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Talking to Strangers -


Amanda, 32

What do you do for a living?
I'm an interior designer.

Is there any type of guy you always fall for?
The tortured artist is a weakness. Tortured musicians.

Do you have any crazy exes or anything like that?
I have one that I seem to run into every few months or so, who's always going from job to job. You know, very, very smart but very insane. Yell at you one minute, cry the next minute. He's not very stable.

Where's the craziest place you've ever had sex?
On a bus coming back from a high-school field trip. It was one of those trips — I'm from upstate New York — and we used to come to the city a lot and take museum trips. That particular trip we had two buses — those big chartered buses, not school buses — and there were only five people on one bus. Everyone was asleep and we were sixteen and it was like, "Let's see what we can do." Now I think back on it and I'm like, "Jesus Christ."

Has anyone ever offended you in bedroom?
I've been asked some things I didn't want to do, like, please pee on me, that kind of thing. I just said, "I really don't want to, why would you want me to do that?" And then what do you do? And I didn't understand logistically, like, how's that gonna work? How are the sheets not going to get wet? It just seemed bad all around.

What's the kinkiest thing you'd ever do in the name of love?

A guy who I was dating was kind of bi, I guess, and he wanted me to use a strap-on. We never actually did, but I was totally willing. He was one of the tortured artists. He still sends me a message every now and then. He has a girlfriend now, but he's like, "You're the one." And I'm like, "I don't think your girlfriend would really be down with you talking about this with me."

It sounds like he might still be in love with you.
I think men are just like that. They like to keep you on the back burner, just in case.

Jason, 36

What do you do for a living?
I'm a graphic designer and music producer.

Any good stories from your DJing?
I met this girl at a party in Toronto, where they gave us military dog tags with our names on them. I gave mine to her, we hung out that night, then I went back to New York. Two months later I met someone from Toronto and she was like, "I know you — my friend's your girlfriend!" I was like, "Who?" This girl had been wearing my dog tags for two months, and I didn't even remember her name.

Your friend over there seems to think you should tell us a different story?
Yeah, about some sex parties I've been to recently.

You go to sex parties.
Yeah. One Leg Up, do you know about this? You should check it out, It's like a swinger's flirtatious costume party.

What kind of costumes? Like Eyes Wide Shut?
There's a theme, one a month, and everyone dresses up, wears a mask for the first two hours, and then at one a.m. you take the mask off. It's couples and single ladies, they don't let single men in. I've taken girls I was dating. It's pretty fun. I mean, it's a dance party. They have house music and congas and live percussion, lap dances and a bit of everything.

Do you have a weakness, a certain type of woman you like?
Dark and petite. [Asks his friend] Do I have a weakness in girl types? I date a lot of Asian girls.

Do you have any dealbreakers — is it a dealbreaker if they're not Asian?
No, no, no. I don't only date Asian girls — I like petite girls with dark hair, so Latin, Italian, Greek. But I do date a lot of Asian girls because they fit into that category. My friends bust my chops all the time. Dealbreakers? Bad kissers, immediately. Girls who sweat in bed. That happened recently.

They sweat during sex?
No. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like, "What?" I gave her the benefit of the doubt, that maybe she was coming down with something. I told my friends she was sweatin', soakin' wet and they were like, "That's really weird, maybe she just came down with the flu?" I stuck up for her, but I never called her again.

Are looks important?
Looks have to get you in the door, but personality has to keep you in the room.

Marian, 32

If you like a guy, how do you show him you're interested?
I guess I call and text and — God, I don't know. I've been single for awhile.

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
Yeah, I do. You know, stalker-y kind of stuff. One night he tried to break into my house. He was kind of a heavy drinker and I guess he wasn't in his right mind at that moment. I woke up in the middle of the night because I could hear someone at my door and at my window.

Did you call the cops? Did he get arrested?
He didn't believe me that I was going to call the cops. And then I did — I was living in Austin at the time, in this little house — and when he saw the cop car pulled up, he ran to the back of the house and climbed over the fence. He got away.

Did you ever hear from him again?
Yeah. He didn't try to break in again, but he was really mad at me about that and left several threatening messages. I moved and still, every now and then, I get a weird message from him.

What do the messages say? What does he have to talk to you about?
It's just the same thing over and over, basically we were meant to be together... And then actually, this is funny, two weeks ago I get this phone call from the Austin Police Department. They were calling to ask if I knew him because he had gotten pulled over for a DWI and they'd put him in jail and he didn't have his cell phone — and the only phone number he could remember was mine! When I got the call I was like, "Why do you want to know if I know this person?" I was like, if I tell you that I know this person, am I actually helping him out? He should just stay in jail.

Is that what you said? What happened?
I mean, he got the DWI and ended up in jail for the night. They released him the next day on bail or something. I don't understand how all that stuff works.

Was he crazy while you were together?
Not at the beginning. [He seemed] relatively normal and then it got real weird, like drunk-y, yell-y, always fighting.

Wow, I'm sorry. Do you have any favorite dates?
With him? Or just in general?

No, no, in general. Any time a guy's really impressed you? Trying to keep it positive!
Maybe this is part of my problem. I am easily impressed if someone is just well-mannered.  

Interviews by Meghan Pleticha. Photography by Sean McGurn.


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Mark is kind of a jackass

dj commented on 12/03

Agreed. Mark is a little bit awful, going by those answers.

fs commented on 12/03

this is my favorite Hooksexup feature right now (I am much less impressed by a lot of the other ones)

kb commented on 12/03

Mark is 20 -- of course he's a jackass. Using the word "disgusted" seemed like a poor choice. Also he gives off an "I will find out I'm gay in the next few years" vibe.

PO commented on 12/03

Plaid needs to go out of fashion again, and quickly...

ccg commented on 12/03

Why is everyone an artiste for a living? Designer, illustrator, music producer...doesn't anyone who lives in NYC (right?) do anything, you know, normal for a living?

MRI commented on 12/03

Not if your parents pay the rent.

ccg commented on 12/03

Mark is disgusted by a woman's leg muscles

tg commented on 12/03

Don't be silly. If the interviews had been done in the financial district, you'd be asking, "is everyone in New York a sleazy banker." The Brooklyn Flea Market is in Fort Greene, which is blocks from Pratt, which is probably why they're all a bit arty / students.

Bill commented on 12/03

Love the phrase "it was Cupid arrows from there." Too bad you're married, John!

TT commented on 12/03

Thank the lord for Marian's ex. I feel like less of a creep!

RM commented on 12/03

@ RM - what did YOU do, dude?!

dora commented on 12/03

these ladies have had a lot of asshole, crazy ex boyfriends! this is actually making me appreciate my ex, who wasn't so bad. though he did spend a lot of weekends drunk and only eating peanuts.

celi commented on 12/03

I would get kinky with Amanda, too bad she ain't down with that.

Kolp commented on 12/03

A woman with strong legs? Send her this way!

RCG commented on 12/03

Whoa dude, Jason's kind of a creeper. But I'd still do him.

BM commented on 12/03

@ BM (nice initials) - Jason does seem like a creeper. Not that I know exactly what a creeper is. But he has nice eyes. I found myself liking him, despite his swinger parties! And his flannel.

stel commented on 12/03

People are so freaking bed sweaters, no strong legs, blah, blah, blah....maybe they should just date blow-up dolls.

RAD commented on 12/03

Guys that like strap-on play from women are usually heterosexual. If a guy is bi, that means he's going to go out and get a guy sometimes, not necessarily ask his girlfriend to use a toy.

kc commented on 12/03

Is John one of those... what do you call of those nice, decent guys?

MM commented on 12/03

Hey - Sarah is really cute.

EA commented on 12/03

The world needs more Johns, less Marks and Jasons. 'I don't *only* date Asian girls'-- said like a man sweating with yellow fever.

LJ commented on 12/03

Mark is a dbag but i think it's kind of funny. Being 20, I guess is a large part of that.

SD commented on 12/03

PO, I agree with your analysis of Mark, totally OTM. Marian is cute, and even in my appropriate age range! Possibly a first for this feature.

IMW commented on 12/03

Yep. Agree with PO about Mark. Didn't figure out he was disgusted by her until he was "in the bedroom?" That's because he's looking for a cock. That was my story...

K commented on 12/03

How come everyone is a fucking artist? Where the hell do you people go to meet all the fucking artists in New York? What was this an artist convention?

KS commented on 12/03

The signs are all there. Couldn't figure out why he was disgusted when he tried to have sex with his girlfriend, until he figured "Oh, it must be her defined leg muscles." (?) Then, it takes him 45 minutes to get off when his new girl is blowing him in an elevator. (??)

IMW commented on 12/03

The 45 minute blowjob sounds anything BUT awesome for the girl. Seriously? No reciprocation? I hate Mark. I know he's 20, but he seems to have some major issues about sex and women.

JLS commented on 12/03

As a rower I know where mark is coming from. I like the girls who row but the way he talks he is a coxswain, they have no filter, it's part of their job to be critical.

JD commented on 12/04

And LJ, there's nothing wrong with a little quote-unquote "yellow fever." We can't -- nor should we try to -- tell ourselves that a person should not be attracted to a certain group of people because of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, their age or nationality. Bigotry is wrong. The heart wants what it wants. And that sideways pussy is dyy-noo-miite!

PO commented on 12/04

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finished with Mark's and was wondering when he would put two and two together and realize he's gay. When you come out...give me a call.

AR commented on 12/04

"My dad ain't a cell phone"

JMH commented on 12/04

These photos are hurting my eyes (and not in a good, "hipster aesthetic" kind of way). Please teach your intern how to use the exposure settings and white balance on your point and shoot digital camera.

ML commented on 12/04

Okay, I don't /like/ Mark. but I don't really think he's gay. He wants to date a girl who ways less than him, because he can't feel sexy and comfortable in his own skin unless he can feel like the more "masculine" one in every way possible. That's not that uncommon. It's like how I'm really tall, and a lot of shorter guys wouldn't be comfortable dating me. Maybe he wasn't that attracted to her to begin with -he said he had trouble with girls, so maybe he decided to get with her because she was the first girl who was clearly willing to sleep with him... then he realized that the physical attraction just wasn't there. That happened to me with my first guy, actually. I was trying to have sex with someone I wasn't attracted to, so it didn't work. Next guy, physical attraction was much higher.

EC commented on 12/05

oh come on, people are allowed to have deal breakers without being an asshole. and i must say, Jason is quite the catch and i'm a petite asian girl! tehe

mm commented on 12/05

ML, for how long are you looking at the pictures? People don't buy point and shoot cameras so they can fuss with exposure settings and white balance.

ta commented on 12/05

Yeah, I don't think Mark's gay at all. He's 20, and hot actually. Give him a few more years and he'll be ready to throw down...

sara commented on 12/05

Who the hell PISSES IN A SHAMPOO BOTTLE then gives it to his girlfriend? That is some fucked up shit right there.

TED commented on 12/05

20 or not, he's obviously an asshole and a loser. The story about his friend and that girl? WTF

CM commented on 12/05

Jason is more of a dbag than mark, mark is 20

ULIj commented on 12/06

I'd have to admit as a man that Amanda was right about men using some women on the back burner.

cv commented on 12/09

amanda you were right on about men keeping women on the back burner.

dt commented on 12/11

Sarah's photo looks oddly two she is an Amy Adams cardboard cutout.

cat commented on 12/17

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