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Last Links: Death By Sex, The Craziest Mid-Coitus Deaths in History

Pope Benedict Looks Frightening

Here's a list of the craziest mid-coitus deaths in history. Did you know that two popes have died while doing in? (In fact, in delicato flagranto morto is Latin for "found dead with your pants down," or something.)

A junior marketing exec at HBO apologies to everyone for True Blood's promotional frenzy. We get it, it's starting this Sunday, we're going to watch it. Now shut up.

Jim Carrey's latest film I Love You Philip Morris looks like it might not get a US release, because of a graphic (though honestly, not that graphic) gay sex scene. Even if gay sex makes you uncomfortable, watching Jim Carrey go at it with a mustached muscle daddy is funny enough to make up for it.

 The fancy lads at this fancy prep school were caught creating an elaborate "Fantasy sex league," where they got points for hooking up with different girls. Amid much hand-wringing, we wonder: isn't that just an elaborate version of what everyone does in high school?

Finally, Wikileaks founder and general badass, Julian Assange, is being sought by the Pentagon since apparently he's about to leak 260,000 military intelligence cables. Hunting him down is clearly not legal, but then again, it's the Pentagon we're talking about here. Godspeed, good sir.

Comments ( 2 )

I thought popes had be celibate.

FriendofDorothy commented on Jun 11 10 at 5:00 pm

definitely did that at my high school. we called it "throwdown" for some reason that I can't remember.

robert paulsen commented on Jun 11 10 at 6:37 pm

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