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Date Machine: You're Not My Type

Posted by spjv840


Stepping away from the ass talk for a moment, I was reading an article recently which was talking about the type of guys we fall for and how to go about changing our routine of always falling for the same type of guy if it isn't working out for you.

When it comes to men, I know my type and I'm OK with it. They're usually emotionally detached, with a drug/alcohol problem, have spent time in jail and/or have a record, bar room brawls are the norm and generally, just don't give a shit. Basically, you wouldn't want them on your bad side. Physically, they're tall, slim, dark haired and have tattoos and really nice cocks. The kind you write home about. What can I say, I know how to pick them. They also usually leave me wondering if I should get a shrink or not.

For the most part, these guys are a lot of work, mainly because of the emotional damage that they can do on a gal's heart due to their hard ass aloofness and lack of any kind of sensitivity. Then again, I couldn't deal with an emotional, sensitive guy. This may piss some folks off, but I can't stand seeing a man cry (unless he's listening to Johnny Cash or Willie Nelson). But a man who cries over romantic-comedies or during fights or anything like that – oh hell no. That's what the cool kids call a deal breaker (see below for more deal breakers).

Perhaps my type isn't the ideal type out there for most women. There are usually consequences that come along with this type of man, dangerous situations, jail-time (in my case, spending Christmas night behind bars), etc. A lot of women would either run at the first sign of this kind of man, or try to change them. That whole thing about changing men being impossible is pretty much true. It won't happen, not permanently, anyway. I never really understood women who try to change men. What if it was the other way around and the man was trying to change the woman? Do you really think the woman would even change slightly? Again, I have to reference “Sex and the City” and that whole episode where Samantha tries to change that bald, short guy with bad breath they nick-named the Turtle. She cleaned him up and gave him some new, fancy clothes and dined at trendy restaurants. But in the end, he was the still the same Turtle, just slightly better dressed.

And because I've recently been asked a few times what my “dealbreakers” are, here you go:

Small dicks, mama's boys (the bad kind – you know, can't make a decision without asking mama first), the family man, anti-alcohol (supposedly, there are some out there), short men (anything below 5'6), metrosexuals (please don't wax/pluck your eyebrows, get facials, go for manicures/pedicures, go to tanning salons, worry about calories/working out, or other general girly man behavior), vegetarians (they taste funny..too green), men who wear pink or other “pastels”, the John Lennon type, overly sensitive, listens to Rhianna. That's just a few off the top of my head.

But what if you keep falling for the same type of guy and it's really not working for you? Is there anything you can do to change your predictable man routine? According to dating coach and founder of Cablight, Nancy Slotnick, there are five steps you can take to change your ways.

1.Go after qualities.
2.Don’t think you have to change yourself.
3.Get out of your head.
4.Have dealbreakers.
5.Last but not least, chemistry comes first.

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zeitgeisty said:

haha.. what exactly is 'the john lennon' type?

September 3, 2008 3:49 PM

spjv840 said:


September 3, 2008 3:59 PM

amboabe said:

I've never had a type. There are people that I'm more naturally attracted to than others, but in terms of dating I've been lucky enough to have been around with a lot of different kinds of people. I'm grateful for those experiences. I don't know what I want, and self-selection after a type stricks me as kind of self-defeating in the long haul. The purpose of connecting to other people is to expand yourself, isn't it? To take yourself places you wouldn't have thought to go on your own? What are the benefits of sticking with a type besides grinding your libido into the ground with the perpetually familiar?

September 3, 2008 4:13 PM

spjv840 said:

Something I'm curious about that I meant to mention in the article, but completely forgot - I wonder if women tend to have a "type" more than men have a "type". From what I can tell, it's more of a woman thing, but once in a while you'll hear a guy say "She's totally my type". What do you guys think?

September 3, 2008 4:48 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Okay, I'll be serious for a moment.  I've never had a type that's instantly recognizable on the surface.  I DID, at one point though have a pattern of women with the same sort of issues... and it's not necessary that I detail that, but I can affirm that men too follow patterns even if they don't realize it... and the type we're drawn to might not necessarily be good for us.

I have, by the way, broken that pattern, or seem to have anyway so the last couple years have made for much more fulfilling dating experiences.  

September 3, 2008 6:24 PM

xcalibur86 said:

Ah yes, "bad boy". Works well as a persona until about age 30, after which, if one is still living that way, people just realise you truly are a rancid, fucking tosser. Never did understand why any intelligent girl fell for that bullshit.

September 4, 2008 3:30 AM

comrade_member said:

It cracks me up that someone would think it's not possible to change themselves to not be attracted to losers, and thinks that it is possible to change some one else to not be a loser.

For one thing, if you can't change, what makes you think you can change someone else? And for another, even if it did work, once the loser is no longer a loser wouldn't you stop being attracted to him?

September 4, 2008 10:52 AM

airheadgenius said:

I seem to wind up with tall men, but don't really have a type. BUT, if you ever date out of your own ethnicity, you will have a type assigned to you by all your friends, regardless of whom you are currently dating.

September 4, 2008 5:49 PM

date machine said:

Anyone who has had a dating profile or done any kind of online dating knows the different kinds of annoyances that come along with it. The mindless winks, the one sentence "Your hot" messages complete with bad grammar/spelling, the "let's

September 7, 2008 11:38 AM




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