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Celebrity Confessions: The Queen!

Posted by airheadgenius

Well, sort of the Queen, but more like Helen Mirren. An article in The Guardian a few days back explained why she gave up snorting coke. She was quoted as saying:

"And I read that in the paper, and all the cards fell into place and I saw how my little sniff of cocaine at a party had an absolute direct route to this fucking horrible man in South America. And from that day I never touched cocaine again. Until that moment I had never grasped the full horrifying structure of what brings coke to our parties in Britain."

How honorable!!! Giving up hedonistic enjoyment to spare those poor child drug runners and to stop making a horrible man even richer! What a woman. Did she simultaneously switch to fair trade coffee and start recycling? Maybe a percentage of her earnings goes to poor Indian children?

She was quoted in GQ too. There, she said that she was was locked in a room and forced to have sex "a couple of times" during her college days but did not report the incidents because "you couldn't do that in those days".

"It's such a tricky area, isn't it? Especially if there is no violence," "I mean, look at Mike Tyson. I don't think he was a rapist. I guess it is one of the many subtle parts of the men/women relationship that has to be negotiated and worked out between them."

She went on: "I was [date-raped], yes. A couple of times. "Not with excessive violence, or being hit, but rather being locked in a room and made to have sex against my will."

The actress also explained that she "loved coke" [cocaine] during her younger days but stopped after learning of the drug-dealing success of Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie.

First of all, she was concerned about some nasty South American. Now she's got her knickers in a twist about Klaus Barbie. The two quotes were all but interchangeable though. Does she think the two are connected?? Was Klaus on his holidays or something and set up a drug cartel because he was bored of making sand castles?

(What is mind blowing is that if you google dear Klaus, the FIRST hit is Helen Mirren. Nothing to do with his Nazi war crimes, but all to do with some daft bint from England!)

But forget about the drug thing, what about the date rape thing?! Oh yes Hels, date rape is most certainly one of those little subtle nuances of behaviour between the male and the female. Oh yes indeedy. What a tool.

And let's not forget, way back when, that HM got her kit off in those Peter Greenaway movies. She claimed over and over again that she only embraced nudity in film if it was central to the theme and not in any way gratuitous.

I don't care about celebrity behaviour. It makes no difference to my life. It just irritates me when their baser instincts are elevated to celebrity status also. Like, I gave up doing drugs because it was affecting my work and I couldn't afford to get fired. She did it for the greater good.

Her ludicrous confessions are the latest in a long long line though. Remember these? "I tried marijuana once, I did not inhale." Well then, dear Bill, that was a bit of a waste of effort wasn't it?


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Again, barely worth the scandal if you're not even going to get your end away.

Why can't Mirren just fess up and say "I like getting stoned, I like getting laid and I like getting my tits out for the lads" and be done with it. And why couldn't Bill simply have said "I get stoned to cope with Hilary who happens to be a man and that's why I fucked Monica" and we would have all just said "of course you had to Bill, it would've been rude not to."

Here endeth my celebrity confession.

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recycledbrooklyn said:

It's irksome that while us regular folks are just addicts, celebs are described as "suffering from personal demons."  

September 3, 2008 7:06 PM

amboabe said:

I don't care what anyone says. Helen Mirren is my type.

September 4, 2008 12:28 AM

spjv840 said:

You crack me up. I love it.

September 4, 2008 8:55 AM

shakti_vos said:

every time a celebrity gets caught doing something or saying something naughty in this country it's off to rehab!  ahh, the love...

September 4, 2008 10:44 AM

xcalibur86 said:

The very unfunny Chevy Chase started this celebrity bullshit about addictions back in the late Seventies. He claimed his addiction to pain killers was the result of one of his pratfalls on SNL. Of course it just couldn't have been because he liked getting high.

September 4, 2008 5:37 PM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - good point. My demons are labelled "bad decision making". Something I am teaching my children. Did you ever notice how celebrities blame their parents too?

amboabe - did you notice that I look like her? Just sayin'

spjv - you crack me up too! What a beautifully symbiotic relationship.

September 4, 2008 7:23 PM

airheadgenius said:

shakti - and when they get out, they discover Religion. What a world...

xcalibur - Haha. Maybe the only way he could cope being in such crap movies was to get mashed up. It is certainly the only way I can bear to watch them.

September 4, 2008 7:24 PM

Pants said:

My respect for HM has gone way down. Boo. Those remarks about date rape are crap crappity crap crap.

September 7, 2008 1:05 PM


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