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    Sad Keanu at McDonalds at a Kid's Birthday Party

    Well, it's Monday again. And it's hot, and at least here, kind of rainy. Which means it's really humid, and still Monday, and there are five more days left until the weekend when we can get day drunk and watch the World Cup. Pretty sad, right?

    Not as sad as this: is to be the first site to pop up in the wake of the Sad Keanu meme that started last week. (If you were on a yoga retreat in Tibet for the last seven days, you can catch up on the history of the meme here, courtesy of Scanner Brian). Sad Keanu is kind of like the bastard child of Nic Cage As Everyone and Garfield Minus Garfield--a combination of (usually) clever Photoshoping, juxtaposed silliness, and schadenfreude. In other words, if you're having a miserable day, here's a picture of Keanu Reeves losing at Mario Kart, with Ulysses S. Grant, or waterskiing. Even fun beach activities can't cheer up Sad Keanu:

    Sad Keanu playing mario kart

    Sad Keanu Water-Skiing

    Sad Keanu with Ulysses S. Grant

    I don't know about all you, but I feel a whole lot better.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Jun 14 10 - 2:27pm

    How can someone so beautiful be so sad? It just doesn't make sense.

    Jun 14 10 - 2:34pm

    ...especially, Meh, if he's racing in Mario Kart.

    Jun 14 10 - 3:14pm

    Well, he IS losing in Mario Kart - although he should keep in mind that his chance of getting a bullet power-up is exponentially higher in last place.

    Jun 14 10 - 3:31pm

    It's just nice to see that man showing any sort of emotion whatsoever.