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Kick-Ass Movie Is Going To Kick Ass


Ever see a trailer for an upcoming movie and say, "That movie is going to be a boneheaded piece of tripe, but I can't wait to see it anyway"? Us neither. Until we saw this red band and very NSFW preview for Kick-Ass, a movie about a very violent 12-year-old assassin named Hit-Girl, starring a mustachioed Nicholas Cage as her proud papa.

We may have just ruined the opening for you, but there's really no other way to set up this clip. We promise to keep our mouths closed, though, while you watch this madness:

By the way, the main character is actually called "Kick-Ass." Is this going to be the funniest or stupidest movie of 2010... or both?


Comments ( 6 )

Nicholas Cage, it is not a bad action movie without you!

Dean commented on Dec 22 09 at 4:11 pm

This movie clearly knows what it is, or at least I hope to God it does. They have a 12-year-old- spouting off the C word, they must. Either way, I'm going opening night.

Spanish Johnny commented on Dec 22 09 at 4:23 pm

So... beautiful... should... have sent... a poet...

Jeff @ commented on Dec 22 09 at 4:27 pm

It's Kill Bill with a little girl. NIce marketing hook, think I'll skip it.

menb commented on Dec 22 09 at 5:04 pm

I like the re-working of the Banana Bunch theme tune. I'll go a see it.

niall mad dog o'hara commented on Dec 22 09 at 9:11 pm

She's actually a supporting character - the main character is a loser who can't get it together to be a real superhero. They're going to have a trailer for each superhero.

Wendel commented on Dec 23 09 at 12:50 am

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