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NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg thinks Twitter, Facebook are for losers

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks Twitter, Facebook is for losers.

And that includes you! Yes, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks he's better than people who fully utilize their social networking platforms. Tip: if you're somebody who is so constantly seeking votes for an unending number of terms, perhaps you shouldn't insult most of your current constituents and probably all of your future ones.

When asked about the impending WiFi capabilities that subway riders will one day enjoy, Bloomberg said:

Yeah, but you know, in this day of Facebook and all the social networking stuff and emails, you know, it's part of people's lives whether you like it or not. ... You can fight and say I don't that tide tide to come in, but c'mon...

Sounds harmless enough. But the 68-year-old politician, who earned much of his fortune in investment technology and media, then compared social network users to Richard Nixon. And then:

Where do they get the time to do it? Shouldn't, aren't -- there have got to be other things in life to do. "I'm going to the bank right now," you know, "I think I'll have coffee." And you wonder, number one ... why does anybody care? Who do people, why would you look at it?

Good to see our cities are barreling into the future! 

Comments ( 12 )

He's 68. What do you expect. Perhaps he should just go home, sit in the rocker, wrap the blankie around himself and suck on the gas pipe.

Twolane commented on Oct 11 10 at 10:19 am

I agree with him, no one cares what you're doing every second of the day. Twitter can go to hell.

:) commented on Oct 11 10 at 10:44 am

I agree with Bloomberg too.

Brett Farve's Crocs commented on Oct 11 10 at 10:47 am

He's 68, yeah. He's also correct.

Vinegar Bend commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:07 am

I follow Bloomberg on twitter... he updates way more often than I do!

I think he is only addressing the people who update about uninteresting things like "going to the bank" rather than events or something anyone could possibly care about.

sillylittleamy commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:10 am

Brett Farve's Crocs - it's Brett Favre's Crocs.

bearman33 commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:18 am

It's not the social networking platform per se, it's are you living in a Kanye, or a John Mayer world? The latter's tweets were a wonderland of dry oversharing. R.I.P. John Mayer's tweets.

bearman33 commented on Oct 11 10 at 11:25 am

It's all how much you do it. I don't think he meant that Twitter and Facebook inherently suck, just way too many people who use them suck.

Me commented on Oct 11 10 at 12:35 pm

He's absolutely right, Twitter is a waste of bandwidth. Who here is so self involved that they think anyone cares whether or not they go their latte too hot or they're waiting too long in line at a restaraunt.

Facebook... meh.

CBRider commented on Oct 11 10 at 5:23 pm

1. He's right. 2. He's not running for anything anymore (so far, at least; he's said this is his last term).

profrobert commented on Oct 11 10 at 10:59 pm

Much as I generally find Bloomberg to be a more or less obnoxious guy with too much money, I pretty much agree with him on this. These "communication aids" tend to: a) take you out of "the moment", b) make you ignore people who are actually there in "real time", c) inflate the sense of self importance of people who use them. The fact that one CAN communicate like this doesn't mean that the communication itself has any meaning or importance. Although they may have some sort of niche for emergency communication, they on the whole detract from real life social networking. In short, Twitter is for twits.

Don David commented on Oct 12 10 at 10:37 am

I just have to mention how WONDERFUL it was the last couple of times I went out with friends, and they insisted on leaving their smartphones in the car. WONDERFUL. (Almost guaranteed a third date right there.)

thinkywritey commented on Oct 12 10 at 10:55 am

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