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Apparently, You Have To Be 21 To Have Sex In Florida...

sexting at Florida high schoolI know -- it doesn't make any sense to me either, but how else to explain this bizarre story out of the Jacksonville area. The facts, as far as I can tell, are these:

On Friday, a 32-year-old high school football coach was booted from his high school teaching job. (He was moved to a "non-teaching position" off-campus, whatever that means.) His crime? Sending naked pics of himself to his young girlfriend.

His girlfriend, by the way, is 20-year-old Name Somehow Unidentified In The Press. Yes, she's 20 -- and, of course, entirely legal in all 50 states and probably even Guantanamo. So, what in the Sam Hill is going on here?

...the parents of Robinson’s girlfriend... who is not a student at the school... found inappropriate photos on her cell phone. ...the parents do not approve of the relationship. The girl’s 17-year-old sister attends the school...

To be perfectly clear -- and not that it even makes a difference -- Robinson may not have even used a school computer to send the photos. Basically, he's been kicked out of his job for having an adult relationship with another adult... a relationship that some parents did not like and somehow managed to convince his employer was "wrong" even though it's not.

Florida: the hits just keep on comin'.



Comments ( 10 )

Had she been 19, the (former) coach would have been castrated.

JK commented on May 24 10 at 10:57 am

I know people are going to disagree with me on this one, but here's my 2 cents:

1.) It was perfectly legal, did not violate any laws, and may be a violation of labor laws to fire him over.

2.) A 32 year old guy shouldn't be in a relationship with a 20 year old. It's weird, skeezy, and wouldn't happen if women could stop justifying their BS need for an older man, and if those so-called "more mature" men could stop taking advantage of these women with whom they have little in common.

Ok, internet. Fire away your disagreements.

Dan commented on May 24 10 at 11:03 am

Two consenting adults - albeit one significantly younger than the other. Enough said.

Three things that set me off here:

1) Overbearing parents that don't want to relinquish control of their kids lives, even when they are adults. This is getting worse and worse. Parents, you are often the cause of problems in your childrens' lives because you won't let them make their own decisions and learn from experience.

2) The inability of the parents to consider that their daughter shares in some of the perceived "blame." How could it be that sweet Stephanie (the same one who was drinking at age 16 and lost her virginity at 17) could do something so unreasonable as dating a 32-year-old!?! He must have her under some sort of Jedi mind control and forcing her to date him. Poor Stephanie.

3) The eagerness to seriously damage another adult's image and negatively impact their life permanently. Their actions show a lack of morals, intelligence, integrity, tact, and dignity. The parents are trying to ruin this guy's life because they don't approve of his relationship with their daughter...THE ONE THAT IS 20 YEARS OLD AND AN ADULT HERSELF!!!! If I went around ruining peoples' lives every time they pissed me off, I would end up with a bullet in the back of the head from all the people I had destroyed.

Way to go Florida. This time you one-upped Utah in the crazy department.

SR commented on May 24 10 at 1:04 pm

All the fucked up stories come from Florida. Really. I don't know how a state with so much beautiful ocean views can harbor so many idiots but if it's a fucked up story, you can bet it happens in Florida!

d keller commented on May 24 10 at 1:41 pm

@d keller: Plenty of f-ed up stories come from Missouri, Kansas, Idaho, Texas, etc. It does seem to be a red state phenomenon, though.

@SR: Are we ever really "consenting adults." I was at a friends 32nd birthday party, where he and the other thirty-somethings gave me, about to turn 25, some advice: "Your thirties are just like your twenties, except you're not an idiot anymore." Twenty year olds still get themselves in plenty of bad relationships for the wrong reasons. We do it for the rest of our lives, sure, but at 20 we're still have impeccably bad judgment.

Dan commented on May 24 10 at 2:31 pm

@Dan Unless someone is holding a gun to your head, consenting. The point is that part of being an adult is making stupid decisions and learning from them.

SR commented on May 24 10 at 3:06 pm

SR, I agree, and don't think we should legislate them. But I think one way we as a society teach ourselves not to make said mistakes is to be disdainful of them. We may believe philosophically that it's wrong to legally ban heroin, but we don't have to say, oh it's fine to take heroin, if you're an adult who's made the choice consentingly.
I also think that it's incumbent upon those of us, like you, SR, smart enough to realize that this is, in fact, a mistake, not to commit the mistake yourself or exploit it, and perhaps to offer advice to a thirty-something friend dating a twenty year old that you think it's weird.

Dan commented on May 24 10 at 3:23 pm

Hey, you know, age is one of those things.

For what it's worth, my parents are 12 years apart, and have been happily married for close to fifty years. Was it "exploitation," a "mistake," or "weird" for them to get together?

FooMcBar commented on May 24 10 at 7:37 pm

Get over yourselves she is legal he is legal ..ende.

noh commented on May 29 10 at 6:23 am

Hey I am 32 and my wife is 21 and we are incredibly happy so to all of you who have a problem with it my wife and I say screw you its our life and we are adults we do what the "F" we want.

Sergio commented on May 30 10 at 2:40 am

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