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    Can you be both terrifying and boring? That is the question answered by Ben Quayle's new campaign ad, and that answer is a resounding "Yes!" Quayle is running for a congressional seat in Arizona, and while his ad doesn't reach the LSD-tinged heights of Carly Fiorina's monster-sheep nightmares, there is a strange disconnect between his impassioned — if crazy — words and his complete lack of affect. Call it the "Patrick Bateman" school of campaigning:

    While nothing says "intelligent political discourse" like the promise and/or threat to "knock the Hell out of" Washington, I am much more upset with his declaration that Barack Obama is the worst President in US history. Have we as a country forgotten William Henry Harrison, who managed to die of a cold he got while giving a speech for two hours in the rain without a coat? (JK — you can't get a cold from the rain. But still, that is not a strong showing, Billy.)

    But anyway: Ben Quayle for Congress! He'll bore you... to death.

    Via Videogum.

    Commentarium (14 Comments)

    Aug 12 10 - 1:03pm

    That guy has absolutely no charisma.

    Aug 12 10 - 1:16pm

    Boring, yeah, but he's right and I'd vote for him

    Aug 12 10 - 2:24pm

    George W. Bush WAS the worst President ever!!!! Not Obama!

    Aug 12 10 - 2:40pm

    Even if Mr Obama is the worst president in history (a premature thing to say, since he's still in office), he's not up for re-election this year. So why is Mr Quayle running against him? Could it be Mr Q. has no positive ideas of his own? If that's the case, why should anyone vote for him?

    Aug 12 10 - 2:49pm

    Quayle is saying he'll help the Republicans stop the dastardly plans of worst-President-ever Obama. But of course he's not the worst president, and neither was Bush. Political rhetoric is ridiculously overheated.

    Aug 12 10 - 2:58pm

    The mantles of "best ever" and "worst ever" are too readily thrown around these days, especially in politics. Really, it just shows you inability to see the bigger picture and to consider historical context when viewing events; qualities I want in a representative. So if that's the message Ben Quayle was trying to send, then message clearly received.

    Aug 12 10 - 3:14pm

    Didn't everyone agree that James Buchanan is the worst president ever? Warren G. Harding is up there too. William Henry Harrison never really did anything--does that count? (I also think that Jefferson is an extremely overrated president. Probably not the worst but definitely bottom 15.)

    Aug 12 10 - 4:08pm

    There is something vaguely threatening about this, but in a way that wouldn't strike fear into the heart of a kitten. He can't pull off the idea that is intended here. Also, wasn't his Father was the worst Vice President in history.

    Aug 12 10 - 4:58pm
    Bo Darville

    Personally, I'd say William H. Harrison is the best president ever. Never screwed anything up.

    Aug 12 10 - 5:48pm

    James K. Polk is the best president ever, hands down. He kept every campaign promise he made: Fix banks, steal Mexico, invent the mullet.

    Aug 12 10 - 10:49pm

    If you praise W. H. Harrison, then David Rice Atchison was totally FTW.

    Returning to topic: Congress is Epic Fail for many reasons, but partisan anger is right up there. How is angry Quayle II going to be part of the solution?

    Aug 12 10 - 11:37pm

    What a jackass....! The apple didn't fall far from the tree. I wonder if he can spell "potato"

    Aug 13 10 - 10:31am

    Re, Quayle's day: My dad is a professor of American history and has pointed out to me that the Republicans haven't had a decent, competent, non-corrupt vice president since Hamlin (Lincoln's VP).

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