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Scanner by Sarah Hepola and Nicole Pasulka
Today on Hooksexup's culture blog: Which Britney do you like best?
Screengrab by Peter Smith
Today on Hooksexup's movie blog: When Good Directors Go Bad: The Wicker Man. /film lounge/
Out of Control by Will Doig
Would-be rock star Sam Riley on playing Joy Division's Ian Curtis. *film issue*
The Hooksexup Insider by Sarah Harrison
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Censory Perception by Gwynne Watkins
Quiz: match the "objectionable content" — as listed by — to the film. *film issue*
Firestarters by Lynn Harris
Torchwood is Buffy with aliens — and lots of sex. /tv/
The Hooksexup Date by Kristie Alshaibi
This week: Sophie plays games. /photography/

The Lisa Files: Burn, Baby, Burn by Lisa Carver  12.17.2001
Fever and a baby give Lisa super-senses and shallow orgasms. 

The Lisa Files: Mean Sheets by Lisa Carver  12.3.2001
What was your cruelest sexual moment? 

The Lisa Files by Lisa Carver  11.19.2001
Sex and the Synchronized Girl 

The Lisa Files: Bang for Your Buck by Lisa Carver  11.5.2001
Lisa wants to know, What's the most you ever paid for sex? 

The Lisa Files: Sex and Disability by Lisa Carver  10.22.2001
Lisa asks nosy questions of a blind woman, a schizophrenic, a guy with MS, and a quadriplegic. -sex and disability issue- 

The Lisa Files: House of Games by Lisa Carver and Beth B  10.8.2001
A journalist and ex-prostitute visits Nevada's Bunny Ranch — and the past she left behind. 

The Lisa Files: Love in the Time of Terrorism by Lisa Carver  9.24.2001
What does sex feel like when you've lost all sense of safety? 


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