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"Dollhouse" Season Finale: Too Joss Whedon-y For Fox


Despite a tumultous bout of reviews and ratings, "Dollhouse" will at least finish out the first season.  Well, almost...

The Dollhouse closer airs May 8, titled "Omega," and represents the show's 12th episode aired. But there's also a 13th episode called "Epitaph One," directed by Whedon. Whedon compatriot Felicia Day (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) had a role in the unscheduled episode and Twittered: "Man, day getting worse and worse. Found out my Dollhouse ep, #13 isn't gonna air. Only on DVD. Such a great part too. Thx Fox. :( ..." (Live Feed)

Here's the thing: we have mixed feelings about this decision.  On one hand, we LOVE Joss Whedon, and we want to see every episode of every show he ever has a hand in, so the idea of not airing the final episode makes us feel sad.  But on the other hand, we also don't want Dollhouse to get bounced off the air prematurely and never really get to realize its potential -- if holding back on airing "Epitaph One" (which we can always see on DVD anyway) will give Dollhouse a shot at a second season, then we say do it.  That said, we don't like to see Joss Whedon disappointed.


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Comments ( 3 )

"On one hand, we LOVE Joss Whedon, and we want to see every episode of every show he ever has a hand in. But on the other hand, we also don't want Dollhouse to get bounced off the air prematurely and never really get to realize its potential. " That's only ONE hand... it's like saying, on one hand we like the show and want to see every episode. On the other hand, we like the show and want to see it renewed. No, the other hand would be "Dollhouse is boring, it sucks, and it glorifies a creepy, institutionalized version of prostitution and it should be canceled." The show blows, Dushku's a lousy actor and Joss Whedon isn't perfect. Hang it up and work on a project that has a little more depth than an Eliza Dushku variety show.
Anonymous commented on Apr 10 09 at 1:38 pm
On one hand, misused phrases make you furious. On the other hand, Dollhouse makes you furious. Looking at my hands now, and there's a furious little guy on both of them. Is that right?
iggyborsalino commented on Apr 11 09 at 4:59 pm
Dollhouse is very exciting. It shows what people might do if they could make someone do anything. Sex is only one part. Murder, power, greed, and exploitation are also a part. On the positive side are revenge and justice. I am sure wee will see this in future episodes. Dushku is a wonderful actress. The different characters she has played on the show proves this. I look forward to watching each week to what Joss Whedon will reveal about the Dollhouse. What will happen to Echo and the other characters? Can
Anonymous commented on Apr 12 09 at 2:09 pm

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