina Monologues, but when a grandmother was became upset after her granddaughter saw it, the production was forced to change to The Hoo-Ha Monologues. What I'm saying is, this billboard needs to be put up in Mississippi just to see what will happen.

    Apr 13 10 - 12:04pm

    reminds me of

    Apr 13 10 - 1:08pm

    Most people's version of free speech is "everything I agree with is protected, everything else can be banned.' This is exactly the opposite of free speech means. Popular speech does not need any protection, it's the unpopular and controversial speech that needs to be protected. It is pretty sad how many people don't get that.

    Apr 13 10 - 1:21pm

    America is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. Get used to it.

    Apr 13 10 - 1:51pm

    if it was a vagoo, it's a pretty ugly one....

    Apr 13 10 - 1:55pm

    It's a vageyena, right?

    Apr 13 10 - 2:23pm

    Twolane, you are a moron.
    Have you ever even been out of the country, or even read about the world at all? Are you seriously putting the U.S.A. next to places like Saudi Arabia or China or North Korea? Here's a hint- If you were in any of those places, you wouldn't be able to say something like that about their government.

    Apr 13 10 - 3:24pm

    L: You are right and even in the very civilized countries in Europe, it's possible to go to jail for speech alone, for example for denying the Holocaust ( In that respect the US has far better protection for speech than even European countries.

    Apr 13 10 - 6:05pm

    oh, there's my picture.

    Apr 13 10 - 9:50pm

    well, obviously penthouse's intent was to be provocative by creating a billboard located on a busy street that looks like a vulva. personally, i think the insinuation or imagery doesn't need to be on a billboard because, well, it's a billboard.