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While You Were Sleeping: Lindsay Lohan's Cocaine Scandal?

Linday Lohan poses near a white substance some believe could be cocaineI'm still reeling (and drying my eyes like a big baby) from last night's "Lost" finale. If you're still confused (or even if, like me, you're totally satisifed), look back at six years of confusion with this five-minute runthrough of "what happened."

Wikileaks leaked the names of sites Australia was trying to ban, so Australia is going after Wikileaks. We've said it before, but it's worth repeating: Australia needs to stop trying to emulate America.

In what may be the only intelligent move they make all year, Democrats are thinking of ending the superdelegate system.

An assistant principal is accused of sending nudie pics to a 14-year-old boy.

Is this a photo of Lindsay Lohan and a bunch of cocaine? Does it matter?

Project Prevention is a pro-sterilization group that's apparently going around asking women if they'd accept $300 to undergo the procedure.

And ere's a sad piece of news: Sarah Ferguson, who used to be married to a member of the Royal Family, tried to sell access to her ex-husband for six figures.

Comments ( 3 )

Which one is Lindsay Lohan? Bwaaaaahahahaha.

Twolane commented on May 24 10 at 10:22 am

Oh man, that Fergie thing is ridiculous.

Dan commented on May 24 10 at 11:13 am

I'm so disappointed with Sarah Ferguson. She never would have done something like this back when she was with the Black Eyed Peas.

Lord Zodd commented on May 24 10 at 3:25 pm

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