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Screengrab by Peter Smith
Today on Hooksexup's movie blog: We're drooling over The Dark Knight. /film lounge/
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The Hooksexup Insider by Sarah Harrison
Today on the Hooksexup staff blog: serious cigarette lovers.
Scanner by Emily Farris and Bryan Christian
Today on Hooksexup's culture blog: meet Paul Janka, the latest infamous serial dater.
Winter Fiction Issue by Various
Guest editor: Steve Almond. Featuring stories by Robert Olen Butler, Mary Kann and William Giraldi.
Power Couple by Aeric Meredith-Goujon
Dating Advice from . . . Knife-Throwers by Chantal O'Keeffe
Q: What's the best way to pick up a knife-thrower?
A: Copious amounts of alcohol. But not until he's done throwing. /regulars/
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
I can't stop fantasizing about my ex-wife! /advice/

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