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Study: Men stay attractive for a decade longer than they used to

George Clooney looking sexy in a suit

According to a survey conducted on behalf of the British department store, Debenhams, time is even kinder to men now than it was thirty years ago. Men up to age fifty-five can still turn a woman's head. (George Clooney, for example, is only forty-nine). Thirty years ago, few women in a similar study reported being attracted to men over forty-five.

The reasons behind this phenomenon are fairly obvious: Modern men invest more time and effort into dressing well and keeping fit, older men have more financial stability, and men and women are waiting longer to marry and have children. But could this mean former turn-offs and physical dealbreakers are going extinct? Consider this quote in The Telegraph.

Baldness is no longer seen as a stigma, and even a slight paunch is unlikely to render a man unattractive to women, the study for Debenhams found... Men are now spending more time, either alone or with a partner, selecting styles to suit their shape, as well as choosing shades which complement their complexion, hair and eye color.

Unfortunately, the study didn't assess attitudes toward women's looks and attractiveness expiration date. The journey from babe to MILF to old lady seems a lot harder to map.

Comments ( 7 )

I remember when I was younger wondering why it was cool for Walter Cronkite to age on television, but you'd see female anchors disappear when they began to show signs of aging.

Is this a new thing? commented on Sep 18 10 at 11:54 am

I get that Clooney is that old and sophisticated guy, but damn he is getting old. Salt n peppa sexy look also fades.

ggg commented on Sep 18 10 at 11:21 pm

how does the "older men have financial security" meme fit in here? If that were a real factor why would it be contributing to this increase?

huh? commented on Sep 19 10 at 7:47 am

Does "older men have financial security" count as a meme? I thought it was a fact.

Me commented on Sep 19 10 at 10:22 am

Increasing financial security as one ages is definitely a fact.

Can we talk about MILFs for a second? Can a woman who's not technically a mom be a MILF, or does she have to be a cougar? When does one become a cougar? I'm hearing 30-year-olds being called that, and it makes me feel OLD.

LoveHandle commented on Sep 19 10 at 7:49 pm

Give me liberty or give me a MILF. Grandma need not apply.

Twolane commented on Sep 20 10 at 9:36 am

Baldness is no longer seen as a stigma, and even a slight paunch is unlikely to render a man unattractive to women.
Yes, all you need to see is Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder. That is sex personified.

G Unit commented on Sep 20 10 at 10:33 am

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