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Real or Fake: Nude Sarah Palin Photo?


Sarah Palin is already an historic figure. As the first female on a Republican Presidential ticket, she will never be forgotten... or, when it comes to Democratic bloggers, forgiven.

They have already spread rumors of her having lied about her fifth child's true origins, attacked her fitness to be President, Troopergate, etc. etc. Now the McCain-Palin campaigns deny the following nude photo is of Palin (allegedly from her beauty pageant days):

It's either her or Julia Louis-Dreyfus. In fact, we're pretty damn sure it's Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who is currently getting her biggest career boost since Seinfeld. In fact the above two photos are both clearly fakes...

The picture emerged hours after Sarah was named as Republican John McCain's running-mate, and has been used by hundreds of websites and blogs.

Sarah's camp, however, insists that the picture is fake, reports News of the World.

Other forged snaps of Sarah are also said to have also fuelled the frenzy on the net since the relative unknown was pushed into the Presidential spotlight. Sarah, who married her high-school sweetheart Todd and now has four kids, was once a teenage beauty queen in her home state of Alaska. [Sify]

Here's one that we're pretty sure is real. Hot or not?



What'll Happen To Sarah Palin?

EXCLUSIVE: McCain-Palin Internal Talking Points Memo Leaked To Scanner

Hot or Not: Jodie Marsh's Boobs?

Scanner Controversy: We Asked For It This Time...

Comments ( 42 )

Boy oh boy, do you guys hate the Republicans. Why don't you ever show any Obama "Mandingo" photos?

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 12:36 am

almost makes me wanna vote republican. almost.

asiago commented on Sep 03 08 at 12:41 am

"Grampy And The Babe" Coming to ABC this fall!

Anonymous commented on Sep 02 08 at 1:29 pm

I'm sure she's a fine senator, and a credit to both her party, her state and the historic struggle against glass ceilings everywhere. And I would also really love to see her naked.

I would never vote Republican (not least because I'm, uh, not American...)but I'd like to stress that, given the chance, I would totally fuck Sarah Palin.

danrimage commented on Sep 02 08 at 2:43 pm

The "pretty sure is real" photo got the head-shot from here:

metepeira commented on Sep 02 08 at 4:36 pm


She's never been a senator. God they're bright around here.

Toluca_86 commented on Sep 02 08 at 5:21 pm

Governor, senator, whatever. She's still smokin'.

danrimage commented on Sep 02 08 at 5:48 pm

Damn you fols at Hooksexup are as lame as the New York Times.
You just can't handle that Governor Palin is a real Republican, a real NRA life Member and a feminist success.
I'm waiting for a site that promotes sexuality to come out against her daughter getting pregnant.

I frankly do hope you find a nude photo of the Governor it will make me even more likely to vote Republican! Like MO DO said she is a chick flick come to life.

Can you say Replublican Victory? See I knew you could!

rpnathhorst commented on Sep 02 08 at 7:32 pm

Sorry rpnathhorst, "promoting sexuality" does not equate to encouraging or supporting or even not "com(ing) out against" unwed teenage pregnancy or even shotgun weddings.

There's such a thing as promoting *responsible* sexuality.

Frankly, I'm waiting for the woman who can't even teach her own children responsible sexual behavior to open her mouth (again) about how I and the schools should teach my children about sex.

Then there's this one - totally unrelated to her daughter's pregnancy. She's a big supporter of teaching the "Theory of Creationism" or "Creation Science," right?

Can someone outline for me even one experiment that could or has been done to either support or test this theory. I mean, if a theory can't be tested by the scientific method (i.e. theorize, experiment, observe, analyze, theorize, experiment... lather, rinse, repeat...) then it's just not science and has now business is a science classroom, does it?

learnmysecrets commented on Sep 02 08 at 8:20 pm

That bikini+rifle photo would clinch my vote, if I wasn't Canadian...

token commented on Sep 02 08 at 8:36 pm

She seems like a very qualified Republican. She's against women's rights, gay rights, science, and etc. Yuck.

Regarding her alleged hotness, give me a break? She's not ugly, but she's no Yulia Timoshenko.

Tom_Rakewell commented on Sep 02 08 at 9:15 pm

Well obviously the bikini pic and the short skirt pic are both faked because she is not wearing a wedding band or engagement ring in either picture. She has been married for quite some time now and seems like a family oriented woman. She probably never takes her rings off......even if she would to be toting a gun at a swimmin hole she would probably still have her rings on.

Anonymous commented on Sep 02 08 at 9:46 pm

rpnathhorst, you call her a femminist success? surely you are obviously a chavunestic male to assume someone like her-who is about as far from feminist as you can possably get- is one. shame on you. I want to throw up at the possibility there are others out there like you who think feminists are shallow selfish anti womens rights gun crazy women

Anonymous commented on Sep 02 08 at 10:04 pm

Considering that she is in favor of Alaska seceding from the United States I'm guessing that she wouldn't be wearing a US flag bikini.

Regardless, she's still a nutjob.

valmont1782 commented on Sep 02 08 at 10:08 pm

Of course they're fake pictures, but she's not a fake right wing uber conservative idiot who has a pregnant teenage daughter to demonstrate to her how poorly her 'values' and beliefs work in the real world.

Check out her soon to be son-in-law, what a charmer:

Anonymous commented on Sep 02 08 at 11:58 pm

Meteperia, I really appreciate your link to the original photo.

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 12:32 pm

I should have known that miniskirt shot was too good to be true. On the plus side, now I don't feel so conflicted about not voting for her.

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 8:45 am

It's the stiletto stripper heels that gave it away as a fake for me. They look like they were purchased on a Halloween costume site for $19.99.

She totally would have gone to Nine West or Easy Spirit.

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 9:30 am

Not a single one of those is real...if this site had any credibility they would research thier stories...but they don't. McCain/Palin 08 Obama/Biden...uhh never

Go Here To See The True Story About All Three Photos:

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 11:28 am

Her husband is a British Petroleum executive? That explains a lot. Sure, she'll formulate a secret energy policy just like Cheney. Let's get the paparazzi to work and get some Alaskan beaver! Like that Mrs. Sarkozy in France.

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 5:45 pm

Mccain/milf 08

Anonymous commented on Sep 03 08 at 11:18 pm

No BP exec, Curly, just some uneducated grunt in the oil fields. When I think of her, and the whole lot of them, can you say, "trailer park?"

Anonymous commented on Sep 04 08 at 5:54 am

From "mayor," to governor, to veep candidate, to loser, to jailbird!
After she goes back to Wawawawa...wherever, she'll get to trade in her "power" suit, for a "jump" suit. Hell, she'll still look hot in orange!!

Anonymous commented on Sep 04 08 at 5:59 am

I'm still looking for the nude video of Obama and Palin together. She's singing It's a grand old flag and "Tail to the chief"

Anonymous commented on Sep 10 08 at 11:49 am

Ohh... man. I've been jacking off to all these Palin nude photos. I'd like to bend her over that brown bear on the couch and hammer her from behind while she talks those hockey mom politics.


Anonymous commented on Sep 12 08 at 4:23 am

All I know is that I' love to receive a whistiling blow job from her!!!

Anonymous commented on Sep 12 08 at 8:23 am


Anonymous commented on Sep 13 08 at 1:25 am

DAMN! If I was still blogging I would like to name her one of my "Celebrity Jack Off Fantasies of the Month"! What a babe...even if she is a freaking bimbo and about as qualified to be vice president or president as....Bush is!

Anonymous commented on Sep 13 08 at 1:57 am

I always thought that Laura Bush was kind of hot.

Anonymous commented on Sep 13 08 at 9:15 am

who gives a flying fuck about any of this? Mcain is gonna get elected so all of this fake shit doesnt make a fuckin difference so suck ma cock all u hatas! and dis is gay. why did i even bother 2 put a comment on dis lame site? fuck it. and oh yea, i'd like 2 make a shoutout 2 ma nigga Heith Freyou. dat fucken retared jackass

Anonymous commented on Sep 16 08 at 11:04 pm

Im a soulja!

Anonymous commented on Sep 17 08 at 11:05 pm

reps! reps! reps! we gotta get reps! reps! reps!

Anonymous commented on Sep 17 08 at 11:07 pm

E.D.White football kicks ass!!! fredge, andolseck, mosley, robichaux, g-lips, chet-triche, jd-johnny-loupe, jennings, cal, fields, and clyde all kick ass. and oh yea, Dylan Ledet is a beast too. and also, wen da players dat are currently 10 graders become seniors, i'm predicting dat da team will go very far in da playoffs and possibly make it to da superdome for the state championship go mccain/palin

Anonymous commented on Sep 18 08 at 6:57 pm

No doubt palin is a hottie, but a leader of the free world should McCain kick the bucket? I don't think so, not even in a republican wet dream

Anonymous commented on Sep 19 08 at 1:12 am

Those photos are not nude enough. Where is the hard core stuff?

Anonymous commented on Sep 27 08 at 9:08 pm

She would win more votes if she campaigned naked.

Anonymous commented on Oct 01 08 at 11:06 pm

yor boom very sexy my lund very hard sex

salam commented on Aug 05 10 at 12:13 am

She is very sexy when was young and also a good milf ! but check this also

Val commented on Oct 18 10 at 3:57 am

the kitchen pic is totally fake. look at the outline on her hair and you can tell it was cut from another pic.

shitballs commented on Nov 02 10 at 12:05 pm

What do I think?
Well in the next presidential election Hillary Clinton would have beaten Barry Obama in the primaries and then Hillary will run against Sara Palin and I believe that, based on this weeks mid-term elections, Nation wide, that Sara Palin will become the next Madam President of these United States.
And I'd be happy and more than OK with that. C.W. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin

Even McCain was too far to the left for me. But far better than Obama. And I guess the country agrees with me. OHhhhh, every one of my candidates was elected in Wisconsin. How cool is that? How right am I?

skip1930 commented on Nov 04 10 at 3:53 pm

Article from the Wall Street Journal - <> by Eddie Sessions:

"I have this theory about Barack Obama. I think he's led a kind of make-believe life in which money was provided and doors were opened because at some point early on somebody or some group (George Soros anybody?) took a look at this tall, good looking, half-white, half-black, young man with an exotic African/Muslim name and concluded he could be guided toward a life in politics where his facile speaking skills could even put him in the White House.

In a very real way, he has been a young man in a very big hurry. Who else do you know has written two memoirs before the age of 45? "Dreams of My Father" was published in 1995 when he was only 34 years old. The "Audacity of Hope" followed in 2006. If, indeed, he did write them himself. There are some who think that his mentor and friend, Bill Ayers, a man who calls himself a "communist with a small 'c'" was the real author.

His political skills consisted of rarely voting on anything that might be deemed controversial. He went from a legislator in the Illinois legislature to the Senator from that state because he had the good fortune of having Mayor Daley's formidable political machine at his disposal.

He was in the U.S. Senate so briefly that his bid for the presidency was either an act of astonishing self-confidence or part of some greater game plan that had been determined before he first stepped foot in the Capital. How, many must wonder, was he selected to be a 2004 keynote speaker at the Democrat convention that nominated John Kerry when virtually no one had ever even heard of him before?

He outmaneuvered Hillary Clinton in primaries. He took Iowa by storm. A charming young man, an anomaly in the state with a very small black population, he oozed "cool" in a place where agriculture was the antithesis of cool. He dazzled the locals. And he had an army of volunteers drawn to a charisma that hid any real substance.

And then he had the great good fortune of having the Republicans select one of the most inept candidates for the presidency since Bob Dole. And then John McCain did something crazy. He picked Sarah Palin, an unknown female governor from the very distant state of Alaska . It was a ticket that was reminiscent of 1984's Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro and they went down to defeat.

The mainstream political media fell in love with him. It was a schoolgirl crush with febrile commentators like Chris Mathews swooning then and now over the man. The venom directed against McCain and, in particular, Palin, was extraordinary.

Now, nearly a full 2 years into his first term, all of those gilded years leading up to the White House have left him unprepared to be President. Left to his own instincts, he has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It swiftly became a joke that he could not deliver even the briefest of statements without the ever-present Tele-Prompters.

Far worse, however, is his capacity to want to "wish away" some terrible realities, not the least of which is the Islamist intention to destroy America and enslave the West. Any student of history knows how swiftly Islam initially spread. It knocked on the doors of Europe, having gained a foothold in Spain .

The great crowds that greeted him at home or on his campaign "world tour" were no substitute for having even the slightest grasp of history and the reality of a world filled with really bad people with really bad intentions.

Oddly and perhaps even inevitably, his political experience, a cakewalk, has positioned him to destroy the Democrat Party's hold on power in Congress because in the end it was never about the Party. It was always about his communist ideology, learned at an early age from family, mentors, college professors, and extreme leftist friends and colleagues.

Obama is a man who could deliver a snap judgment about a Boston police officer who arrested an "obstreperous" Harvard professor-friend, but would warn Americans against "jumping to conclusions" about a mass murderer at Fort Hood who shouted "Allahu Akbar." The absurdity of that was lost on no one. He has since compounded this by calling the Christmas bomber "an isolated extremist" only to have to admit a day or two later that he was part of an al Qaeda plot.

He is a man who could strive to close down our detention facility at Guantanamo even though those released were known to have returned to the battlefield against America . He could even instruct his Attorney General to afford the perpetrator of 9/11 a civil trial when no one else would ever even consider such an obscenity. And he is a man who could wait three days before having anything to say about the perpetrator of yet another terrorist attack on Americans and then have to elaborate on his remarks the following day because his first statement was so lame.

The pattern repeats itself. He either blames any problem on the Bush administration or he naively seeks to wish away the truth.

Knock, knock. Anyone home? Anyone there? Barack Obama exists only as the sock puppet of his handlers, of the people who have maneuvered and manufactured this pathetic individual's life.

When anyone else would quickly and easily produce a birth certificate, this man has spent over a million dollars to deny access to his. Most other documents, the paper trail we all leave in our wake, have been sequestered from review. He has lived a make-believe life whose true facts remain hidden.

We laugh at the ventriloquist's dummy, but what do you do when the dummy is President of the United States of America.

skip1930 commented on Nov 04 10 at 3:59 pm

By skip1930

If they have a 'D' after their name ...don't vote for them.
Getting Wisconsin back on track
Republicans the problem?...wrongo my friend.

It simply was not JUST the Republicans that upped the debt. It is all of the career elected politicians. Both Democrats and the Republicans that went off the reservation [Rinos] and followed the Democrats...[Olympia Snow for one] If the Republicans don't watch out, they will become the third part and the Tea Party will over take them. And how did Bill Clinton balance the budget? With the tax policies of Ronny-Ray Gun-Reagan that filled the Federal Coffers. The money from Reagan's 8 years was in the Federal coffers and Clinton used those funds to balance the budget.
Now having settled that, lets look~see at the real problem.

The country's insatiable appetite for entitlements of all kinds. It's coming up on 80% of our Nation's Gross National Product output in dollars. You see these elected officials have drifted away from the sole and intent of our founding fathers. Show me in The Constitution or in the Federalist Papers, or in Thomas Payne's writings where permission and wise council is given for welfare programs, endless Federal Grants, and on and on.

In 2009-'10 nearly 43% of all families in America receive a monthly payment of some sort from some government entity. More Social Security numbers receive Food Stamps than Pay Checks.

With the top 5% of the wage earners paying 50% of the tax, and the bottom 50% of the wage earners paying 5% of the tax , this unbalanced and undue burden on the wealthy and business really does take the wind out of the economy. Since wealth trickles down I wish every other person was a millionaire. That way I'd have hopes of becoming a thousandaire.

I was one of the 500 employees at Palmer Johnson Yachts, LLC. building yachts beyond perfection. Now there are 15 people and 6 work four weeks on, while 6 take four weeks off. So 1000 hours a year. Not a normal 2000 hours a year. These yachts were contracted by Palmer Johnson LLC and sold to Palmer Johnson World for resale at roughly $44 million a pop. As soon as the Liberal Barry Obama [Come on, you don't think 'Barry' would have been elected if he wasn't black do you? Well half black half white.] was elected president of the U.S. five of our buyers paid a few $million and walked away from their canceled boat contracts.

It appears that the wealthy felt that they would not be so wealthy under the current administration. Same thing happened at a Yacht Builder in Seattle, Washington. The boats can't be finished with no buyers and without an influx of cash. PJ's can't even buy sheets of aluminum or welding gas from our suppliers. No credit. And the boats that were finished on speculation are not selling in Miami or Dubai. They are stacked up like cord wood in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Too much tax money to governments leaves the private sector economy with no capital. So let us propose that a straight 10% 'contribution' to the Federal government from everybody's and every companies' pay check. No deductions of any kind for any reason. No tax credits either. So I ask what would you do with 33% more pay in every check? That's right. You'd spend it, or save it, invest it. But it would be put to work creating more wealth. That would work on reducing the debt. Keep the Bush tax cuts. It's true. Companies are sitting on piles of cash but afraid to spend it because of the twists and turns of this administration today. Uncertainty is killing the Golden Goose. And now the Fed is thinking about printing a trillion more dollars. Hummmmm a job killing Inflation to be sure.

Profit is not a dirty word. 'YOUR' first, last, and ONLY Dollar came from business activity. Not the Government who stole it from some body or some corporation in the form of taxes and fees, and has given to someone who has no hope of ever EARNING a dollar. "It's the economy stupid. Always has been. Always will be." We'll see this in the up and coming vote.
I don't give a rats behind about all these give-a-way programs rammed through by well meaning legislators. Grid Lock is Good Lock. Every time the governments try to help 'they' screw it up.

We should reduce legislation. For every new law on the books two old laws ought to be deleted. Or better yet all proposed new Federal laws, debated on and voted on by the law makers MUST be presented to the whole National population to be voted on again in a National referendum fashion, twice a year. If a passed law becomes voted in by the population...than it becomes law. If not, that proposed law goes away. Or waits till the next referendum.

Want to kill something? Just tax it to death. Energy, sugar in foods, whatever. A strong economy will take care of the welfare problems without government help. What was the tax credit "Cash for Clunker's"? A tax rebate. Did it sell cars? Jump start the car market? No it did not. It did provide an incentive for those who had the means to purchase a new vehicle. Those who were in the market just hastened their purchase. Generally no one has money for new toys. No new business here.

As Joe Biden said, "To keep from going broke we got to spend more money" that is Socialist Keynesian economics and it has never worked, not in 1917 that took down the stock market in 1929 and not in 2011. It took 25 years for the 1929 stock market to rebound to where it was before the 'crash'.

Bush had the market near 13,000. Today were hovering around 10,500. Thank you Barney Frank, who toughed; "No matter how poor you are, no matter how black you are, no matter how much you don't understand the concept of a balloon mortgage, that's no reason why you should not own your own home. As long as you vote Democratic."
That premise of Barney's in 1991 started the sub-prime market that created this mess and Barney Frank and his gang of 12 ran Fanny May and Freddie Mac to push this agenda in direct contrast to free market trade and common banking practice. The banking community just bundled all those under funded sub-prime loans that borrowers could not keep up with and kept selling them to other financial intuitions, generating commissions. That's how bankers can make a living when not much borrowing is going on after all the sub-primes were financed and defaulting. It's a ponzy scam and held up with unsecured paper that sooner or later needed to be collected. Unsecured paper are loans without 20% down to people who can not sustain the payments and generally are made outside of normal banking criteria. Problem is the paper had no value when it was time to cash it in. So the Feds bailed out a few banks for a few trillion dollars.

Bush with a four year loss of the House and Senate was powerless to stop it. But Bush did warn against this sub prime practice. Nobody heard the warning as it was not reported in the main stream media. By the way, Canada does not allow a sub-prime market. They don't have this banking problem. But Canada does pull about 70% in taxes out of the wage pool to pay for socialized medicines.

Wisconsin's point of view...

How about being a Constitutionalist? Instead of a Liberal, a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent? Independents are people who do not have the stones to say they are Democrats. So lets learn and abide by The Constitution. This generally is the TEA PARTY take.
Show me in Wisconsin's Constitution where it says...and just start naming off the baloney like...

1~A Spanish influenced and designed train between Madison and Milwaukee, who's going to ride that? [It is not a high speed train and I suggest we follow the money]. And why a company out of Spain, given a sweetheart deal here in Wisconsin, to build the stupid train? Follow the money. Billions of tax dollars. Out going Governor Doyle abandons ship without being defeated in an election making Doyle much more valuable in his next carer as a lobbyist.

2~More money for schools. Do the kids ever see the benefits? No way. The cash goes to the teachers unions and administration wages. Why is it everything bad is either unions or liberals? Why is it that tax money provided is never enough?

3~How come the average tenured Milwaukee Public school teacher makes $100,000+ for nine months of teaching. And upon retirement takes with them more than a one million dollars of benefits of which each retiree did not pay a dime toward. Why is it the MPS has the absolute lowest test scores in America? The absolute lowest! None lower. The teachers are paid $100,000 for what? Baby sitting for the parents?

4~There is no Global Warming. Period. C02 in is 'C' in 'O' out. Plant more trees if your worried about running out of 'O'. I'm not worried. N.A.S.A. land-sat surveys indicate that 2% to 3% of the land mass in America is paved with roads, sidewalks, pools, parking lots, airports, malls, and home and business roof tops. That leaves 97% unpaved. A lot of fly-over country.

5~There is no such thing as renewable energy. Learn and understand the word 'Entropy'. The opposite of energy. All matter returns to an entropy state. Molecules stop moving without an input of heat. Alternative sources of energy cost more per btu. And btu's [heat] are what you buy. If wind, water, solar, bio-mass, was cheaper/btu than coal and natural gas we would have been using these alternatives long ago. Renewable energy is the fast track to going broke. Spain and Germany have failing economies due to going 'Green'.

6~How about a post card from the 'Infernal' Revenue Service asking for a flat Federal tax from ALL wage earners and ALL business's? People; what does it say on your W-2 or 1099 form? Please send Uncle Sam a check for 10% of that amount. One time a year. Business too. No deductions of any kind. You buy the stamp and the envelope. We promise not to embarrass ourselves by asking tax payers to check-mark a box donating one dollar to this or to that.

Then after a fixed Federal tax is established and business can forecast, the individual State tax needs to be trimmed the same way. This gives people and business's a chance and incentive to move out of the higher taxed states. The 'Brain Drain 'thing. Any high school kid who stays around here after graduation has rocks in their head. Go out and make your fortune. Retire to Wisconsin if it's affordable.
And an out of the country business doing business in America? Send Uncle Sam a check based on 10% of the world wide gross moneys earned, since you apparently benefited from doing business in our 50 states, or move out of America. Then you, Honda, Toyota, ect. deal with your own country's taxes.

7~Term limits for all elected officials? We limit the presidency to two why not the senators and congressmen?

8~Pay for elected officials? Easy. Take the weighted average* of the bell curve for the population that each elected official represents in their home district, and pay them that average. No perks. No 'Nancy Pelosi' G-7 private jets. Let these elected folks fly and rub elbows with there fellow citizens. Do them good. Let the elected ones buy their own health care as well. And retirement. Why does the state of Wisconsin pay for the health care of it's Wisconsin union members? That's $20,000 a year per union family. Does that make sense? It's buying votes.

With the pay averaged the elected guy or gal representing Alexandria, Virginia [a suburb of Washington D.C. and in the richest county in America would be the highest paid, but still the average, simply because the weighted bell curve is up there. He or she may very well become a 'slacker'. While the least paid fellow representing the fine folks in Boo City, Mississippi, which is in the poorest county in America will be paid the least. So instead he or she being a slacker, they'll have to be a go-getter to raise the average of the district if a decent wage is to be earned by this elected official.

9~And attorney and senator Russ Feingold? What happens to all the unspent donations to candidates after elections? They get to keep what's left after the bills have been paid. I'll bet that's how U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has amassed a reported $11 to $13 million dollar war chest. He certainly was not paid that much in 18 years of public service...or was he? After all Obama's vacant seat as an Illinois senator is worth well over one million according to X-Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, "I'm not just going to give a way the seat. The 'flipping' thing is worth a million dollars." I like wire taps.

Sounds like a plan to me. Anybody but a Liberal or a Democrat. The only time a Liberal and Democrat become elected is when they talk like a Republican and than vote like a Democrat.
skip. or [About 2,125 words. 178 lines.]
*Average wage. Toss out the top 5% and the bottom 5%, take the average of what's left. Averaged Weighted bell curve. That's the pay.

skip1930 commented on Nov 04 10 at 4:01 pm

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