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Date Machine: How many sexual partners have you had?

Posted by airheadgenius

How many people have you had sex with?

That's todays question.

More specifically:

Did you have a time when you considered some arbitrary number to be too high, but now you've topped it?
Are you comfortable wth your number or do you wish it to be lower or higher?

Do you perceive a woman with, say, 30 partners the same way as a man with 30 partners.
And, if your perception is different, why is it different?

If you or someone you know has a "high" number of one night stands, do you judge that differently than a high number of short/attempted relationships?

And how do you judge someone with a low number? Does that enhance or detract from their sex appeal?

And lastly, if you could choose, how many sexual partners would your ideal PERMANENT partner have had, approximately?

(This goes out to my regular readership of three people. It's not exactly a survey to knock Kinsey off his throne, but we all have to start somewhere. Comment, oh dear three readers.)


Here are some I made earlier:
The time I dated Zeitgeisty
F*ck off yer ol git
It's not funny being single
The V Word
The taste of kitty
You people smell
Click Addict
Profile Pictures


 Today's daily knob is me. Even though I haven't got a knob. It's just that all the men I can think of are too annoying.

Sometimes, you've just got to love the one you're with right?




KP said:

I think I'm at 18 now, but more likely closer to 20. I used to consider anything over 10 too high - and haven't revealed my number since #12.

My permanent partner would have the same number as me! Don't think I will ever enjoy sleeping with someone inexperienced.

February 23, 2009 10:17 PM

Leon said:

I'm in my late 20s and divorced, and I've had sex with 4, but intercourse with only 3. I got married with both numbers equal to 1, though.

The number doesn't matter so much to me, save that I don't do truly casual sex, and I find being single to be truly miserable. Asking people out leads to rejection leads to despair leads to lack of confidence leads to rejection....

February 23, 2009 10:31 PM

leslie098 said:

I used to be incredibly concerned with "the number"  Not so much in other people as I was concerned about my own and what people would think about me if they knew what it was.  In college I was at 11 and my boyfriend at the time made me feel really ashamed about it so I never told anyone again especially as the number got bigger.  

Now I don't give a fuck.  It's not like I'll hit a certain number and have to wear a big red S on my blouse for "slut"  You can't cut me open and count the number of rings on my trunk.  I'm not really all that changed with each accidental and deliberate bed partner I've ever had.  I'd never ask this question of anyone I'm on a date with and I certainly would not appreciate the same asked of me in return.  

What's done is done.  Onwards!

February 23, 2009 10:56 PM

little timmy said:

I haven't had any secks yet, I'm still waiting for my mom to teach me how!

Gosh, lady, that new picture of you sure is swell.  Maybe YOU should teach me!

February 23, 2009 11:17 PM

peanut said:

Not necessarily a fast girl - but count is up tpwards 30 - no problem with this number as all were my choice and dont regret any of the men, some one nighters, some short term, some long term, a few just fab oral.  if guy I am with has a very high number I do get self concious as I cant help but wonder how I compare - but dont want an inexperienced guy either...  it is all about balance and how you comport yourself

My number was quite low for a long time and I had no issues with this

February 24, 2009 1:41 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

This is closer to The Hite Report than Kinsey...

I've never asked this question of a partner, nor would I, but I've been asked many times, and I'd be lying if I said I never wondered.  I guess wondering means that in some respects I might be judgmental.  Not proud of that, but it is what it is.  That's probably my own insecurity more than any moral judgment.  

I don't remember my own exact number but it's upwards of 40, the lion's share being in my mid-20s.  It's neither too low nor too high for a man or a woman.  I think my bigger question, were I to delve deeply into it would be what someone's motivation would be in the first place.  Was it just for kicks?  What were you looking for with each person?  Did you expect something from it?  Did you enjoy it?  Were you just going through the motions?  What is your motivation for being here with me now?  Etc.  

A high number of one night stands?  What would be a high number?  That would only matter to me if I thought my partner might have had regular high-risk sex in public toilets.

Mostly, things that might have mattered to me 20 years ago don't really now.  I figure anybody in my dating pool/age range would have a bit of experience.  I might even consider someone with a really low number rather suspect, but I couldn't say really because A) it's not a question I ask, and B) the information I've been volunteered with women I've been involved with in recent years doesn't suggest a low number.  

It's all good... It's not like buying a car.  Mileage doesn't really mean all that much if everything is in good running order.  

February 24, 2009 7:05 AM

vix_en25 said:

even without a knob youre still really cute!

February 24, 2009 9:12 AM

shakti_vos said:

i haven't the foggiest how many i've had sex with, but it's certainly in double digits, i don't really care (or i guess i would've kept track).  and i don't care how many any partner of mine has had either.  except, at my age, i'd prefer to not be number 1.

February 24, 2009 2:12 PM

ProfRobert said:

Define "sex."

February 24, 2009 4:19 PM

zeitgeisty said:

define partner..

February 24, 2009 4:27 PM

airheadgenius said:

define "define"

February 24, 2009 5:37 PM

kcconsult7 said:

I married at 36.  I never really kept count but just totaled,  somewhere between 20-25.  I dont think it really matters how many a potential partner has had and certainly would not judge a person based on sexual history.  I have been married for 10 years and have never asked or been asked that question.  

I suppose in my earlier experiences if I knew someone was more or less experienced I might approach the sexual aspect a little differently.  Whatever the level of experience though I think I would have approached open mindedly.

February 25, 2009 2:26 PM

chickaboomboom said:

I am 27 years old and I am on #14. Honestly, it is entirely too easy to get into my pants.

I like a man with experience, but I do not want a man whore. I suppose that there is a happy medium.

...and Yes! It is very different if a man has a higher number of sexual partners.

February 26, 2009 10:08 AM

rocknrollstyle said:

I figured you could use another team's perspective.  

I am a 24 year old woman and I have been with 17 women.  

Of course, there was hetro-sex. I had two boyfriends in high school... But that was when I lived in Denial, Texas and being gay would get you dragged to the back forty and burned at the cross.

Out of 17 women: Over half of those were one-night stands, some were pseudo-relationships that would last longer than one night but never fully develop into much more.  

And one real relationship that lasted a short nine months.

I personally would prefer a woman that has had previous partners and knows what she's doing in bed.  I don't want to be anyone's first.  Been there done that.  You take a girl's virginity and she wants a marriage.  Of course we all know that your first is just that. There WILL be more. First is never the last.

Numbers don't really matter.

Although, I would cringe if she has had a high number of women AND high number of men.  

I mean think about the conversation you would have: "You slept with 25 men before you even realized you were gay?" Not buying it.

I suppose though this isn't a typical question I would ever ask a woman.  If I am picking her up from a bar and she's going home with me I don't want to know.  Hearing a large number would just kill ALL attraction.    

February 28, 2009 2:41 AM

Gina said:

I am 37 and slept with at least 65 men. Is that a crime? LOL

I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

March 1, 2009 12:02 PM

Alex said:

I'm 24 and I've slept with around 27 men and 2 women. I consider it to be quite a high number, said out loud with no explanation, but then when I've thought about it, I actually have no problem with it. Firstly, I started being sexually active when I was 14, so that's ten years. Secondly, the vast majority of these people were people who I genuinely care/d about, either as friends or as lovers. I love having sex, and consider it a great way of getting closer to people. It makes me sad that people tend to judge others according to the number of partners they've had.

March 1, 2009 4:48 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I can give you the reason why I'm wary of women with a large number of sexual conquests under their belt...disease.

That's the only reason... I could give a rat's ass about any 'stigma'.. The more people you've fucked the greater chance you have of picking up herpes, warts, whatever...  

March 1, 2009 5:07 PM

Well said:

I don't think that previous sexual experience means that they're guaranteed to know what to do in bed. I'm in my early 20's and my boyfriend was one of the one's that fell through the cracks. Attractive, tall, intelligent, but was a virgin when I met him. He's the best sex I've had (he learns fast and is considerate), and he isn't infatuated with me or have unrealistic expectations of marriage. I'm somewhat of a hypochondriac when it comes to disease, so I prefer a smaller rather than larger number.

March 3, 2009 10:57 AM

jesus said:

your all whores

March 5, 2009 8:55 PM

loki said:

I'm 18 and I've only had sex with 2 girls... 1 girl long term relationship and I'm still with her. Been like 2 years now. And the other girl was only 1 month. Am I behind? Feels like I need to have sex with more people...

March 12, 2009 2:59 AM

zeitgeisty said:

For your age you're ahead of me.. I didn't get laid 'til I was 22..

March 12, 2009 10:10 AM

Jen 8 said:

I've slept with 29 people- my husband would have been #30 except he was a redo!  He is/was, as described above, a man-whore with a number probably easing up into the triple digits. Most of mine, and most of his, were one night stands, but we each had a fair share of actual relationships (and a marriage for him) along the way.  I don't think the numbers really matter, although I guess I would have felt a little funny sleeping with someone vastly less experienced than me.  I think both of us always thought of sex as just sex, and if it developed into something more than all the better.  We slept together on our first date, and had he thought the worse of me for it, then I don't supposed we would be married now!  

March 14, 2009 8:42 AM

wow said:

I think it's sad that people don't have more respect for themselves than to go around sleeping with so many people.

March 20, 2009 1:42 PM




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Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

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