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Sex Advice from the French - Diane

Diane, 32 

What’s the best reason to date a French person?
I think the French don't have hang-ups about "dating" the way Americans do. Things are more fluid and less ritualized. There's no, "on date number one, you should talk about this; on date number two, you can kiss; if you make it to date five, you can start talking about marriage," etc.

Why do they call it a “French Kiss”?
I honestly don't know. But let me know if you find out. They don't call it French kissing in France. 

If someone says “I love you” in a different language, does it have the same weight as “I love you” in English?
If an American Francophone told me "Je t'aime" very seriously and looked deep into my eyes, I might accept it as true. But in general, I think those words need to be spoken in the language that one is most comfortable with in order to be taken seriously.

I just found out that the girl I’ve been dating for the past six months is a stripper. She said she didn’t tell me because she didn’t want to upset me. It does! Am I an asshole if I break up with her?
No. I mean, who wants to date a stripper? Oh right, everyone. That’s big news; if she lied about that, then what else is she holding back? Big news needs to be disclosed close to the beginning of a relationship. 

The guy I'm crushing on is bi, and totally upfront about it. Is it crazy that that bothers me?
If he claims to be bi, then he's probably gay, and therefore it's not crazy that it bothers you. 

After dating this girl for over a year, I finally met her parents. Her mother is a raging alcoholic and about a hundred pounds overweight. They say girls grow up to be their mothers. Should I be worried?
Run for the hills. Seriously. Unless the girl takes after her father, which is always a possibility. 

My boyfriend bought me a Hitachi vibrator to spice up our lovemaking, and it gives me the most intense orgasms of my life. But now I can’t come when I have sex with him. How can I keep the amazing orgasms without making him feel inadequate? 
Fake it 'til you make it? He shouldn't feel bad really, especially if in the grand scheme of things, everyone ends happy. Just tell him that it's very enjoyable foreplay, and exaggerate the sounds a little. 

I think beards are sexy. But every time I kiss a lumberjack guy, it irritates the skin on my face. Is there a way to avoid this? 
I don't know of a miracle cream for this problem. Have "no facial hair month" every six months? The downside is that you might be less attracted to him; the upside is that your face will remain intact. Decisions, decisions. Love is a trade-off.

Comments ( 15 )

amelie can roll my Rs any day
sadamerican commented on Jul 16 10 at 10:16 am
Nic is cute.
Meh commented on Jul 16 10 at 10:37 am
"If he claims to be bi, then he's probably gay, and therefore it's not crazy that it bothers you." That's very poor. If he says he is bi, then he's probably just that - BI. Not a full blown homosexual. I would consider myself bi. That doesn't mean I'm a lesbian. I like cock as much as I like boobs.
PixieStick commented on Jul 16 10 at 11:20 am
that second guy is so french looking!
jack commented on Jul 16 10 at 1:12 pm
the last woman is horrible
fs commented on Jul 16 10 at 7:33 pm
Aww... can I keep Nick? I loved the Shakespeare quote.
Cinthia commented on Jul 17 10 at 10:31 am
Diane gave the worst advice. But yum yum, give me some Nick.
kiki commented on Jul 17 10 at 10:54 am
im french. can I get Nick? pleaaazzz
No commented on Jul 17 10 at 1:23 pm
I want Diane as my sassy, no-nonsense French girlfriend.
elle woods commented on Jul 17 10 at 8:01 pm
Diane is a bit of a dick. If guy says he's bi, and has sex with women, then he's probably bi. I'd only doubt the statement if he claimed to be bi but never, ever had sex with anyone but other men. Then he's just in denial, or maybe dating Diane.
CM commented on Jul 18 10 at 1:17 am
Every woman I've known that's dated a "bi" guy has lost her man to the guys eventually. And yes, guess what, when you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't want to be in an open relationship(i.e. having sex outside your partner) bisexuals have to make a choice. It's not unfair, it's not being uptight, it's not being provincial. It's called wanting to be in a committed relationship. And I've never heard of a "bi" guy who could commit to a partner. And when push comes to shove, guys invariably win out over girls in their minds. Granted, my "evidence" is anecdotal, but I've come to the conclusion that guys who claim they are bi are deep down gay or too incredibly immature to be in a committed relationship and mixed up. Just saying. Anecdotal, I know.
ricochet commented on Jul 18 10 at 5:04 am
yeah bi guys always end up gay and bi girls always end up straight. okay based on personal experience it's like 3/3 and 4/5 so the sample size isn't good but the correlation is REALLY strong. diane rules, because she'd be up for anything in the right circumstances without making a big deal about "ooh look how up for anything I am" like younger/american girls always are
mj commented on Jul 18 10 at 7:10 am
I don't agree with Amelie at all about French women being good lovers! My French husband married me, an American, because he couldn't stand how stuck-up and inhibited French women were in bed. This could be a turn on for some people -- in general, the women are always sophisticated, even in the bedroom -- but they never really let go. However, I have found that French men are much less macho and more giving than American men in bed.
cotedazur commented on Jul 18 10 at 8:45 am
I've known bi guys in committed relationships with women. Just sayin'.
Kim commented on Jul 18 10 at 9:19 am
I think Nick is the only one with pretty good advice. The ladies just suck, they have a few good answers but the gay bias and "like mother like daughter" attitude of Diane negates anything and Amelie's advice that he "should have been upfront about your insecurities right away" regarding the stripper is laughable. Uh, yes, because clearly feeling insecure is the only reason a person wouldn't want to date a stripper. /sarcasm Her generalizations about men suck too, there are plenty of women that are disasters at keeping the house straight, for starters.
SC commented on Jul 20 10 at 12:09 pm

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