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13 Year Olds Busted For Ordering Hookers With Dad's Credit Card


Easily the most amusing article we've seen this week: the Money story on the thirteen-year-old boy convicted of fraud after her stole his Dad's credit card, went on a wild shopping spree, and capped off the day with some friends in a hotel room full of hookers gives us hope for the up-and-coming generation...

Ralph Hardy (name, for whatever reason, not withheld) is your average thirteen-year-old boy in Newark, TX. He likes World of Warcraft, video games, and ridiculously wild prostitute orgies. Ralph

1) Ordered a credit card in his father's name

2) Took his friends on a $30,000 shopping spree (in other words, he bought a hat from a New York vintage store.)

3) Back at their hideout (aka a trashy hotel some idiot rented to them without parental consent), they ordered cookies, potato chips, and cases of Dr. Pepper. When the delivery driver came to their door, the boys asked him if he could "score them some chicks and were willing to pay." The man, obviously the only sane person in Newark, Texas, called the cops.

4) Somehow, two call girls materialized. This passage has to be read in full:

Asked why he ordered two escorts, Ralph said he thought it was the thing to do when you win a "World of Warcraft" tournament. They told the suspicious working girls they were people of restricted growth working with a traveling circus, and as State law does not allow those with disabilities to be discriminated against they had no right to refuse them.

That may be offensive, but goddamn if it isn't hilarious. Oh, there's more:

The escort girls who were released without charge, told the arresting officers something was up when the kids said they would rather play Xbox than get down to business.

5) The article concludes with this little gem, which is why we have gotten such hope for the future from it: "Ralph's ambition is to one day become a politician."

Read the whole thing in full (you owe it to yourself on this beautiful day) at the UK Money site. 

Comments ( 3 )


jamobey commented on May 23 08 at 5:04 pm

The article ITSELF says it's fake for god's sake.

Anonymous commented on May 25 08 at 11:59 am

That note on the article was added welllll after I posted this.

brianfairbanks commented on May 26 08 at 12:20 am

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