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Date Machine

Sex Machine: Lying Lovers, or the Padded Bra

Posted by amboabe

I was talking with my new roommate tonight and she admitted to a habit of telling men she is about to have sex with that she wears a padded bra. This reminded me of a few horrific moments I spent with an old girlfriend when we had sex for the first time.

I've never dated women with large breasts and I don't really care one way or the other. Breast size is pretty low on my list of wants in a partner. I've been with a lot of women who had smaller cup sizes and wore padded bras. These bras always struck me as bizarre machinery.

I admire a nice bra, a functional girding ornamented with lace and Victorian detail. There's something honest about the dual vanity and purpose of a bra. If the weight must be supported, then let it be supported beautifully. Extra padding in the cup doesn't have any purpose other than to mislead. Seeing a padded bra is always faintly disappointing. I never feel duped that someone's naked body didn't live up to the promise of the swells and slopes of the clothed silhouette. The idea that person I'm with wanted me to think they were something else, even superficially, is sad in some small way.

After spending an evening watching TV together, my ex and I moved to her bedroom together. We had kissed on the couch for a long time, slowly and without any great sense of urgency. I slid my hand over her body and she demurred. She would pull back for a moment and smile at me coyly, and then we would kiss again. I thought she wanted to move slowly and so I didn't try and escalate things.

Then she asked me to come back into her bedroom.

After a while, I was on top of her and began undoing her bra. I wanted to feel her skin against my own. The bra was a jarring obstruction every time it rubbed against my chest. We kept kissing as I slid the bra down and moved my hand across her bare breasts for the first time. I immediately panicked.

There was no breast there. Where I thought I might have felt some small mound I found only skin and rib cage. In the darkness it felt almost concave. An idea started to form in my head, her reluctance to escalate things in the living room, the slowness of our kissing, absence of anything beneath her bra. She must have had a mastectomy, I thought. I couldn't come up with any other explanation, so dramatic was the disparity between the poofy B cup bra and the planar landscape of her upper body.

Am I ready to have sex with a cancer survivor? Is there a proper method for making love to someone who's had a mastectomy? Was I doing something earlier that made her not want to tell me? What does it look like with the light on?

My mind was running away with itself, inventing an elaborate set of irrational conclusions in a few seconds. I was on the verge of asking her about it when she shifted her weight and I felt the thin layer of her breast ripple. I suddenly felt like an ass. She hadn't had a breast removed, it was just that her breasts were exceptionally small and all but disappeared when she was on her back.

I had no issue with her breast size. I wouldn't have given it a second thought had I known to expect it. I wasn't reeling at her body, it was the disparity of the projection and the reality. I wasn't there, naked and in bed with her, because of her body. I wanted to be with her, to feel like what it was like. I didn't want ideals. I wanted particulars, her particulars.

That can be the hardest thing to have faith in when you're having sex with someone for the first time. It's so much easier to let the person see what they want to see, to willfully mislead their gaze to an idyllic exaggeration. It's frightening to not apologize for yourself, to put it out there in all its adorned honesty and trust that whoever it is that you end up with will be able to take it and love it for what it is: a part of you.


Previous Posts:

Sex Machine: Premature Ejaculation

Love Machine: Can You Be Friends With an Ex?

Sex Machine: How Soon, Sex Toy?

Date Night: Kissing in the Rain

Sex Education Machine: Abstinence, or Waiting is Easier Because...

Sex Machine: The Funny Thing About Handjobs

Love Machine: The Three-Year Itch

Sex Machine: Show Me Your Penis

Date Machine: The Gun Show or Is That All You Got?

Love Machine: Morning Breath Kisses

 Date Machine: Making Your Online Dating Profile

Sex Machine: Sex with 19 Year-Olds

Love Machine: Making A Scene

Hooksexup Confessions: Oh Hai, You're Pregnant

Sex Machine: Don't Forget to Masturbate

Love Machine: My Mother

Love Machine: Thanks But I'll Pass, or Handling Rejection

Naked Machine: Buying New Underwear, or Sex in a Dressing Room

Date Machine: Look Ugly in a Photograph

Love Machine: On Your Own, or Moving On

Love Machine: Going to Bed Angry

Love Machine: The Hooker on the Corner

Sex Machine: Having Sex on Inauguration Night




gp said:

Why do you assume women wear padded bras and push-up bras to fool men?  I wear a C cup, so I've never needed a padded bra, but I can understand women who do.  Most clothes aren't made for women with A cups (if they were, I wouldn't be able to buy clothes).  Just a little padding can make clothes look and fit so much better.  By and large, I think women wear padded bras for themselves, enhancing their appearance and their confidence, rather than to trick men into bed with them.  I don't see padded bras as an apology for having small breasts.  If clothes were fitted to the specifications of each individual woman, there would be much less need for padded bras.  Since most clothes aren't, padded bras are just another way for women to look their best in the clothes they have.

The same is true for the other extreme--women with D cups and above who wear bras to minimize their breast size.  This doesn't necessarily mean women who wear minimizers are apologizing for having large breasts.  It just means that clothes fitted for B and C cups look overly sexual on women with larger breasts in a normal bra.  Minimizers expand the range of clothes they can find and be confident in just as padded bras give more clothing options to flat-chested women.

Men forget how much clothes affect how women are perceived.  A flat-chested woman in an ill-fitted outfit is ignored or assumed to be very young or somewhat masculine.  A woman with large breasts in the wrong bra is assumed to be a slut, only because of her body.  It's only natural to use underwear to avoid these perceptions.

March 4, 2009 9:39 AM

loobetchka said:

It's to trick men.. nothing more fucking annoying than a woman who wears a padded bra that makes her look like she has large breasts only to find out she has tiny ones..

March 4, 2009 10:26 AM

extraneux said:

So what's the conclusion? Was she a cancer survivor?

March 4, 2009 10:35 AM

extraneux said:

Oops, I missed the paragraph with the conclusion.

March 4, 2009 10:46 AM

LydiaSarah said:

gp--I'm sorry but the whole "women wear padded bras for themselves" argument doesn't hold water.  If small-breasted women did not on some level think small breasts were undesirable or less desirable to men than they would have no need of "enhancing their confidence and appearance" with padded bras. No matter how independent-minded we may like to think of ourselves as, our confidence in the way we look is largely determined by the way be believe others see us.  I wouldn't go so far as to say that women who wear padded bras are trying to "trick men into bed" (I don't think amboabe was saying that either) but it definitely has to do with men.  As for the clothes-fit argument, I don't think that's true either.  My sister's an A, and she's never had any problem finding well-fitting clothes. She just shops for clothes that flatter her body, instead of somebody else's.

March 4, 2009 11:13 AM

misplacedwestern said:

i have small breasts and some days i wish i had larger ones.  i have bought padded bras to wear specifically with certain clothes i have.  I in general can not stand them though and usually they stay in my closet unworn.  I finally realized i am never going to have the cleavage i want and i for the most part am over it.  it's just boobs i have soo many other things to offer.  i know one reason women with small breasts have padded is so freakin difficult to find ones that aren't padded in smaller sizes.  damn bra industry.  but hey we can wear clothes women with large breasts can't get away with and go braless so it evens out.  oh by the way loobetcha not everything in the world is about men and you sound like an ass.  "nothing more fucking annoying"  i can think of many things especially at this exact moment.  And amboabe it's always nice to hear people say they like people for the person they are, not the ideal.  it must be a strange experience thinking a boob will be there and then it's not.  probably part of the reason I don't like to wear padded bras unless i deem it necessary fashion wise is because I am who I am and I don't want a guy to think i'm something else.  

March 4, 2009 12:50 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I've noticed in profile photos and facebook stuff that the women with the smaller breasts are the ones always trying to show them off in their photos.. the women with the bigger breasts always have em' covered up...

What's up with that shit?

March 4, 2009 3:18 PM

misplacedwestern said:


i have no freakin idea.  if i had cleavage i would show it off.  you can have tasteful cleavage.  a hint is sexy.  use what you've got.  I need to find me a leg man.  clearly not you.  nice photo on your post today by the way.  really makes big boobs look dreadful to have.  made me laugh.  do guys really like that shit?  fake boobs?  i hope it was a joke.  an unfunny one.  i kinda wish i had never seen that but i'll get over it cause everyone has a different sense of humor. yeah. over it.  

March 4, 2009 6:51 PM

Toluca_86 said:

"My sister's an A, and she's never had any problem finding well-fitting clothes. She just shops for clothes that flatter her body, instead of somebody else's."

Umm...  Is you're sister very fined boned?  See I think it's also about proportions, not just cup size.  But yeah, there's plenty of clothes I'm too small-busted for.  And then some I look perfectly nice in...

I must admit, I have always wondered if I would get more dates if I had some significant boobage.  But I've never worn padded bras to test it.  Maybe someday I should, just more as a sociological experiment.


I think you're wrong.  Because my sister shows of cleavage in her photos.  Then again, she's pretty young -could be older women are fed up with the rude comments about their breasts, kind of like that convo we had the other day...

March 4, 2009 7:13 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Young girls are a different story...

March 4, 2009 8:22 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Toluca--Yes, she is fine-boned actually.  We all are in my family (the women, that is). I suppose that could make a difference when clothes shopping.

Zeit--I think smaller-chested women maybe try to show more cleavage because they're self-conscious about having small breasts and are trying to maximize them as much as possible. Big-chested women try to hide their chests more because they're probably tired of guys staring at their chests when they're talking to them etc. Especially if they started developing really young and had to deal with that kind of scrutiny and self-consciousness at an early age. (One of my best friends, a double-D before she got reductions, could tell you all about this...) The grass always looks greener, I guess. At just below a C-cup--pretty much dead average--I'm thankful to have mostly avoided these issues.

March 4, 2009 8:52 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

This reminds me of the scene in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka when Keenan Ivory Wayans gets the woman back to her place and she starts by removing her hair, and it moves on to the truss, the padded bra and the prosthetic leg...

I don't see a padded bra as false advertising though, really.  If you're going to go there, you might as well include eyeliner, lipstick, high heels... just go the distance.  I don't really see it as poor self image or anything else either.  It just is...

I figure if I'm home with her, and we're getting naked, life is good.  

March 4, 2009 9:22 PM

airheadgenius said:

"She must have had a mastectomy"

Had that been the case, I can think of several women that would kill to find that surgeon. When you cut off a body part as large as a tit, it tends to leave a little bit more of a mark. Like, for example, a dirty great big ropey scar and no nipple. My guess is that you'd notice the difference.

March 4, 2009 11:30 PM

amboabe said:

ahg: "My mind was running away with itself, inventing an elaborate set of irrational conclusions in a few seconds."

March 5, 2009 2:10 AM

airheadgenius said:

Amboabe - from way back "I only ever skim read what you write"

March 5, 2009 6:50 AM

profrobert said:

I've also known several women who wear padded bras (of all bust sizes) because they have pointy nipples and don't want to look like their either turned on or freezing all the time.

March 5, 2009 3:43 PM

amboabe said:

ahg: hence, all these redundancies.

March 6, 2009 1:28 AM

airheadgenius said:

It amuses me.

March 6, 2009 6:55 AM

female reader said:

I'm going to add to the chorus of posters who point out that small women can have a very difficult time finding clothes.  I'm a 32AA or A and I have been told to buy a larger bra and stuff by saleswomen in plenty of nicer stores (including a bra store specializing in hard-to-fit women).  Your friend doesn't have a body image problem; she has a shopping problem.

Also, props to the guy who noted that prominent nipples tend to travel with small breasts.  That padding is necessary in business situations.

March 11, 2009 12:06 AM
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