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Sex Advice From Young Republicans

By Sarah T. Schwab

Scott, 25

What’s the best reason to date a young Republican? 
She won’t change the station while I’m getting my Rush Limbaugh on. 
Are young Republicans better in bed then young Democrats? 
Yes. Well, at least the men are. In my experience, conservative women  seem to be just that in the bedroom. 
I consider myself extremely right-wing. But this girl I have a crush on is a huge leftist. I want to go for it, but am afraid that personal politics will eventually lead to bedroom politics. What do you think? 
Why not get into that political argument? Settle your differences in bed. Punish that liberal pussy. 
Should there be age limits when it comes to dating? 
Yes and no. It’s different for men than it is for women. Women can date older men and get away with it, men who are a lot older. Think John and Cindy McCain; she’s like twenty years younger than him. But for women, it’s a little different. I guess Demi Moore rocks it, but that’s because she’s hot and looks young still. 
I’m totally broke, and my lease is up in three weeks. My boyfriend of four months, who’s got plenty of money, suggested that I move in with him. Would it be wrong to accept his offer?
If you were using him for the convenience, then yes, it would be wrong. But if you’d live with him regardless of his money then I think it’s fine. If he doesn’t know either way, I think you’re golden. 
Does the number of one’s sexual partners matter? 
Again, I think it’s different for men than it is for women. For men, the more the merrier. For women, you better keep your number low or make sure your sexual partners aren’t going to talk. I’m not saying that it’s right, but that’s just how it is. 
What’s worse: physically or emotionally cheating? 
Physically. It’s better to get emotionally attached to someone else and then realize you were wrong, than it is to do something regrettable that can never be reversed. 

For the first few months of I was with my boyfriend, we had sex around the clock. Six months in, I’m lucky if we have sex once a week. We don’t fight or anything, but we’re never in the mood anymore. Is the relationship on the rocks? 
I would say your love life is in serious need of a resurrection. Use the slump as a reason to try new things in the bedroom – use your imagination. If that doesn’t work, get married. Then you two are stuck together. 

Comments ( 56 )

Maybe republicans need to have their own country somewhere...We'd all be better off.
BlueEyedMan commented on Sep 07 10 at 2:08 pm
Maybe democrats need to be more gracious and accept the fact that in an actual democracy, all people should have the freedom to hold a unique opinion. There is NO such thing as, "the right perspective". By the by, these folks sound really cool. I should disclose that I'm a straight woman with centrist-left leanings, and my best lovers have been conservatives. The lively political discussions made it even hotter. And lest we forget, the left/democrats used to represent the blue-collar/working class, whereas now it represents the so-called educated upper-middle class. Stop hating on good people - it's not an ideological war.
StopTheHate commented on Sep 07 10 at 11:05 pm
By "a man (or woman) with upstanding moral fiber", I take it you think that organizing to legally inflict one's personal opinions onto others whose actions don't affect you one way or the other is a strong moral value. Well, duh, since the Republicans cultivate their political clout from the christian pulpit, also historically infamous for imposing their opinions onto others, often at the point of a sword or the end of a gun, it all makes a lot of sense. It's a real shame that so many people have this extremely twisted concept of what "moral" means.
Sarrellec commented on Sep 08 10 at 7:08 am
One of my wildest sexcapades was with a sexy 32 yr old Bush Jr supporter. After much foreplay in her apartment on a second floor facing a walkway, she stripped down to her thong and stilettos and ordered me to strip too and then ordered me to playfully spank her on the porch as she leaned forward gripping the railing. This after four or five drinks she was ready for fun....she wore a ponytail for me to pull gently as I spanked her. I am not an exhibitionist so I was paronoid about us being seen from below. We really got it on as she loves doggy style noisy screwing. Nobody came along, thankfully, although she wanted some poor guy to see us screwing like crazy.
Michael commented on Sep 08 10 at 5:50 pm
"You will be dating a man (or woman) with upstanding moral fiber." Umm yeah because they're against gay marriage even though most of them are closeted gays. Republicans are obsessed with homosexuality and the entire "do as I say, not as I do" thing. Republicans are extremely ideological rather than practical. And to be fair Democrats tend to be on the wimpy side.
Indy-pendent commented on Sep 09 10 at 9:17 am
Read Hegel. If one pushes liberalism and the opposite point of view to the limit, you will end up in the same place. If that is bed, so be it!
TFT commented on Sep 09 10 at 3:27 pm

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