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While You Were Sleeping: The Gyllenhaal Divorce


This week, we're blogging from a quiet beach near Clearwater, Florida... so your news will be a bit more Southern and probably a lot weirder...

The government will finally bail out the public, thanks to up to $800 billion in money being directed toward allowing for more loans to consumers. Great, just what we need, more debt.

There's nothing worse than getting busted for being involved in prostitution and having your face plastered all over the local media. Actually, we take that back: there's nothing worse than getting busted for prostitution and having your face plastered all over the world, plus admit to dating a much, much older doorman who won the lottery and buys you expensive things. Yeah, that will go over well with your childhood community overseas.

Kristen Johnston, who took it off for-- what else-- PETA. And she, uh, mounted a house for the shoot...

Cancer is on the decline in the U.S. for the first time in our history. However, some naysayers are saying that the amount of people being screened has fallen as well... 

We were a little surprised to see Republican Governor Charlie Crist talking "new taxes" in the paper here yesterday. Of course, the top story today? "Gov. Charlie Crist backs off both [tackling a foreclosure freeze and a cigarette tax] after talking to representatives of the banking and tobacco industries." What a whimp.

Even some elected officials were stumped by this challenging US history and government quiz.

One Florida neighborhood's concoction of choice this Thanksgiving? The Molotov cocktail, of course.

How great does Beyonce look as Etta James?

And Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal's parents are involved in a nasty divorce after 32 years of marriage. Mom is about to go bankrupt thanks to Dad not paying his share of their bills... won't someone think of the children(s' careers)? 

Some unlinked stories via The St. Petersburg Times.



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Comments ( 3 )

I see you've taken to spelling "wimp" the internet way at Scanner.

Anonymous commented on Nov 26 08 at 8:38 pm

I am shocked that PETA would abuse a poor horse to push its worthless cause. Don't they realize that putting a naked crotch and butt on a horse while forcing it to remain motionless with all kind of lights, probably flashing at that is really cruel and unusual punishment. At least if the horse was pulling a cart it would be getting fresh air, exercise and real love and not be exposed to the ravages of crotch lice. Give me a break.

Anonymous commented on Nov 26 08 at 11:51 pm

That horse it totally plastic

Anonymous commented on Nov 27 08 at 1:41 pm

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