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Porn Stars: They're Just Like Half of All Adults (By Age 50)


We were up perusing Fleshbot, as we often are at 1:27 in the morning, and came across this picture of porn star Joanna Angel. We looked a little closer and thought we might have seen a hemmorhoid. Do porn stars get hemmorhoids and then take pictures like this and hope no one will notice? Or are hemmorhoids all good in the hood in the porn industry? They're, like, the one skin condition down there that's not contagious, so maybe they're treated as a delicacy or something. We thought they'd at least Photoshop it out, but we're a little glad they didn't. Way to stand up for women with hemmorhoids, Joanna Angel!

Not to get all Perez Hilton on you, but do not click through if you are easily offended, or are at work, or are grossed out by a condition that nearly half of all adults will suffer with by age 50. We have highlighted what we're pretty sure is Ms. Angel's 'roid. Medical professionals, please feel free to correct us if we're wrong; we'd be really interested to know what it is if it's not a hemmorhoid. 

[Fleshbot: Did You Know Joanna Angel is Jewish?] 

Comments ( 14 )

i think thats what the industry calls a 'buttclit'

Anonymous commented on Mar 11 08 at 2:02 pm

Maybe she's had a baby?

What? It happens.

Anonymous commented on Mar 11 08 at 2:44 pm

{surtsey} - LOL!

spectrumseven commented on Mar 11 08 at 5:13 pm

Yeah that totally looks like a second clitoris to me. Which, if you think about it, would be enough to fuel the plots of several pornos ... not that they need plot fuel. Or plot.

Also: Best ... Photoshopping ... EVER!

Anonymous commented on Mar 11 08 at 5:39 pm

it could be a hemorrhoid, but is just as likely to be an anal wart. Unprotected anal sex with someone who has HPV (i.e. 80% of men by some estimates) will put you at risk for anal and perianal warts. They're a serious problem in people with HIV/AIDS and can also cause rectal cancer (just like cervical cancer). Here's to protection!

Anonymous commented on Mar 11 08 at 6:44 pm

Uh, some women just have extra tissue down there. Call it buttclit, if you will, but if you look at people's buttholes on a regular basis, you will find it to be quite normal, despite the fact that folks always want to try to find ways to make people that vary from the norm (especially "down there" - oooo!)feel freakish and unattractive. Thanks for that. This all reminds me of when Joanna used to work for Hooksexup... back in the good ol' days... when educated, pro-sex people actually had interesting things to say on this site... do you really have nothing better to do with your time?

blondage commented on Mar 11 08 at 8:40 pm

as a gynecologist, I agree with blondage that this is just extra skin - come to think of we all need extra skin in the anus so that it can open to accomodate stool (or a penis)

Anonymous commented on Mar 11 08 at 9:06 pm

nope. not a 'roid. Roids are a lot like busted blood vessels, so they are red/purple, or otherwise angry or painful looking. That's just a butt that's seen a lot of action.

vivazoya commented on Mar 12 08 at 1:17 am

Dude, I've always had the same buttclit thing goin' on and I am a 100 percent 'roid-free zone. It's just part of the wonderful mystery that is Joanna's ass. Bow down before Joanna's sphincter for you are not worthy.

biggyrl commented on Mar 12 08 at 10:40 am

First off, couldn't you have placed the naked boobies after the jump, with a "NSFW" warning?

And second... did we really need to examine a close-up of a porn-star's anus to determine if she has hemmerhoids?? I am all for weird & tawdry tidbits (that's why I read scanner!) but this is just... gross and pointless.

Anonymous commented on Mar 12 08 at 11:40 am

Maybe before writing a piece on hemorrhoids, one should learn how to spell the word.

profrobert commented on Mar 12 08 at 1:50 pm

You can insult my taste, my judgment (both questionable at times), but never my spelling! There are actually many different ways to spell it, but using an O instead of an E might have been better. Maybe I'll go change it, ProfRobert.

EmilyFarris commented on Mar 12 08 at 2:02 pm

Hey, I teach writing; it's a reflex.

I've never seen the alternate spelling. Maybe it's what you get when you sit too long at a sewing machine? ;-)

profrobert commented on Mar 12 08 at 2:55 pm

yeah she's just a little busted. i'd like to see anyone's ass after it's gotten as much action as hers and have it looking half as good. and after poring through copious amounts of porn research, i can say that many butts have similar idiosyncracies. <3

Anonymous commented on Mar 24 08 at 4:15 pm

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