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"I Am Atrios!": Kirk Douglas, MySpace Celebrity

Posted by Phil Nugent

MySpace has honored its "oldest celebrity blogger" who, it turns out, is Kirk Douglas. Guy Adams reports Douglas "began blogging last year, as part of a temporary initiative to promote his memoir Let's Face It, but decided to continue after seeing the level of interest his comments sparked. In one entry, he writes that he now receives too many messages to answer them personally, his goal at the start. 'But I want you to know that I appreciate each comment that I receive – positive or negative. And I enjoy the opportunity to talk to so many people much younger than I am.' " (Kirk, man, we love you, but you're 92 years old. Odds are pretty solid that you have the opportunity to talk to someone younger than you are whenever someone calls to ask if you're satisfied with your long distance carrier.)

According to his MySpace page, Kirk is white/caucasian, Jewish, married, straight, and a Sagittarian. (Hey, high five, my fellow archer.) At the time of this writing he has 695 friends, though that number is likely to go up as word spreads that this "Kirk Douglas" on MySpace is, whoa, Kirk Douglas. (There are other "Kirk Douglases" and even a Spartacus or three on MySpace, but they are other people.) His favorite movies are Champion starring Lola Albright, Spartacus starring Tony Curtis, Paths of Glory starring Timothy Carey, and Lonely Are the Brave starring Walter Matthau. Dude! No love for The Fury!? It's nice to see that, five years after he formally retired from acting, the man who broke the Hollywood blacklist by hiring Dalton Trumbo to work on the script for Spartacus and telling him he didn't have to use the kitchen entrance is still in touch and keeping up with politics: he's so pleased with the election of Barack Obama that he could plotz. "I express my opinion, and I tell them that they don't have to agree with me because it's a free country," he has said, by way of explaining his blogging philosophy. "And their answers are very, very interesting. I take it seriously. Otherwise I wouldn't do it. I don't have to do it, I don't make money. It's something that gives me personal satisfaction."



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