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Full trailer for "The Social Network" released


One would think that a child chorus singing "Creep" by Radiohead would improve all things. And yet, it doesn't. Nonetheless, this trailer for The Social Network makes the movie look much more promising than its first trailer (maybe because there are words to go with the pictures this time). Still, a movie revolving around the trials of one Mark Zuckerberg does not need a pack of school children trilling "You're so fucking special" in unison. David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin do good things. Leave the sad clown orchestra out of it.

"A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars." - Justin Timberlake

I've always wanted to hear him say that.

Comments ( 5 )

what's up with the part in the trailer where eisenberg is writing html code or something on his window? didn't that happen in good will hunting? is cambridge too smart for paper?

brosef commented on Jul 15 10 at 4:13 pm

This looks hysterical. How did they think it could play as anything but parody? If Fincher had any kind of irreverent streak, I'd imagine that he were sending up the ludicrously misplaced pretensions of Sorkin's own Studio 60 (another work that larded outrageous self-seriousness onto a fundamentally silly subject), but I think both of them as artists are essentially humorless. That's not to say they don't like jokes and don't occasionally write something funny; it's that their worldviews are, on some basic level, deeply reverent, which looks like it makes them exactly wrong for a small/absurd story like this one.

steve commented on Jul 15 10 at 4:17 pm


Meh commented on Jul 15 10 at 5:37 pm

And with a score written by Nine Inch Nails, this film just keeps getting more and more surreal:

Nate commented on Jul 16 10 at 11:22 am

The music in the trailer is actually full grown women. .

Mr. Yes commented on Jul 18 10 at 12:10 pm

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