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Brain Teaser: Find the Missing Ex-Girlfriend at Cosmo's "Fun Fearless Male" Awards


Here she is!

We had no idea that dating Jessica Simpson required one to be both fun and fearless, thus nominating one for Cosmo's "Fun Fearless Male" award. Fearless, sure, but fun? Good thing for Dane Cook it wasn't funny.

Guess out of Cook, Tony Romo, John Mayer, a bunch of other guys who probably wouldn't mind having nailed Jessica Simpson, and Common, Mayer had the most fun/least fear dating Ms. Simpson, as he actually won the "FFM" award -- which means that he, rather ickily, followed yet again in the, er, footsteps of last year's "FFM" winner: Nick Lachey. (Actually, we've heard a few juicy stories about Mayer and Simpson's sexlife, and we have to say: it certainly does sound like Mayer rather fearlessly had all the fun he could with her. They give awards for that?)

And yes, word is that at the awards ceremony, Mayer, Romo, and Cook were all well aware of their having docked their weenies in the same occasionally harbor  -- not least because the press kept asking.

So big ups to Cosmo for keepin' it classy! Look for their "Fun Fearless Male" awards next year, brought to you by Zovirax!

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