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Talking to Strangers -


Tallie, 22

If a guy is interested in you, how can he impress you?
Just show me that they are nice and good and genuine, and that they care about something. Also, I like it when a guy can dance.

That's hot. If they're a good dancer —
They don't actually need to be good! It doesn't matter if they're good, as long as they can dance and not give a shit and have a good time with themselves and other people.

Has anyone ever offended you in the bedroom?
I don't know if I was necessarily offended, but I'm really not a fan of dirty talk. It really throws me off and turns me off, a lot.

So a guy busted it out?
Oh, he busted it out. Which it shouldn't have been offensive, because it was only compliments, they were just compliments.

They were dirty compliments?
I don't know, like "Tiny Dancer."

What? Tiny Dancer?
He called me names, as if I was some hot princess or something, like, "Tiny Dancer." I was like, "No."

That is utterly bizarre. Do you think you've ever offended anyone?
I probably have. Sometimes I feel like I'm not only too honest, I'm being kind of rude. This guy that was going down whatever and I wasn't feeling it. And I pretty much bluntly told him that he was terrible at what he was doing. I didn't mean for it to be so blunt, and he was really shy and embarrassed afterwards.

What did you say?
At first I tried to make it easy and simple, by being like, "I don't really like to do this type of foreplay." And then he was like, "Really? That's it? What do you mean, blah blah blah." And I was like, "I mean this isn't right, this isn't working." Then I he think he got it. He was like, "Basically, you're telling me that I'm bad." And I was like, "Well... ."

I thought you said something like, "Actually, you're just really bad at it."
No, I tried not to! I was a little self-conscious.

David, 39

How did you meet your wife?
I was working at a software company and she came in as the temp receptionist. There weren't a lot of very attractive women around, but there were a lot of engineers. All the guys lined up to flirt with her. They were all really kind of gross. So rather than being sort of lost in the shuffle with all the guys she was going to have to say "no" to over and over, I waited three months before all the other jerks who I knew weren't that big of a catch cleared out. Then I got in trouble with her for taking The New York Times from the work lobby into the men's room for extended periods of time.

You were reading the paper on the toilet?
Yes. People noticed it would disappear for long stretches at a time and then come back and they put two and two together. So she had to send an email to the whole company asking that we please not take the newspaper into the men's or women's rooms. I responded to her email in some way that she thought was cute, and a week or two later we had our first date. We flirted by emailing back and forth, but because she was the temporary receptionist, her email address had been passed from receptionist to receptionist to receptionist. So her name at the time was Christopher Boswell.

Did you know her real name?
Yes, I knew her real name. But my torrid affair with Christopher Boswell went on. And three years later when we got engaged, I actually tracked down the real Christopher Boswell and had him present the engagement ring to her.

That's amazing. How did you find him?
There are actually very few African-American, former temps named Christopher Boswell in Manhattan. He's actually a very successful art dealer now, back and forth to Paris all the time, and he was very easy to find. I was very happy about that.

Very cool. Where's the craziest place you've had sex?
The steps of the library in college. I had dated a girl in college for quite a while. We'd broken up, she didn't date anyone in college, we were both about to graduate, and for a couple months it was like, let's just get all of these things off of our crazy, stupid checklist.

Have you ever offended anyone in the bedroom? Or been offended?
I'm hard to offend. But one time I was with a woman on a road trip. I didn't know her very well we'd only been dating for about two weeks so I didn't know anything was wrong at the end of the night. We were at a hotel in a strange city and I went to snuggle with her and she just turned around, like, "Oh God! Please, not now!" Things went downhill pretty fast from there.

So you'd offended her somehow and had no clue?
Right. Apparently I had done something to really piss her off. And I'm sure I did. I was twenty-six at the time and probably did something really stupid. That's what twenty-six-year olds do. That's the fun of being in your twenties: you get to do a lot of stupid stuff.

Marisa, 36

What do you do for a living?
I'm a lawyer but I also write about tattoos and graffiti.

Which job gets you more action?
I definitely got more action writing about tattoos. It's how I met my boyfriend. Lawyering pays the bills; tattoos get the hot, young rock stars.

Why are tattoos so sexy?
When people change their bodies, they are really celebrating their bodies. They're saying my body is a temple; I want to decorate it; I want to feel beautiful. Just like boob jobs make some woman feel really good about themselves, heavily tattooed women have this confidence that they actually own their tattoos. That's what makes it very sexy and beautiful. As I get older, my boobs are lower, my butt's lower, but I get more tattoos and feel more beautiful then I was in my early twenties. I'm designing my body the way I want. No one sexualizes an eighty-year-old woman, but I've seen heavily tattooed eighty-year-old women and they are fantastic. They have a joie de vivre that's amazing and exciting.

Here's to sexy octogenarians. How did you meet your boyfriend while writing about tattoos?
We were both bloggers, so just through commenting online, giving each other links, nerdiness, really. I was living in Belgium at the time, and decided I really missed New York, so much so I moved back. Now we kinda live together.

How does dating in Brussels compare to dating in New York?
Men and women in Belgium have a great sense of humor. They are great but dating in New York people say it's hard, but I think it's easier because there's not a lot of the machismo. In Europe I feel like people try to fit into their gender roles, whereas in the United States they don't have such strict roles. There can be crossover.

What did you think of European guys?
They are lovely but, again, I'm a New York woman. I'm born to be girly, but at the same time, I have an education and I can be very self-sufficient. I don't think New York men are intimated by independent women.

Did anything ever get lost in translation?
There is so much lost in translation. In Europe, you can have a date and there can be a comfortable silence, whereas in New York there is no such thing as a comfortable silence. If there is a silence, we all feel bad and we have to talk over it. Another thing: pop-culture references. I'd talk about The Jeffersons and no one knew what I was talking about. I'm very funny in New York; I was not funny in Europe at all. American men will say, "Oh, that's a funny chick!" European men will be like, "I don't know what she's saying, but she has large breasts."

Have you ever offended anyone in the bedroom? Or been offended?
I don't choose men who are easily offended, and I would never sleep with anyone who would offend me.

Do you have any favorite hook-up stories?
Everyone assumes if you hook up from being online, you're a nerd or a fat chick. Meanwhile, we're both heavy-drinking, tattooed heavy-metal listeners. That defies stereotypes though we can talk like HTML like nobody's business.

Interviews by Meghan Pleticha. Photography by Sean McGurn.


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This is an awesome TTS. Perhaps the best quote of the bunch, "I don't know what she's saying but she has large breasts." Or Tiny Dancer as dirty talk. How does that work?

BWR commented on 01/14

I'm trying to decide if I would consider a man who showed up outside my door with a giant donut a crazy stalker -- or my soulmate.

kel commented on 01/14

"Oh, you Tiny Dancer. You naughty, naughty Tiny Dancer. Hold me closer, you fucking seamstress for the band!"

FB commented on 01/14

Ditto Kel

yup commented on 01/14

That proposal story is really awesome.

aj commented on 01/14

Marissa kind makes me want to get tattoos and go screw in Belgium.

YUP commented on 01/14

I think the proposal story is just adorable. I can`t believe he tracked him down!

Dee commented on 01/14

They are a very cool bunch that you seemed to have stumbled upon. Marisa is just great, as a woman a little younger than her, I love her point of view but I do think Boston guys can be intimidated by an independent woman-Def!

fF commented on 01/14

FB: hilarious

HJ commented on 01/14

I think all (straight) men kinda feel, "I don't know what she's saying, but she has large breasts." Som gay guys, too, in my humble experience. Everyone loves the boobs!

DOT commented on 01/14

not me. I'm straight, I don't care for big boobs (I like them small) and i definitely pay attention at the conversation. You could be the hottest but if you don't have personality is a no deal.

vld commented on 01/14

I was wrong - vld is my new soulmate! Do you like donuts?

kel commented on 01/15

Instead of saying the guy was bad at giving head, Emily could have told him how to do it better. I think people need to be more outgoing about decrying ass-grabbers and foreplay abstainers.

KW commented on 01/19

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