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Love Machine: Throwing Punches, or Get Your Hands Off of My Woman

There's something deeply territorial about being in a relationship. I went out to a bar with a woman I had been seeing last year. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back there was a tubby guy in his late thirties sitting in my seat trying to make conversation with her.


The guy wasn't an enticing specimen. He had a desperate tinge to his laugh and he was dressed in Mom jeans and a dumpy jacket that fit him like a trash bag. Still, I felt a cockishness tickle the back of my brain. Who is this doughy little weasel that snuck into our corner booth the minute I got up? I crossed in front of him and took my seat, trying to politely follow what they were talking about.

I remember consciously thinking not to make any physical show of being with my girlfriend. I forced myself to not put my arm around her, or rest my hand on her thigh. I wanted to show him that I wasn't threatened by his presence. I was lying to myself.

When I turned eighteen, my older brother broke up with his girlfriend and called another girl he had dated to assuage his tenuous ego. She had started seeing someone new and after some contentious teenage words my brother wound up on the phone with her new boyfriend. They threatened each other for a few minutes and agreed to meet the following night to fight.

The next night, four kids rang our doorbell. They were hulking boys, not quite men, but strong enough to make the difference seem arbitrary. They were country boys, four junior firefighters in tank tops that showed off their veiny biceps and lumpy forearms. My brother went out to the front yard alone to talk to them. After some nose-to-nose man-barking one of them hit my brother in the face.

Seeing the three others waiting behind their friend, my brother turned around and started moving back to our front door. The kid jumped on his back and kept hitting him from behind. It looked absurd for a few seconds. Two grown men in a piggyback ride, arms and elbows flailing sloppily.

My brother threw the kid off his back and made it to the front door when my dad stepped in front of the boy. My dad is a bony accounting professor. He has a funny Danish accent and I've never seen him angry. He's not a fighter and when he stepped in front of the other boy it wasn't in aggression. But seeing my brother disappear in the front door the four kids turned on my dad. They surrounded him and let punches fly in a flurry. I heard the sick thud of bone and flesh smacking at high speed.

I saw my dad put an arm up to try and buffer the blows. He dropped to one knee. "Stay down, old man," I remember one of them saying as he stood above him. I was fourteen. I had been watching the whole thing, too scared to move. They broke my dad's cheek and eye socket. He had blood in his eye for a month after.

Love makes you vulnerable. Relationships can seem like an answer to some pervasive question; the elliptical dots at the end of all our metaphysical uncertainty. We idealize them as conclusions, irrevocable affirmations that we can be worthy and desirable partners. The truth is relationships are as temporary and vulnerable as anything else. They are a long series of choices; everyday your partner must wake up beside you and decide that you're still what they want. Every night they must look around them and choose to come home to you in sprite of all the other available choices.

It's easy in the beginning, when the love feels revelatory and the gravity of a new body is strongest. Over time, it's much harder to keep both partners mutually interested in fighting for one another, choosing to stay together with each passing day. We've invented convenient institutions to ameliorate the fear of being left, mandating the irreversible dictum of "until death do us part."

Knowing that you could promise away so much of your life to someone who could still walk away is scary. After all the dew-eyed promises and sincere vows of the everafter, there's no way to speak for tomorrow. You can't ever say what will happen. Sometimes it's enough to make a man take a swing at someone else.


Previous Posts:

Date Night: The Most Expensive Date I've Ever Been On

Sex Machine: Monogamy is for Losers

Sex Machine: I'm Not That Kind of Girl

Date Machine: Civil War and Sex on a Toliet

Date Machine: Living Like a Bachelor

 Sex Machine: Chest Hair, or the Shaved Eunuch

Date Machine: Macho Voce, or Women Who Sound Like Men

Date Machine: Sex in the Office

Sex Machine: Lying Lovers; or the Padded Bra

Sex Machine: Premature Ejaculation

Love Machine: Can You Be Friends With an Ex?

Sex Machine: How Soon, Sex Toy?

Date Night: Kissing in the Rain

Sex Education Machine: Abstinence, or Waiting is Easier Because...

Sex Machine: The Funny Thing About Handjobs

Love Machine: The Three-Year Itch

Sex Machine: Show Me Your Penis

Date Machine: The Gun Show or Is That All You Got?

Love Machine: Morning Breath Kisses


Comments ( 13 )

Great post, your best in my opinion.

zeitgeisty commented on Mar 19 09 at 11:00 am

Yeah, I don't have anything negative to say about this. Great post. Touching story. Good work.

Anonymous commented on Mar 19 09 at 5:19 pm

Thanks, always nice to hear...

amboabe commented on Mar 19 09 at 5:32 pm

I kept thinking while reading this, "Why weren't you helping your brother?!"

waitmexico commented on Mar 19 09 at 10:57 pm

And... just saw the "I was fourteen" part. Got it.

waitmexico commented on Mar 19 09 at 10:57 pm

thanks for that nice read.
love fades. lust fades first. everything fades with time if you don't want it enough or if the other person you love doesn't want you enough. I used to fear not finding love, now I fear getting hurt again and not finding it again like it once was. I feel like I went through a divorce and I just lived with a guy for a year. it all just faded away so slowly and painfully and without any words to explain it and yet seemed to happen in haste. i looked into his eyes one day and he didn't look back the same way. how do people shut people out and why? because it's hard to let people in? or they are scared and probably of themselves. when something is not right it's wrong, yes, but when you don't try it is never going to be right. when you don't fight for someone they will just walk away.
I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately, all my friends are getting married this year and that is not an exaggeration. i used to not question marriage but now it seems like an option that may or may not come to pass. that scares me a bit. but there is still that little itch underneath all the doubt that pricks at me. the desire to not give up on finding someone that is indescribably lovely. someone that would, in theory, punch someone for me, but would prefer not to resort to violence.
side note: fyi if you are at a bar with a date/girlfriend and you find a guy is flirting with her blatantly do feel free to hold her hand or put your arm around her waist. it is not a negative to show affection in the presence of a random act of bar rudeness. the guy most likely saw you with her and that's his way of saying i don't care that you're with him. show her you care you are with her. that's sexy.

misplacedwestern commented on Mar 20 09 at 1:31 am

wait: well, believe me, that fact doesn't do much to alleviate the guilt of it all. i'd rather my 130 pound frame have been shattered, looking back on it, if i could do it all over again...

misplaced: re: your sidenote - I totally would have if I had actually been thinking about her. Instead I was playing chess with my own ego.

amboabe commented on Mar 20 09 at 2:19 am

Rory Miller, in his excellent book 'Meditations on Violence,' talks about how traumatic NOT fighting, even against bad odds, can be for men, much worse than actually being beaten.
More than one on one? Calls for weapons, or retreat. I don't say this trying to sound salty; more than one guy on you can easily end up with you crippled or dead from a stomping, much more so than one on one. Those kids from your past were pussies for showing up en masse, and your brother could have absolutely kept his dignity by not bracing the one guy 'till the rest went back to the car or something. But it's all hindsight, right? Easy to see now...
Re 'guy's hitting on my girl when I turn my back,' if she's there with you, she should be there WITH YOU, not passively waiting to see who out-gorillas the other. You get back, she should put her arm around you, let the interloper know unambiguously that he's not welcome to jump in. I don't like passive girls.
A firm but calm, You're in my seat, is warranted. Slugging a guy, unless he swings first, is not, and can have a host of unexpected problems. I also have no problem telling the bartender, this guy is bothering my girl and me. Bartenders don't want drama, and will usually cool or eject troublemakers.
And do take a look around the door, as you're leaving. Some idiots hold grudges.

rasqual17 commented on Mar 20 09 at 11:17 am

Not being able to protect his children must have been awful for your father. Much worse than the physical pain I imagine.

One Christmas Eve more than 20 years ago, my brother and me were waiting for a ride to a party when this couple walked by. He was yelling blue murder, she was crying. My brother - 5'8" and about 140lbs at the time - said "c'mon mate, it's Christmas" or words to that effect and got himself a punch in the jaw of sufficient force that he was knocked down. 5 minutes later, the couple came back and the man apologised. I don't think people dare weigh in these days. (She said, sounding like an old lady)

airheadgenius commented on Mar 20 09 at 1:17 pm

Right and wrong has little to do with rewards. Everything is temporary. Everything is temporary. We are temporary.

There are no guarantees that anything will last longer, life, health, physical well-being are all situational, but right and wrong remain when the rest is gone.

Saving your ego will almost always be a mistake. Saving your ass (or that of another) rarely is.

recycledbrooklyn commented on Mar 21 09 at 7:02 pm

Yeah risking your life to save another's and getting yourself killed in the process doesn't feel like too big a win to me, though...

Anonymous commented on Mar 22 09 at 5:12 pm

Casual--I don't know that I agree with that.

There is too much violence though, altogether. My son's friend died two weeks ago as the result of a fight that began when he called out some boys who were verbally abusing a female friend of his. Two of the boys came back with their father, a 42 year old thug. A funeral for a 17 year old child is a sobering event.

recycledbrooklyn commented on Mar 22 09 at 8:01 pm

Holy shit, recycledbrooklyn, that's awful. I presume the 42-year old dad's in jail now, as he could hardly plead self defense. Hard to see what the lesson is here, except maybe again, if they show up in numbers, run like hell, no disgrace in that.
I once told Marc MacYoung, a famous practical-self-defense teacher and writer, about an almost-encounter I had in a biker bar, where the biker was about the size of three of me put together. I told him all I could think to do was throw my beer in his eyes, hit him in the nose with the beer stein, and run like hell. He responded, that would have been an excellent response.

rasqual17 commented on Mar 23 09 at 6:57 pm

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