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Help! Facebook is ruining my marriage. /advice/
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"You think I have a drinking problem, but the problem is that you are so boring that I have to drink heavily every time we hook up."
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I dared myself to pose nude, but I had more to shed than clothes. /personal essays/
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Q: Any idea what specialties are the best in bed? A: I was with a pediatric urologist once. Wouldn't recommend. /advice/
"Rock and roll" is about as perfect a name as a musical style could hope for. Whether screamed in front of a sold-out crowd in Detroit or slurred under the dim lights of some dank club in Chattanooga, those three words are almost onomatopoeic. And it's suited not only to the music style it describes, but to the other sweaty pursuit that birthed the term. The pitchfork-and-torch injuries inflicted on us by spurned Kim Deal fans after our sexiest-frontwomen list have now healed, so we've decided it was time to bring on another riot. Here are forty dudes who epitomize both aspects of rock and roll. Squeeze into (or out of) your leather pants and get to reading. — John Constantine
40) David Gahan

Throughout the 1980s, David Gahan taught pale, shy boys everywhere that it's pretty damn hot to get crushed under the encumbrance of your own penumbras. Unfortunately, Gahan set an impossible standard — few sad lads had his dreamboat visage and none could cocoon their gloom in the Amazing Monocolor Dream Coat of Depeche Mode's synths. This depressing realization likely drove Gahan's fanboys to listen to more Depeche Mode, thus perpetuating the vicious, sexy cycle. — Cyriaque Lamar


39) Ray Davies

There's nothing like the voice of Ray Davies singing, "Girl. I want. To be with you. All of THE time!" to make you jump up from your barstool and drag your crush onto the dance floor. His voice can alternately sound moody, weary and dreamlike ("Sunny Afternoon"), or decisive, charismatic and sunny ("You Really Got Me"). The kooky, British Invasion brand of sexiness Davies sports is the kind of appeal that survives way beyond its native decade. Groovy. — Marian Lorraine

38) Jesse Michaels

For sheer energy and unabashed masculinity that will never confuse you or get you down with the sensitive is-he-or-is-he-not-gay bullshit, Jesse Michaels is your man. Watching Op Ivy perform is like getting let out of school early: it's a million sunshine-tons of Fuck Yes. Jesse Michaels' Myspace page lists his wife under "favorite things," with typical punk frankness. His bio also says he's six-foot-one and average. We'll buy the six-foot-one part. — M.L.

37) Rhett Miller

Equal parts college-crush-you-went-on-a-road trip-to-Tijuana-with-and-almost-got-arrested-because-oops-he-forgot-to-tell-you-it-was-a-coke-deal and responsible-family man-next-door-who-reads-aloud-to-his-dying-grandmother, Rhett Miller is the thinking girls' ladykiller. It's not our fault he can make a Chili's commercial so sexy. Blame it on gravity. — M.L.

36) Kele Okereke

A limelight-eschewing British dude of ambiguous sexuality is one of the world's biggest rock stars? We'd totally drop some banal sound bite here ("A rocker for the Obama era!" or "Rock Deity 2.0!"), but the lead singer of Bloc Party doesn't deserve such pap. Kele's vocals ping-pong from frenetic sensuality (see "Flux") to ethereality ("Tulips") at a moment's notice, making him the perfect po-mo pop candy for those of us too jaded for love songs and too old to be reading Tiger Beat. — C.L.


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