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Links: Christine O'Donnell talks more about witchcraft, GOP isn't scared off

Christine O'Donnell

Christine O'Donnell has been in the new for saying all sorts of terrifying things: Masturbation is evil, she used to practice witchcraft, etc. But the scariest part is that lots of people don't seem to care.

The guys who wrote this marquee get points for a great pun. Not nearly enough points to make me go their bar, but still, points. 

The greatest anti-Pope protest signs. "2-4-6-8, You don't need a cock to transubstantiate" might win for cleverness, but "Nothing says faith in God like four inches of bullet-proof glass" is pretty good, too.

TV returns tonight. Here is everything, new and old, that's on the docket. 

And finally, it's like a present for getting through Monday: a link where you can download Louis C.K.'s Hilarious for free.

Comment ( 1 )

It's amazing how much MORE about withcraft that religious wingnuts seem to know than do the people I've met who *currently* claim to practice witchcraft/wicana/whatever.

*Current* witches generally seem to down-play things: "We mostly just get together with friends around a bonfire and drink beer" or "I get together with a few friends to talk about books we've read" etc.

Supposed former witches-turned-wingnut-Christians: "And then I was formally initiated into a Dark Coven! There were perhaps 400-500 people there at the time: They had purchased a large mansion at the end of a long country road. The High Warlock first copulated with five different woman on the altar ..." etc.

Kogo commented on Sep 21 10 at 10:44 am

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