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Pontifications on Pontifications on the Bangin' of Ass

Posted by airheadgenius

Zeitgeisty wrote that everyone likes anal sex - men giving and women receiving. Lovely man, I have to disagree.

Round one DING DING DING (errr, that's me starting a fight)

Many individuals are OCD and many - gotta say it - Americans are germophobes. Put it together and whathaveyougot? No to anal sex. (I know about this second hand as I would never date anyone with OCD--way too demanding)

I've dated individuals that are into it and others that are decidedly not. Regardless of what really happens with anal sex, many people just can't get past the fact that your arse was designed for shitting.

In my humble (ha ha) opinion, the desire for anal sex is directly linked to the man's propensity for porn. Mainstream porn always includes anal and the non-thinking individual might feel that it's essential to his manhood to try it, regardless of his actual desire. Man is a sheep like beast after all and likes to do what he thinks his mates are doing.

Many women would be more into it if their lover made it a sexy experience. But, if the man is all "hehehe, I'm fucking her in the ass", whilst sporting a shit-eating (oops) grin, it's just not that appealing.

Because of the "naughty" connotations of anal sex and being "allowed" to do something, too many men fall into the category described above and we, the recipient, end up feeling like we're having sex with a 14 year old. It ain't cute.

And your description "bangin' in the ass" says it all. Too many men - apparently - think they just shove it in and go to town, regardless of whether the orifice in question is ready. Lots of women don't like it because it hurts. If straight men spoke to gay men about technique, they could discover that it doesn't have to hurt at all. But most can't be bothered to spend that kinda time on the subject.

On top of that, if the man refuses to contemplate reciprocation probably due, let's face it, to homophobia, chickie might just refuse to give it up on principle.

In my opinion, many men would love to have their asses played with, but daren't ask for it because it might seem unmanly.

Women, get thee to Toys in Babeland and kit yourself out with a strap on. The bigger the better.

(Corners please)



recycledbrooklyn said:

I agree with you wholeheartedly!  The primary reason for men wanting anal sex is to satisfy some perpetual teenage headtrip.  I know because I hear men discuss it amongst themselves.  I mean... it's not totally wrong to get off on stuff because it's a bit taboo or whatever, but there are certain things you can't just plunge into for your own satisfaction... so to speak.  The more kinks the merrier but not if only one person is getting off.

August 30, 2008 11:05 AM

amboabe said:

Wielding an unattached penis in which you can't feel anything is a pretty dicey prospect, especially when it involved penetrating a man anally. Being penetrated with a nice reacharound can certainly be lovely, but it requires a lot of hip control, patience, and commitment. But its so easy for it just become a dislocated powertrip/role-reversal. I'd save this one for at least the second or third date...

August 30, 2008 4:17 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Yay.  Another strong, smart woman on Hooksexup who isn't afraid to say what she's thinking, even if the boys who depend too much on mainstream porn might call her "uncool".  I dig ya...

August 30, 2008 6:09 PM

shakti_vos said:

if i'm catching, it really depends on who's pitching (and HOW it's being pitched!!).

August 30, 2008 11:30 PM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - If women heard their men talking about anal sex with their friends, that portal would be shut down immediately!

amboabe - being the recipient of someone wielding an ATTACHED penis can be a pretty dicey prospect, trust me. Our arses are just as delicate as yours, although some men seem to think chicks are lead lined or something.

August 31, 2008 10:30 AM

airheadgenius said:

Toluca - yay back atcha. I say what I think precisely to avoid the frat boys. It seems to be working.

shakti - my sentiments exactly, except it'd have to be "bowling" and cricket.

August 31, 2008 10:34 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

If women heard men speaking frankly with their friends I fear all portals would be shut down for good... though I'm sure at some point male get-togethers would being to resemble an episode of OZ.

August 31, 2008 10:41 AM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - do you all wind up with a sharpened spoon up yer arses? Interesting...

August 31, 2008 11:07 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

It's called a spork!!!

August 31, 2008 11:44 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Shakti and AHG:  Cricket bowling styles have the best names.  My favorite is "breakleg googly."  Guaranteed pleasure with breakleg googly.

August 31, 2008 11:47 AM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - I would not attempt to catch a breakleg googly with  gloved hands, let alone in my arse.

August 31, 2008 12:08 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Probably best to start with a flipper or a zooter.

August 31, 2008 12:35 PM

date machine said:

Well, sort of the Queen, but more like Helen Mirren. An article in The Guardian a few days back explained why she gave up snorting coke. She was quoted as saying: "And I read that in the paper, and all the cards fell into place and I saw how my little

September 4, 2008 7:20 PM

Hentai Oyaji said:

I've managed to live half a century never talking with my male friends about anal sex - or pretty much any other specific detail of what I like to do. Most of us are actually like this. There's a conventional male way of talking about sex that is really about male competition, not about what we actually want or do at all. I admit there ARE men so dim they actually think the boasting has some relationship to truth, but any guy with a 3-digit IQ knows better.

I can't believe there isn't the same sort of play-conversation going on in the women's bathrooms at clubs. Am I supposed to believe you're all Oprah-y in there? There's no showing off at all? (I know you: you're the best friend of my girlfriend who claims to be all virginal when I've see you get totally slutty - though my GF claims to believe your stories.).

September 27, 2008 1:33 AM


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