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Date Machine

Sex Machine: The Funny Thing About Handjobs

Posted by amboabe

I used to have a stupid habit. I would go into a social setting and announce a challenge. I'd wager some arbitrary sum of money that no one in the room could make me come in less than ten minutes. I thought it was an innocuous icebreaker, but once somebody actually took me up on it.

I had forgotten the word "handjob" existed until I saw Rushmore. There's a scene in which two fourteen year-olds debate the claim that a mother is giving out handjobs in a local swimming pool. The idea of someone touching my penis in the buildup to sex as being anything worth bragging about is ridiculous. It's just a part of what happens during sex. I wouldn't have singled it out anymore than I would have described the kind of mustard in the sandwich I ate for lunch today. There was definitely mustard in it, and it was an important part of the sandwich. But saying there was mustard does little to really describe the experience as a whole.

Hearing the debate about the sexual version of condiments was a small revelation for me. I had forgotten about the adolescent fixation on sex as achievement. "Oh my god, this is great. I've got to hurry up and finish so I can tell my friends," as the comedian once said. The term handjob is so hairless and deliberate. It's entirely juvenile to think of being in the same room with a woman and emerging with nothing more interesting than a manual pistoning. It's something only a fourteen year-old could marvel at (and I, most definitely, used to be that fourteen year-old).

Coming from an adult, bravura about "handjobs" is absurd. That's why I got stuck in the habit for so long. It amused me to walk into a room of comparative strangers with a crass line soliciting a handjob, in the form of an ineptly transparent wager. To my thinking, it was a good way to loosen a stiff crowd and bend conversation towards territory that was more personal. I become the vulgar buffoon by going too far, but hopefully some people will feel a little bit less timid about taking conversational risks of their own.

Then one time, a friend of mine took me literally. I was trying to pass out on a couch after a party when my friend S coerced a woman into calling my bluff about the handjob bet. I heard some muffled conversation coming from outside and suddenly I felt a warm body lying on top of me. I felt someone's tongue licking my lips, and a hand worked its way into my pants. I had spent the evening drinking rum and snorting Phenobarbital (which was a bad idea).

I opened my eyes and recognized my friend L above me. We had hooked up once before so it made a little more sense that I was suddenly involved in foreplay when I had just wanted to go to sleep. But I knew what was happening and it was disconcerting to be called out about something so openly ridiculous.

I was in bad shape. I felt like the inside of a bar drain, grimy and sick. I liked L. She was smarter than me and wore glasses that darkened in the sun. I wasn't sure if I wanted to have sex with her, but I probably would have been convinced had I been in better shape.

Instead, I became the butt of my own joke. She couldn't make me come in less than ten minutes.

So ended my phase of making handjob jokes.


Previous Posts:

Love Machine: The Three-Year Itch

Sex Machine: Show Me Your Penis

Date Machine: The Gun Show or Is That All You Got?

Love Machine: Morning Breath Kisses

 Date Machine: Making Your Online Dating Profile

Sex Machine: Sex with 19 Year-Olds

Love Machine: Making A Scene

Hooksexup Confessions: Oh Hai, You're Pregnant

Sex Machine: Don't Forget to Masturbate

Love Machine: My Mother

Love Machine: Thanks But I'll Pass, or Handling Rejection

Naked Machine: Buying New Underwear, or Sex in a Dressing Room

Date Machine: Look Ugly in a Photograph

Love Machine: On Your Own, or Moving On

Love Machine: Going to Bed Angry

Love Machine: The Hooker on the Corner

Sex Machine: Having Sex on Inauguration Night




flintsteel said:

I knew two girls who spent an evening with the now governor of California. They went back to his hotel room for frolic. While he was showering they chickened out and were leaving when he got out of the shower. When he saw this he cried: "wait! at least make me come with your hands!"

So don't knock hand jobs, if they are good enough for a former Mr Olympia (or somesuch) who now is presiding over the end of days on the west coast they are certainly of more import than mustard (and I love mustard).

I knew a woman who gave hand jobs for a living (in addition to massage and yoga teaching). She was quite expert. Her hand jobs rose well above any sandwich component and were quite worthwhile well after the age of 14.....

February 19, 2009 12:27 PM

airheadgenius said:

"hopefully some people will feel a little bit less timid about taking conversational risks of their own"

I've had this experience when either myself or someone else shared a confidence, told an amusing story, gave insight etc, but, in my experience at least, watching someone behave like a wanker just elicits "man, what a wanker". This is the first time the connection has been so literal though. Congrats.

February 19, 2009 1:17 PM

leslie098 said:

I can't believe you were snorting the same stuff we give sheep to calm the fuck down or for seizures.

February 19, 2009 8:58 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Reading the men's blogs on this site is starting to make me not want to date men even more.  Is that a bad thing?

February 19, 2009 10:11 PM

amboabe said:

flint: I certainly wasn't trying to be dismissive. Funny thing, I know a girl who jerked off a nice man in a hotel room because she didn't want to have sex with him too. He was an unemployed kid from the Mission, though, and not quite the stallion that the future governor would have been.

ahg: Well, making myself such a broad and obvious target for such a low level joke is a form of a shared confidence. It's not quite a literal "Let me tell you about my beloved Anabel Lee..." but it's still a way of crawling out on a limb. If it's cause to dismiss someone as a wanker, isn't it more a rejection of aesthetics than a condemnation of the person as a loathsome wanker?

leslie: I was, and it was a bad idea. If you can avoid it, do try to.

toluca: Dismissing an entire gender based on a negative reaction to one person's prurient anecdote is probably an over reaction. Maybe?

February 19, 2009 10:45 PM

profrobert said:

I know I'm going to regret asking this, but at the 10-minute mark, did just stop and pay up, or did she keep on going till she got the desired result?

February 20, 2009 1:01 AM

leslie098 said:

Yes I avoid phenolbarb, sodium pentobarb, and generally all the other barbs if for no other reason than I would have the DEA so far up my ass I wouldn't be able to walk.  Pardon my french.  Their methods are unspeakably wicked.

I do know where toluca is coming from.  I may have to stop reading these blogs.  It's a terrifying journey into the nether regions of the male psyche.  I know too much!

February 20, 2009 1:18 AM

amboabe said:

prof: No it came to a rapid halt after ten minutes. I think we both realized how unappealing the whole situation was in reality. The toll for extracting the desired result would have been to steep a price for most people I suspect.

leslie: If you think it's scary reading stuff like this, imagine what it's like to write it! I don't write about snorting phenobarbital and taking handjob dares with any great pride. It happened. What it says about the male psyche, and my own, I'm not sure...

February 20, 2009 3:09 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Not quite Annabel Lee?

Thanks for making that distinction, Edgar Allen Poo!

February 21, 2009 8:17 AM

amboabe said:

recycled: What you lack in eloquence you ably make up for in punctuation.

February 23, 2009 3:56 AM
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