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Last Links: Facebook Starts Selling Movie Tickets

Facebook starts selling Disney movie tickets

Facebook - in its continued quest to take over the earth - has started selling Disney movie tickets, and inviting your friends to do the same. Which is either super convenient, or another creeping invasion of a space that used to be free.

Porn star Stephen Hill went on a killing spree - with a goddamn samurai sword. The puns actually write themselves.

A video of this Ugandan minister has surfaced, in which he spouts some really intense hatred against homosexually by showing his congregation gay porn and giving enthusiastic blow-by-blows of how gross it is. There is basically a 100% likelihood that he has sex with men.

The new Broken Bells video features Christina Hendricks. We think we love her even more as a grungy space-captain than as a secretary.

And finally, this man is using his Twitter feed to mock BP and to raise money for oil-spill victims. And he's pretty funny.

Comment ( 1 )

The best part of all of these links is that the porn star went on a rampage after he learned he was going to be fired for inappropriate behavior.

SR commented on Jun 03 10 at 11:39 am

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