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    Louis CK Can Make Even a Vasectomy Funny

    Of course he can, as evidenced by his appearance on The Joy Behar Show last night approximately three hours after he actually had the procedure performed. The real question should be: can Louis CK make even The Joy Behar Show funny?

    (Kidding, kidding! Behar is easily my favorite of any of the co-hosts from The View, the rest of whom shall not be named here. But I do think that CK manages to bring out the best side of Behar, which is the brassy, willing-to-go-there funny lady.)

    Thank God this man finally got his own TV show. Okay, well, thank God he got a second chance at having his own TV show, which you'd all better be watching. But before you go, a related question: should someone as funny as CK really be taking himself out of the gene pool after only two kids? Think of the rest of us, man! Our children will need people to make them laugh as well, you know.

    Via Videogum.

    Commentarium (5 Comments)

    Jul 13 10 - 4:09pm

    LOL. I like him. Maybe not his tube sock penis, but the rest is pretty good.

    Jul 13 10 - 4:10pm

    "It's like an old man's nose.....It's like a tube sock with a ball in it." I just shot Diet Coke out of my nose.

    Jul 13 10 - 4:11pm

    hahahaah. He's great

    Jul 13 10 - 5:01pm

    He's the funniest guy in America and been behind so much great stuff. I'm worried this new show is too low budget. I actually loved his HBO show.

    Jul 13 10 - 6:41pm

    Now if only those of us up here in Canada could watch his show...

    ...before the DVD box set comes out, I mean.