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Date Machine

Sex Machine: I'm Not That Kind of Girl

Posted by amboabe

I've never had sex with anyone I've met online. Almost every internet date I've had has been an intellectual experiment, trying to build something visceral and sordid from the personality bric-a-brac of an online profile.

The format encourages people to retreat to a comfortable distance and offer the least genuine portrait of themselves in the hopes of maximizing their allure. Online dating is a space for apparently evolved and mature people who are capable of finding a romantic partner through appreciation of mutual hobbies, common backgrounds, and interesting conversation. When I ask my women friends who date online about whether or not they hooked up with a date after an evening out, they are usually agog at my presumptiveness. "Of course not! I'm not that kind of girl."

A couple of years after college, my friend P spent a year traveling through Europe and Asia. I remember an email he sent me describing the fabled attitude of Scandinavian women towards sex. No one would seriously think about starting to date a man unless they had slept together already. You might get along perfectly well with someone, but if there wasn't any physical chemistry, what was the point? And how could you really know if there was any physical chemistry until you had slept with someone?

One of the most frightening things about meeting someone out at a bar is that you only have physical qualities and some vague hunches about personality to go on. It can feel reductive and carnal in the most basic form, seeing someone you're attracted to and finding a way to insinuate yourself into his or her evening. For some reason, sitting politely through dinner and talking about politics and nostalgic childhood memories is a more legitimate way of connecting with another person.

That may be a great way to make friends, but I don't think it's an appealing way to think about meeting a lover and partner. Of all the women I've ever loved in my life, my response to them has been immediate and primal. When I was fourteen I prank-called a girl and just hearing her voice say "Hello" for the first time was like sprinting into a tripwire and tumbling to the ground in a woozy pile. I didn't know what to say back to her; I was stupefied and tingling with the sudden flush of new Hooksexup endings opening in my chest.

There's an inherent risk in dating. It can be as simple as risking rejection or as terrifyingly serious as courting new disease and infection. The "good" girls are the ones that are mindful of these social traps and maintain disciplined and formal conversation until a man can prove his reliability and interest in more than a quick and sweaty good time.

Those are the ones I hope to avoid. R was my first friend who used Hooksexup for dating. She told me that she hadn't met a single person from the website and not had sex with him. One of my closest friends in San Francisco is a woman who I had sex with after six hours of being first introduced. We've never had sex again and I'm pretty happy just being friends with her, but I certainly don't regret having pushed the outer limits of our attraction.

I like women who drive fast and take chances; who don't apologize for their sex and don't feel the need to adjust their behavior based on fear of what someone else will think about their expressions of sexuality. I want a woman who trusts her instincts as much as her intellect, and has faith in her ability to manage the consequences of leading with her heart and gut.

I've never met that kind of woman online.  

Previous Posts:

Date Machine: Civil War and Sex on a Toliet

Date Machine: Living Like a Bachelor

 Sex Machine: Chest Hair, or the Shaved Eunuch

Date Machine: Macho Voce, or Women Who Sound Like Men

Date Machine: Sex in the Office

Sex Machine: Lying Lovers; or the Padded Bra

Sex Machine: Premature Ejaculation

Love Machine: Can You Be Friends With an Ex?

Sex Machine: How Soon, Sex Toy?

Date Night: Kissing in the Rain

Sex Education Machine: Abstinence, or Waiting is Easier Because...

Sex Machine: The Funny Thing About Handjobs

Love Machine: The Three-Year Itch

Sex Machine: Show Me Your Penis

Date Machine: The Gun Show or Is That All You Got?

Love Machine: Morning Breath Kisses

 Date Machine: Making Your Online Dating Profile

Sex Machine: Sex with 19 Year-Olds

Love Machine: Making A Scene

Hooksexup Confessions: Oh Hai, You're Pregnant

Sex Machine: Don't Forget to Masturbate




zeitgeisty said:

you like WHORES!!!... WHORES!!!!

March 15, 2009 11:56 PM

misplacedwestern said:

i used to think i wanted the whole conversation first date dinner thing.  now i just want a guy to stare me down at a bar and mean it.  that's sexy.  i've never dated online and i think partly because i know whatever spark i could have with someone in a random encounter is pretty much killed for me in that scenario in my mind where i sit across from someone that wants to date me based on some questions i answered and a photo.  i haven't let myself give up on the idea of another chance at a chance encounter with someone i know nothing about that smiles at me.  course i could just be isolating myself from a vast array of potential men but i'm prepared to sacrifice my options.

March 16, 2009 12:15 AM

joy_n_mischief said:

I feel like you're making it about madonnas vs. whores, when really it doesn't mean to be...

I've been, erm, "sexually active" with someone I've known 2 hours, and it was a jolly good time.  I've also waited a couple of months to get to know someone.  Neither necessarily will work out better, I think, but the latter is safer for your heart.

Falling for enough guys who you've had casual, passionate sex with off the bat, who don't return the affection, can make a girl brittle.

The point of dating (at least for me) is it's someone I WANTED to bang when I saw them, and I could, but I'm going to get to know them a little first to have some security.

March 16, 2009 12:36 AM

bizzarissima said:

Online dating format is too predictable. You go on a date where there is no mystery option anymore, both persons are aware they meet in order to test themselves romantically,consequently this kills lot of the fantasy potential which essentially nurtures any romantic endeavour (right?). I like to seduce and being seduced and this is impossible if I go on a date knowing pretty clearly what are the intentions of the other one.

Whatever, I guess there is something overwhelmingly unsexy in the online dating format itself (for my stupid taste). Maybe it would work better if there was no ”looking for: ...” section. This could increase the number of possibilities and turn the encounter slightly riskier, not knowing exactly what to expect and just having fun figuring this out together.

March 16, 2009 3:08 AM

airheadgenius said:

Have your experiences of online dating changed since you started writing this blog? I think a woman would have to be a little bit suspect to read what you write about dates and still go out with you. Risk of kiss and tell etc...

March 16, 2009 6:51 AM

amboabe said:

my experiences have actually been pretty consistent before and after this blog. I find that a disproportionate amount of women I've gone out with have been looking for a relationship and have been convinced that vagina is the only way to bait a decent man into making a long term commitment.

joy: I don't mean to create that distinction. I think it's more of an attitude than an actual difference between people. We all want the same thing underneath it all. Everyone wants sex. Everyone wants companionship. We need not attach stigmatize people trying to fullfil those needs in whatever ways they see fit.

March 16, 2009 5:05 PM said:

I'm not persuaded by the "would you buy a car without looking under the hood?" argument. At least, not in the sense that it's usually deployed.

Failing freakish physical abnormality, sex is something that can be figured out ex post facto. Douche to the bone, not so much. Am I the only person alive who hates the idea of being a notch in the bedpost of some GIGANTIC ASSHOLE?

March 16, 2009 5:38 PM

here said:

This is the typical comment of the guy that wants you to put out.  Never fallen for it.  Some friends of mine have.  They say afterwards something to the affect of "he doesn't know what it is but there's something missing."  Oh and the fact that she put out has nothing to do with it.  I call bullshit.

March 16, 2009 8:11 PM




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Professional Dominatrix, lapsed English major and token black chick extraordinaire. I'm also a great big perv. Bend over.

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Looking for: Those who aren't too afraid.


I'm an existentialist trapped in the body of a rational humanist. I've got a penchant for misanthropy and a flair for the obvious. I'm quick with a joke or a light up your smoke, but there's someplace that I'd rather be. I'm Zeitgeisty, pleased to meet me I'm sure. Visit my blog at

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Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

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Looking for: A sail, not an anchor.


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