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Profile confessions: If you're HOT... then it's ok??

Posted by zeitgeisty

I have a question for all you women out there doing the online dating thing...

I've always wondered this. If a prospective suitor sent you the following e-mail, what would your reaction be?

'Hey there hot stuff, I love your photos. It looks like you've been blessed with a treasure trove of luscious sweater meat. You're like an angel from above with those funbags. Hmmm... Seems like you've got a colossal rump as well. Congratulations on your scrumptious melons and firm shitter. Wanna meet up sometime?'

Ok... Now you have an initial reaction... What if the guy was incredibly hot, your EXACT type. Does your reaction change? Do you respond? and if so, what do you respond?

Conversely, what if someone who looked like something you'd find buried at the back of a warthogs cage sent you the most beautiful missive you'd ever read... something SHAKESPEARE level. Would it make a difference that he looked like a bucket of shit? 







LydiaSarah said:

I think no and no. I can really like a guy's looks a lot, but if he opens his mouth and shit comes out, I'm not going to be attracted to him.  Actually a good-looking douchebag is one of the most unappealing kinds of douchebags because those are the cocky jerks who think they can say anything because they're God's gift to women. Yuck! Likewise, if a guy's a total sweetheart, but he just doesn't do it for me physically, he's never going to be anything more to me than a really nice guy.  Those are pretty much the situations you just described so I'd guess I'd nix both. Up to you whether you think that makes me very shallow or very un-shallow.

February 25, 2009 7:47 PM

what she said:

I'm a guy, and that's exactly what I woulda figured.

February 25, 2009 8:36 PM

vix_en25 said:

Im a girl, and im down with what LS said too.

February 26, 2009 1:57 AM

airheadgenius said:

I'm a grown woman and agree with the above.

The last year or so, I've tried to at least consider the bucket-of-shit-looks guy (well, the only average looking guy at least) because ultimately the brain is more important, but there's no way I'd date the gorgeous idiot.

The guy I wrote about in my last post was very very good looking but a complete tool. Can't even go there.

February 26, 2009 6:51 AM

zeitgeisty said:

So basically you want it all!... the question is this.. What percentage of any of us 'gets it all'?

February 26, 2009 10:49 AM

zeitgeisty said:

I think the majority of women would respond to the above email if the guy was their perfect type...

February 26, 2009 2:02 PM

vix_en25 said:

I don't think so. Actually i KNOW I wouldnt respond. besides, I don't have a 'type'

February 26, 2009 2:21 PM

zeitgeisty said:

sorry... but I call BS.

February 26, 2009 2:21 PM

tuff_luv said:

What constitutes the 'perfect type'. Do you mean physically? intellectually? emotionally?

I think it's hard to tell if someone is your 'type' based on an online dating profile. Almost impossible actually.

Likewise, the intro in question could have been written in irony, which I think would actually be funny and might even get me to respond, if it didn't strike me as creepy, which would depend on lots of things, one of which would be the dude's photo.

February 26, 2009 3:21 PM

vix_en25 said:

I don't see a reason why I would BS on a comments section of a blog. I really wouldnt respond to that email, it would creep me out. now if YOU had said it... mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

February 26, 2009 3:22 PM

zeitgeisty said:

What I'm saying is.... If a gorgeous creatuer wrote you that.. your physical IDEAL!!.. Most women would respond..

Like you said, the guy might be ironic, or just horny, not necessarily a douchebag... MOST WOMEN WOULD RESPOND!!... Now.. that being said... if the guy was just - eh... No one would respond...

Finally, if a guy looks like a bucket of shit and writes something on the level of Proust or Tolstoy, he still doesn't get the time of day... All of this adds up to - looks are the most important thing.

February 26, 2009 3:31 PM

communist_daughter said:

i agree with tuff luv, and vix-en re: if you had responded...ditto

February 26, 2009 3:35 PM

tuff_luv said:

I definitely don't have a physical ideal. Honestly.

February 26, 2009 3:52 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

i agree that looks are important. i've been doing this online dating thing for altogether too long. i've received a number of beautifully written emails from men that simply do not physically appeal to m.e at all. and you're right - those guys don't get a response. i've tried it a few times, we've met up, and in the end, i couldn't make myself find them appealing as a result of loving the way they think or write or express themselves. so now i don't reply. saves both of us time and energy.

i've also received less than wildly compelling emails from very attractive men and those men did get a response. if the guy is exactly my physical type i might meet up with him even if his email was uninspired or uninspiring, based on his looks, just to see what happens.

here's the problem with the example you presented. that email isn't just boring or trite or unoriginal or uninspired. it's offensive. shitter? melons? funbags? come on. that email is a bona-fide turn off. no man who sent it to me would get a response no matter what he looked like. yes, looks are important. but they aren't the ONLY criteria for online dating success.

February 26, 2009 3:56 PM

vix_en25 said:

you should test your theory. post a fake profile and send that email and see if anyone responds positively.

February 26, 2009 4:09 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Adrift- it COULD be taken as offensive.. or perhaps the guy could be ironic...You don't KNOW...

Vix - that's a good idea, but who's photo would I put up, I'd have to have 3 photos just to prove it's not fake...

February 26, 2009 4:12 PM

airheadgenius said:

How on earth are you in a position to know what "most women" want? I am pretty confident that not a single woman I know would respond to that email - they might forward it to their friends for a laugh, but that's about it.

A teenager might go for it, but a woman wouldn't. In my opinion.

I think your basic premise is reasonable - that we all "allow" certain behaviours from attractive people that we wouldn't tolerate from the uglies, but your example was too ridiculous to be taken seriously. If Johnny Depp wrote that to me I'd tell him to do one. (That's English for fuck off)

February 26, 2009 4:40 PM

zeitgeisty said:

But if the guy's Johnny Depp, don't you give him the benefit of the doubt?Maybe he's JOKING? at least he thinks you're hot... either way you're intrigued...

You would respond. anyone would.

February 26, 2009 4:53 PM

friedlyss said:

posted this question at work, and 9 out of 10 therapist agree... If the guy was gorgeous it's likely that a VERY large percentage of women would at least respond to the email to find out if the guy is just being Ironic.

Looks go a long way. Period. Anyone who says otherwise, is likely not being totally honest.

February 26, 2009 5:04 PM

zeitgeisty said:

...and 9 out of 10 dentists recommend trident for their patients who chew gum.

February 26, 2009 5:06 PM

vix_en25 said:

If johnny depp emails me and calls my 'fesses' a shitter, I would think he was mocking me in some way. you stumped me on how to find three photos though... too bad, it would have been fun to see if there really are that many crazy ladies out there.

February 26, 2009 5:07 PM

zeitgeisty said:

any really hot guys out there willing to take part in this experiment?

February 26, 2009 5:08 PM

leslie098 said:

Being really hot is a one trick pony.  Had I received the message in the original post I doubt I would have even clicked through to see the profile.  Even if the small version of the picture caught my eye, I would be too bored to even be curious.  

I'm not saying looks don't matter.  Chemistry has to be there, but my attraction threshold is based on a different set of rules than I think men have for women.  Not better or worse, just different.  It works both ways.  I can get away with being a raging bitch at work because my 65 year old boss appreciates being flirted with by a pretty 25 year old girl.  Objectification has its place for everyone.  

If I want to objectify a man I can rent a movie and stare at Clive Owen for an hour and a half and be way more amused than I would be on a date listening to some idiot talk about law school and his triathalon training.

February 26, 2009 5:14 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I dunno... That message might be crude, but is it BORING? You don't messages like that everyday... you wouldn't be INTRIGUED?

February 26, 2009 5:21 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

but it would offend me. even if it was intended to be ironic, it failed. there's no implied contradiction between the ostensible and true meaning of the message. it's not one of those borderline messages that might be from a total tool or might be from a clever guy mocking the sort of message a total tool would send. it's just gross.

did a similarly unscientific poll as friedlyss. sent the message to 8 girlfriends with the note: "just got this from some guy on Hooksexup. his pictures are GORGEOUS. should i respond?" everyone of them responded with some variation of "dude. wtf are you smoking? of COURSE not." the only exception was the girl who recommend i respond to call him on his unmitigated douchebaggery.

don't know where your "most women" sentiments are coming from. but no woman i know would give this guy a chance. i also don't think you're hearing the pretty consistent message from women commenting. which sounds to me like "sure, looks matter a lot, but not enough to compensate for a message this awful."

February 26, 2009 5:30 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Hmmm... interesting... How old are you and your friends?

There are many different factors here.. I still maintain, most women would respond.

See, I do think there is room in the message to interpret it as ironic .

Ok... how about this, you read through his profile, and it's hilarious... so obviously this guy COULD be joking...

What do you think then?

February 26, 2009 5:36 PM

profrobert said:

Irony does not translate well to e-mail in general and less so when you're talking about a first e-mail.  I agree with Adrift and AHG here that while looks will get you to a certain point and would overcome a boring or trite e-mail, I doubt they would overcome an offensive e-mail.  Assuming that the writer was being ironic, it would show that he lacks judgment about when and how to use irony and humor.  Either way, someone who would send a first e-mail like that is an asshole, and I believe any woman here who says she wouldn't respond -- I'm sure they've been out with assholes before and have no desire to repeat the experience, regardless of his looks.

February 26, 2009 5:44 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

i'm 35. women in my informal poll range from 26 to 40 with most around 30.

so maybe we're too old for the representative sample you're targeting. possible the 19-25 crowd would respond differently.

i guess if his profile was brilliant and hilarious and self aware, that could raise the "is he kidding?" question in my mind. problem is, i'd likely never see his profile if i saw that message. maybe if i did see it, i might write back to say "based on your profile, i can only assume your account has been hacked and someone else sent me this message without your knowledge and consent. probably time to change your password."

and i would mean it.

February 26, 2009 5:55 PM

hunter said:

Sooo.....are you asking or asserting?  Seems like more the latter to me, and that you're very resistant to the "Hell NO!" feedback that you're generally getting.

I made the mistake of putting my profile up (on a different site) one Saturday night and got responses that were not *quite* that extreme, but pretty close...and even though some were from extremely hot-looking guys based on their picture. the definite reaction was to laugh, delete, and move on.  

I think it's a little like getting the whistle/catcall from the super-hot construction worker (to use a cliche).  It can be kind of flattering, but in most cases you're not really going to respond - and he doesn't really expect you to, either.  

February 26, 2009 8:28 PM

nicknickleby said:

Zeit, I just don't get why you're flogging this donkey.

Have you ever actually tried this approach? If you did, what happened? I'm guessing you didn't but if you did, bet she didn't reply.

Sounds more like idle pillow talk with your girlfriend - who told you that she'd have told you to fuck right off - she replied at all. Can't believe you couldn't talk to her from the get go as you do now?

February 26, 2009 8:41 PM

Tiptree said:

Holden Caulfield made the same argument, with his story that girls find unattractive insecure guys to be braggarts while finding attractive braggarts to be insecure.  Still, your "note" is too ridiculous.

February 26, 2009 9:30 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Zeit, if you're so convinced that you know the answer to your own question despite the contradictions of many ACTUAL women, then why ask it at all? According to you, we all must either be lying or in denial, which says as much about what you think of "most women" as anything you've posted here. As for the "maybe he's being ironic" thing, irony of that sort can be funny if you've already established some kind of rapport with someone.  Any guy who thinks that that's an appropriate way to introduce yourself to a stranger is a moron. As previously mentioned, morons are disqualified, including morons with senses of irony.

February 26, 2009 10:01 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Also, how is wanting a potential partner to both turn me on physically, and be intellectually engaging and respectful "wanting it all"?  I'd say that those things are actually just baseline requirements. It's not super-easy to find people who fit them, or otherwise there'd be no such thing as romantic and sexual frustration, but it's not THAT hard.  I think most people have those basic criteria, unless they're really insecure or desperate.

February 26, 2009 10:17 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Well, ok... I see the majority disagree, The proof is in the pudding, so if there's a Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt amongst you willing to take part in this experiment please make yourselves available in the name of science.

February 26, 2009 10:17 PM

waitmexico said:

Wouldn't guys do the same thing with a hot girl and an equally inane message? I'd think it speaks to general human behavior rather than specifically women. Or perhaps your point was that women would SAY they wouldn't...

February 26, 2009 11:54 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Yes most definitely... I don't think it's specific to women at all... Men would do it.. I know I would...

You got the point, women obviously SAY the wouldn't.

February 27, 2009 1:03 AM

leslie098 said:

No I don't receive an email like that everyday, but I do receive similar ones about once a week.  So yes, I would be bored and no, I would not be intrigued enough to respond.

Just the other day I received the following:

"your very pretty but something is missing!!!!!!!! My ring on your finger!!!!!!"

Let's see this one came the week before:

"so im guessin' a spanking outta the question then eh miss?.... "


Just last night someone threw a beer can at me from a moving vehicle and screamed "I like your shape!"

I'm a little standoffish and rarely get hit on and if that has been my experience with men approaching me then it must be ten times worse for other women.  

I don't care how hot someone is.  Is the email supposed to shock me?  Am I supposed to be flattered that a man wants to fuck me?  From what I've seen men can be pretty indiscriminate.  I just don't think that kind of proposition from Brad Pitt himself would be found particularly clever or interesting by anyone.

No matter what you think women are doing in secret, I maintain that most of them just click delete and never think of it again.

February 27, 2009 5:54 PM

adriftinbklyn said:

hey leslie? the "missing my ring on your finger" msg? i got that one. twice. a friend of mine who is also on Hooksexup got it the same day i did. i swear, that guy has some kind of mass mailer set up that sends out identical messages to every active profile on a weekly basis.

so yeah. click delete, never think of it again. you said it.

February 27, 2009 11:43 PM

Toluca_86 said:


The fact you post this and then tell all the women that you know them better than they know themselves is TOTALLY characteristic of you.

But heck, I'm pretty sure I care more about looks than the average gal, and no I wouldn't respond to this message no matter who sent it.  

First off, I think your insistance that women would respond to this if it was written by Johnny Depp is primarily related to your own insecurities about your looks.

Or maybe you're projecting?  Because maybe looks matter a disproportionate amount to you?  Or maybe both?

But also, I think you, as a man, probably don't have a good feel for how often women DO receive comments like this.  Yeah, some hot guys might be willing to fuck me, but if they're not going to respect me on some basic level, what's the point?  Guys just don't know what it's like to be subjected to the prevalence of degrading comments and attitudes of privilige over your time, body, etc. that nearly every woman has been dealing with since she was 13...

February 28, 2009 3:38 PM

zeitgeisty said:

"Guys just don't know what it's like to be subjected to the prevalence of degrading comments and attitudes of privilige over your time, body, etc."

I don't even understand this sentence.. it's completely incoherent.

February 28, 2009 4:53 PM

LydiaSarah said:

I know what she means, I think she was just writing quickly. Here's my equally quick edit: "Guys just don't know what it's like to be constantly subjected to men's degrading comments and sense of entitlement to your time and body."

It's a valid point either way.  You, or another guy, might respond to an equivalent message sent to you by an attractive woman (although plenty of guys probably wouldn't too.). But it's not really an equivalent situation because of the difference of male and female experience.  Any time a woman walks into a bar, or just out of her house, it's likely that she's going to be dealing with a lot of unwanted attention to her "funbags" etc.  So while the experience of having someone very crudely express their admiration for one's physical attributes might seem kind of novel for a lot of guys, to most women it's just annoying, eye roll-inducing business as usual.  Also, if a woman sent such a message, it would be unusual enough that she would almost certainly be being ironic.  If a guy sent it, he'd almost certainly be just another meathead.  

February 28, 2009 7:02 PM

Sophie said:

Oh, Zeitgeisty, you sound so misguided, and I agree with Toluca that it sounds like this is reflecting your own insecurity about your looks.

You wrote "what if this guy was your exact type, and really hot, then you'd respond".

Well - my exact type is someone who wouldn't think of introducing themselves in that way. So, I wouldn't respond.

Of course looks matter. But, they don't matter that much. I would even argue that, if we want to generalize and talk about 'most women', looks matter a bit less to women than to men (witness "trophy wives" vs "sugar daddies").

You sound like kind of a jerk, actually. When people have responded with comments you don't agree with, you attack them rather than their argument ("how old are you and your friends"... "basically you want it all"... "your sentence is completely incoherent"...). This behaviour makes you sound like a petulant teenager who didn't get their way. But maybe that's just the impression I get...

February 28, 2009 7:28 PM

zeitgeisty said:

I didn't ask adrift how old she was for any other reason than trying to ascertain a demographic. It certainly wasn't a dig at her. As for saying 'so basically you want it all', I'm lost at seeing how that was an attack. As for calling Toluca's sentence incoherent - it was.

What I don't understand, is how I'M the petulant teenager that attacks everyone, when now both you AND Toluca have both attacked me, saying I am insecure about my looks and that I sound like a jerk.

As far as me being insecure about my looks, that's ridiculous. I don't see any kind of reason you might jump to that conclusion. I was merely putting forth the question - obviously in an exaggerated fashion - of the importance of looks in GENERAL when it comes to online dating.

Now, as for the question of not knowing what it means to be objectified, I'm not really sure I understand. Are you saying all women are objectified? That's simply not the case. Yes, it's true pretty women get ogled, so do attractive men. Where is the difference? Men look at a nice pair of tits, and women don't stare at a bulging crotch?

I'm sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations all you obviously irresistible ladies are having out there I'm sure it will be a relief when you eventually get old enough to where you'll stop getting constantly harrassed.

February 28, 2009 8:53 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Women may stare at a bulging crotch (actually, I tend to stare at other things--you just can't tell much about a crotch when it's flaccid and covered in pants) like men stare at a pair of tits, but women generally don't go up to men with said bulging crotches and say "Damn, you've got one hell of a package there! What's your number, sweetie?" and then not leave them alone until they give them clear "fuck-off" signs (or the bartender gives even more clear "fuck-off" signs.) That's the difference.  If I go into a bar alone to hear one of my friends play,  there will be about 10 guys over the course of the night who will think I actually came there for the express purpose of being clumsily, drunkenly hit on by them. That's just a fact. It is more permissable in this society for men to be crudely, sexually aggressive than it is for women to be so. Therefore, women are going to have much more experience dealing with crude sexual aggression than men.

February 28, 2009 9:46 PM

Toluca_86 said:

Love ya, LS

February 28, 2009 10:33 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Well that's interesting.. 10 guys a night agress upon you in  sexual manner?? I would venture to guess that's not the norm, but if you say so. I know a lot of women, many extremely attractive, and never have I heard or witnessed this level of harrassment.

February 28, 2009 10:40 PM

LydiaSarah said:

Zeit, now you're just being willfully difficult. You're a writer. I'm sure you can grasp the concept of exaggeration to make a point. I don't keep tally of the random mooks who bother me in bars. My point was that unwanted, sexually aggressive attention from strangers is something that women have generally had a lot more experience with than men. And you know perfectly well that that's what I meant.

To respond to an earlier statement, nobody here is claiming that they're "irresistible." I think pretty much any woman who doesn't have a beard could relate to the experiences we're relating here. And nobody is saying that they don't appreciate male attention.  We're just saying that male attention, for various already-mentioned reasons, is in large enough supply that most women prefer to accept it from men who can offer it with a trace of class.  That's pretty much all any of the numerous women who have responded to this post have been saying.

February 28, 2009 11:17 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Honestly the hyperbole went over my head, I thought you were being literal.

Not to just take a position just to be a contrarian, but I've experienced aggressive unwanted advances from women many a time as well... ALthough it may be more prevalent or women, I'd hardly say it doesn't go both ways... Still, this is getting away from what my original post was... which by the way I was EXAGGERATING to make a point!

March 1, 2009 12:26 AM

Toluca_86 said:


Maybe not just at a bar, but if I walked through the city for an hour each day I could easily receive 10 harassing comments.  Everytime I go to a bar I get hit on at least once, usually a few times.  I've had enough conversations about this with my male peers, that I'm fairly sure it's not close to the same level for them.

"Still, this is getting away from what my original post was... which by the way I was EXAGGERATING to make a point!"

Yeah, it takes great talent to blame your readers' skepticism/lack of agreeing with your point on themselves, rather than on your writing.  You are lucky you are being paid by Hooksexup, rather than by how many copies you sell...

March 1, 2009 11:42 AM

zeitgeisty said:

10 harassing comments? Are you sure they aren't howls of horror?

Again, I haven't been blaming anyone here at all for disagreeing... The whole part of an interesting discussion is disparate opinion...

As for not getting paid by how many 'copies I sell' that's horse shit. Every blogger hired gets paid by the amount of page views they get, the higher the page views the more they get paid. It's the E version of 'selling copies'...

March 1, 2009 1:28 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Agree with Z up to a point that people project whatever they want to see on a potential mate/date based on looks.  I believe though that it applies pretty equally to both men and women.  Had Ted Bundy been scary to look at, and not a reasonably attractive young man with a law degree and some clean cut charm, there would be roughly 50 more women alive today.  I am NOT exaggerating to make a point.  

That's offline though where people tend to be more impulsive about attraction.  Any man, no matter what he looks like, is going to encounter much more resistance to his "wiles and charms" with a message like that.  He may get the odd one or two who overthinks it and says to herself, "He can't really be such a dick, can he?  He's probably just weeding out the oversensitive.  He's got to be kidding!"  Chances are she would be wrong.  

March 1, 2009 4:07 PM

Drew said:

So let's tone down Z's own hyperbole a bit, and suggest this (in fact, this point has been brought up already in passing):

You get two messages in your inbox one day. Both of them are roughly equivalent in tone and character: dry and uninteresting. Y'know, the equivalent of "Hey, what's up? You seem cool. Let's go out sometime."

The difference is that one comes from a guy who's not so good looking, and the other comes from a guy you'd approximately call "God's gift to women."

Now, the fact of the matter is that <i>some</i> women will ignore both messages. However, you can't deny that, in my estimation, <i>most</i> women will at least <i>consider</i> the good-looking guy's message longer than the other guy, and <i>some</i> would even agree to go out with the good-looking guy, even though his message wasn't terribly interesting. But <i>none</i> of them would consider the guy who was both dry <i>and</i> unremarkable-looking.

The fact is, to make it in online dating, you have to be exceptional in <i>some</i> way, whether it be looks, intelligence, comic potential, etc. If you're lucky, you can find somebody who's, say, above average in all categories, and if you find one of those, you rejoice. But in the cases where the guy is good looking and subpar in all the others, he's still going to get more dates than the average- or below-average-looking guy who's very smart and funny. That's just the way it is.

March 4, 2009 1:36 AM

zeitgeisty said:

yes... that's all i was sayin'...

March 4, 2009 8:59 AM

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