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Personals Drama: Granny porn

Posted by airheadgenius

(Did I post this one already? Is anyone paying attention?)


One time, I had porn spam in my inbox (now there’s a statement to wrestle with) advertising the delights of Hot Grannies. I clicked on the link, cos I just love those old chicks and was appalled, nay devastated to find women my age! I guess I could conceivably be a granny, if I’d had a sluttier teenage. Well, not so much sluttier, but less birth-controlled. Still, it hurt me to the quick.

Madonna would be quite an ancient in the world of granny porn. Maybe there's great granny porn for the over 50 set?


Anyways, the other day, I posted something about not finding men aged 50+ attractive and a bunch of men told me off for being narrow minded. Clearly they've not perused the competition and discovered that very few men will even consider dating a woman older than them, much less by 10 years. It seems that most men stop at their own age, a few "accept" women up to a couple years older, but many have a parameter 10 years to 20 years younger than them. 

There’s a lot of men on this site advertising themselves as “youthful” or “look younger than I am” etc. Mostly the ones prone to want a younger woman – no wait a minute – that’s men in general. Anyway, NO YOU DON’T LOOK YOUNGER THAN YOUR AGE! No-one does. We all look our age – give or take a year or two. Think about it dear audience……. And ask yourself the question if in doubt “ok, so how old DOES s/he look?” Chances are, the person looks their age.

Maybe it’s the “40 is the new 30” effect…. People don’t actually look younger. They just dress and act younger than the previous generation did at that particular age. This was hammered home to me a few weeks back – I was wearing a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt and my friend’s 8 year old said “ooo – I love your shirt. I have one just like it”. Ouch.

So – face it – you look your age. Yes, I am talking to you – dear 77 year old man that wrote to me the other week. WTF??? That shit pisses me off. One of the few things I specify on my profile (in the “check this section” at least) is a parameter for age. I have no desire to do an oldie. And I have no desire for an oldie to think about doing me. (I am pretty sure I can guess the reaction of a 40 year old male who was hit on by a 77 year old woman)

Although, when I mentioned this particular hit to some friends, the men were like “cool – way to go” etc and the women were more “eewwwwww”. Except for male friend’s with daughters. They didn’t like it – clearly they can see the writing on their in-the-future wall.

So, lots of men want a younger chick. The justification being that the man in question looks and feels a lot younger. But why couldn’t a 40 something woman look and feel a lot younger too? Fair enough if these men are still hoping to procreate although it's a pretty selfish endeavour, but if not, why not give those older chicks a chance?

I get emails from younger guys fairly often. The youngest being 23. I guess it could be fun, but at some point we’d have to have a conversation and I can’t imagine that working out.
“D’ya remember ______________?”….. “nope”

Nuff said.

(p.s. Do not, under any circumstances, ever ever ever do a google image search for grandpa porn, like for instance if you were looking to post a tongue in cheek Daily Knob. The results were enough to make me upchuck my dinner)

Today, it's a Daily Un-Knob. He is not very attractive.




Here are some I made earlier:
Seriously, what is the point?
3 Basic Needs
Piercings - love or loathe?
Deviant Sexual Practises
When good email goes bad
Age again, with more feeling
How young is too young, how old is too old?


Toluca_86 said:

I hear ya.  Getting hit on by middle-aged men is de rigeur for women in their 20s.  I think youth in general is attractive to a lot of people, but women aren't supposed to act on it for reasons like "young men are immature" (please!  I know plenty of old men who are just as immature).  Friends have told me before that they think I'll be a cougar, given my propensity for crushes on anything from 17 to 30 years old.  We'll see, I guess.

January 17, 2009 9:31 PM

profrobert said:

Hey, Sarah Palin would be a GILF if her values weren't so disgusting, and she's 44.

I also think there are people who do look substantially younger or older than their age, particularly once they get north of 40.  For men, how much hair and how gray it is deeply affects age appearance.  Smoking can age someone's skin terribly.  For women, I hate to say it, but having children can age the body quite a bit (MILFs notwithstanding).

January 17, 2009 9:40 PM

trustyrusty said:

Eewwwww...I used to love when anything elicits that response from women.

But as one's gets older, I only hear the mock indignation of people inured to human shortcoming.

Even as a bloke (40) the idea of a 70 year old man believing he has a chance with a woman 30 years his junior...eewwwwww!

Why even reply to people whom don't fit your criteria stated or otherwise? Maybe your response gets them off - makes them feel like they can connect even if it's a rebuff...what a sweetheart you are - feeding old men's fantasies...ahhh that airheadgenius, she's a feisty one!

January 17, 2009 10:40 PM

jvh said:

People do look their age but there is a wide range of what 40 looks like, what 50 looks like, etc. A non-smoking, sunscreen wearing 40 year old can pass for a smoking, sun-worshiping 30 year old.

And to the folks who feel that they have to say that they look younger than their true age in dating profiles, that's a red flag...People who fit into the younger-looking category never have to state the obvious.

January 18, 2009 11:46 AM

dvaleriey said:

Men who are able to REALLY laugh at themselves (as opposed to those who develop a persona around this concept but are tight of ass when challenged) seem to thrive in the age-appropriate relationship.  The lure of taught flesh aside, there is a need in some to be revered for experience that is only possible when a partner lacks equal footing.  She looks at him with big eyes while he pontificates.  We just roll our eyes.  

*NOTE:  For those uninitiated in your irony and considerable charm, the image of an adult woman in a Hello Kitty shirt is a tragic specter.  

January 18, 2009 1:09 PM

mgdanna said:

That reminds me of a scene in the movie "Love and Sex".  

John Favreau says to Famke Janssen, "Men age better than women."  

She protests.

He responds by asking, "Who looks better, Sean Connery or Shelly Winters?"

The woman who lives across the hall from me is 10 years older than me and very attractive.  She has made advances in the past which I have declined not because of her age, but because she is the woman across the hall.

January 18, 2009 1:31 PM

airheadgenius said:

Toluca - aren't you about 25? Your current crush range seems entirely appropriate!  

prof - Women aged 35+ will have a hard time getting their mid section to behave itself post partum, but it's not having children that ages the body per se, it's lack of sleep. Anyone, male or female, with or without children, looks like hammered shite if they're sleep deprived.

trusty - I replied feistily in this instance. I wrote back and said that I was appalled at the notion that I would want to see him naked and how would he feel if a 114 year old woman wrote to him (ha haar) and that I could guarrantee that a 40 year old man would vomit if he got an email from a 77 year old woman. Then I blocked him. I am a feisty chicken.

jvh - soooo many men claim on their profiles that they don't look their age. They tend to be in the 45-55 age group and every last one of them looks every last day of their stated age. Now, if you look your age in your chosen profile picture, shit's only gonna get deeper in person. Those old crusties need to get a clue.

January 18, 2009 3:46 PM

jgully said:

So your profile says you're "40" now?  How many years have you been aging Benjamin Button style?    

January 18, 2009 3:52 PM

airheadgenius said:

dval - good point. GROWN men tend to like to be called on their shit. Those 40 somethings with a peter pan complex are definitely the ones to steer clear of.

And I will further confess to you, dear heart, that the t-shirt was pale pink! PALE PINK! I honestly don't know what I was thinking, but in fairness to me it was a gift. From my sister who seems to be suffering quite badly from arrested development. It's since gone to goodwill. I am sure some 10 year old is gadding around in it as we speak.

mgdanna - see, that's an unfair comparison. She is a big fat blob and he's in good shape, plus he's 10 years younger to begin with. She looked pretty darn good compared to marlon brando.

And did you tell her it was proximity not age that was giving you pause? I will be up all night wondering.

January 18, 2009 3:54 PM

airheadgenius said:

jgully - my profile has ALWAYS said that I am 40! Well, since I turned 40 that is. I am in fact 41.

January 18, 2009 3:55 PM

jgully said:


Fair enough.  If it's only one year, why not be honest then?  Do you really want to  

appeal to men who'd write you off for being 41 instead of 40?

January 18, 2009 4:14 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I think it's just sort of the way of the world... from the age of 1-30 women control the game, then somewhere around 35  men get the upper-hand. it's unfair, but it's life.. not saying there aren't exceptions, always have been.. look at Mae West, joan collins, etc... but talking generally, that's the score.

January 18, 2009 4:38 PM

zeitgeisty said:

actually scratch that, it's completely fair....

1-30 women

30-35 equal

35-70 men

In fact WOMEN are the ones that get the good years... so fuck em'.

January 18, 2009 5:11 PM

flintsteel said:

I placed a profile on Hooksexup a couple of months ago. I have tried searches starting as young as 30 to as old as 60 (I am 55). The returns in my neighborhood have included many women who clearly state they want someone younger than me. The search seems to ignore inconvenient realities in favor of quantity.

I have always dated women my own age but am open in either direction. I have received attention from younger women that didn't interest me because of some other factor and have lusted after older woman......

The reality is that this whole selection by "profile" is terribly limited and not something I have much hope for (for me any way). I would never knowingly date a Republican if that was the first thing I knew about them BUT if I saw 'em and got hot for them I might overlook it.....

I, however, am not offended by anyone's interest.

BTW, the age guesser at the state fair has always gotten my age wrong, course they are usually way younger than I am (as is everyone).

January 18, 2009 5:34 PM

flintsteel said:

Actually men get 70 and on as well. The ratio of women to men as we all age is remarkably skewed toward more women (I guess men die off from chasing young women), so much so that men have many more opportunities the older they get. My father at 85 is much in demand at the retirement place he lives.

January 18, 2009 5:39 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Hmm, and see I feel like the case from 1-30 is more just like everyone is convinced that everyone else has the upper-hand.

And what good would having an upper-hand do from 1-14 anyway?

ahg:  Yeah, but most of the young women I know seem to be of the opinion that it's inappropriate to have crushes on guys more than about 2 years younger.

January 18, 2009 7:01 PM

lkj said:

zeitgeisty, don't know what world you live in, but the comments are self-serving---you're pushing 40, with a dissatisfied past, men of your era and over like to think more options are available--its a politic remark that bears no reality--look at the grizzled old men vs women of the same age in profiles

For 1--women don't rule 1-35 yrs, quite often,young men rule that era

35-70--men don't rule that era in that so many men--age very badly--all the abuse shows up, women often look pretty good--but the slim minority of attractive people persist across the age groups

I think you are pointing to this--40s on, men have this fear of death and aging, seek out younger women like all their worth depended on it,if they have success by then, they have a chance over a broke young man--that is the only reason an old guy with average looks gets a younger woman--if he's old and broke, not so likely

I don't subscribe to this  money/youth obsession, just pointing out  others do

So, putting things into age categories might seem a determinism, but men really Don't age better--lived in many cities, very rarely do I see men taking care of themselves better than their female peers

January 18, 2009 8:33 PM

zeitgeisty said:

eh..  dunno.. to tell you the truth, I don't really give a shit about the topic one way or the other...

January 18, 2009 8:48 PM

zeitgeisty said:

"the slim minority of attractive people persist across the age groups"

I will agree with tghat statement...

Also...Maybe in the end, older women feel more of a need to be in a relationship, so they'll have far lower standards than men... This is why older men have the upper hand, not mecessarily how they look, but the fact that more women are desperate to get married/have a serious relationship.

January 18, 2009 9:21 PM

dvaleriey said:

Reviewing my unsolicited engagement ring collection, I can assure you that many men between 30-45 seem equally desperate to marry.  To be sure it was not my sparkling magnetism or raving beauty.  I think several of them saw their charisma on the wane and wanted to stick with the girl who would remember them when they were hot, possessed some semblance of social status, and had hair.  

January 18, 2009 9:47 PM

zeitgeisty said:

dunno... you could have that certain je ne sai quoi

January 18, 2009 9:54 PM

the dead guy in the photograph said:

It's so amusing to listen to all you prospective corpses nattering on.  Very soon you'll all look just like me.

On second thought, no you won't -- I'm pretty damned well-preserved.

January 18, 2009 10:23 PM

rasqual17 said:

   I can't subscribe to the 'older men want younger women because they fear death something something' trope; older men want younger women for the same reason young men (and young/old women who swing that way) want 'em - they're hot.

  Whether you're into guys or girls, young (but legal) is hot. It's not necessarily the hottest, but we evolved to find that body type attractive. Why people ascribe complex motivations to why 19-24 year olds lustworthy is a mystery to me.

 Re the online dating world, it seems like a case of everyone who's, say, a 6 feels that they deserve an 8 or above, with their general awesomeness making up for deficiencies in looks, health, whatever. Of course you'll get hit on by people you don't feel are on your level. Still beats arranged marriages.

 'Ruling the roost' is a bit over-general; I'd amend that to 'first dating age to about 30' is when men must (usually) make the overtures, do the heavy lifting, shell out more money. They have to do the chasing. Between 30-35, this tends to turn around, how much depending on what the respective parties have done with themselves up to that point.

 From a young age, my mother used Sean Connery as an example to never ever get a toupee. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

January 19, 2009 8:55 AM

rasqual17 said:

Sorry, above meant to say " why 19-24 year olds are found lustworthy "

  In some local online personals, a 34-year old female 'seagreenizzz' who describes herself as 'a perfect 10 - what else can I say?,' lists 18-33 as her desired age range for men.

 If there's grass on the pitch, let's play ball, I guess.

January 19, 2009 9:14 AM

Tiptree said:

Two possible solutions:

1) Everyone wears makeup/prostheses/whatever's necessary so that everyone looks approximately 50 (of course, if you already look approximately 50 [sorry 60-year-old, you do not look 50]), you get spared the makeup trailer for a couple of years).

2) Complete cultural reboot (including state-mandated divorces), where both sexes agree to never date someone more than 3 years above or below your birth year.

January 19, 2009 10:21 AM


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