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New dating gimmick aims to find you love in 90 days or less

Love Calendar

In an interview over at Your Tango, the "Today Show's" love expert says that she can find you love in under three calendar months. But is setting a deadline for yourself the way to go?

Dr. Diana Kirschner is promoting a book called "Love in 90 Days", which sounds like another gimmick along the lines of "He's Just Not That Into Girls" or whatever that book is called. Let's see if we can snag any decent tips from this interview:

The 90 Days program is a four-pronged approach. The first thing you do is identify and break your "Deadly Dating" patterns. Then you go on what I call a "Dating Program of Three," where you date three guys—but no sex with any of them. Number three—you work on your self-sabotaging ideas, your beliefs, like "I'm too old," "I'm too fat" or "There are no good men out there." You also cultivate what I call your "Diamond Self," which really helps you bust through shyness. The last thing that you do is you get yourself a "Love Mentor..." somebody who... gives you the most profound support and really helps you find "the one." And all of these things work together and help you succeed in creating the love you really want.

This sounds very similar to what Andrea Syrtash told us a few weeks ago -- break patterns, stop the "all good things are taken" talk, etc.

People say, "If it was meant to happen, it would happen." Now, in what other area of life would you ever take that attitude? I mean, "If I was meant to be fit, it would just happen. I would be fit?" Luck meets the prepared mind, right?  So, you have to be prepared, and you have to work on yourself. Number one is your own self-love and, then, you have to put yourself out there.

Get out there people, and report back to us, pronto.



Comments ( 4 )

All these love self-help books basically boil down to the same thing: be confident and comfortable with yourself. I didn't need to write a 200 page book to tell anyone that either.
md commented on Aug 03 10 at 9:57 am
This is so silly. You can't search for love - I feel like it just doesn't happen that way. You come off as desperate or something. It's when you relax, chill the f out, and just live your life that you end up falling in love, I think. That's the way it always works for me.
Corabelle commented on Aug 03 10 at 9:57 am
Desperation is psychic BO.
Jinna commented on Aug 03 10 at 3:03 pm
All this crap is... crap. "Relationships are like a job; you have to WORK at finding one!" "Love is like a bolt out of the blue; as soon as you stop looking, it'll find you!" Who frakkin knows. Nobody, that's who. NOBODY. NONE of this stuff works for everyone; when it "works," it's as likely coincidence as anything else.
thinkywritey commented on Aug 04 10 at 10:28 am

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