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Sex Machine: My Kingdom for a Boner

Posted by amboabe

A woman I once knew confessed that almost every man she had slept with over the age of thirty-five had some form of erectile dysfunction. Either they would get hard and then go limp a few minutes later, take 20 minutes or more to get erect from direct stimulation, or just never get hard at all. I've heard all the Viagra jokes, seen the Bob Dole commercials, seen the sit-com one-liners about it happening to everyone. Still, I was surprised to hear that this tacky bit of cultural floss actually has a kernel of truth in it.


I remember the first time I couldn't get an erection with a woman. I was twenty-five. We had been kissing for a couple of hours one sweltering August afternoon. It was with a woman I had been dating for a few weeks but hadn't had sex with yet. "Do you want to put something in me besides your fingers?" she asked. Yeppers.

We had made our way to her bed. She was naked and I was in an ugly pair of plaid boxer shorts. I watched her walk to a dresser across the room to get condoms. It was ninety degrees inside and humid. We had been out late the night before, drinking and dancing. I still had a hangover and I felt the achy tickle of a cold coming on. As soon as she left the bed, I felt a strange reaction in my body. It felt tired, like some kind of mule after a long haul. The distraction of fooling around and the immediate touch of another body had been enough to cover it up, but now that she was on the other side of bedroom, rooting through her sock drawer, there were no distractions left. I felt like I needed a nap.

This was also the first time I had seen her naked. I was attracted to her. She was beautiful, stubborn and lilting at the same time; she was a walking, talking lemon drop. But when I saw her naked that first time, walking across the room in the afternoon light, I was disappointed. It all seemed so different when I was tasting her saliva, and feeling her body against mine with eyes closed. Everything was so new, and I had been swept away with my own flush of romance. I wasn't quite ready to reconcile the figurative feel of her with the literal, functional impression of her body, standing at a dresser like it was a cupboard filled with flour.

When she came back to bed with a handful of condoms, I started to panic. I realized I had lost my half-erection during the minute she had been gone. I took the condoms out of her hand and pulled her back into bed, hoping that kissing and foreplay would get my lazy afternoon boner back. This was my first encounter with the vortex of the disappearing boner. As soon as you're conscious of the fact that it's gone, the fixation on its continuing absence hangs over your head like a cackling crow. Every minute or so my subconscious would bubble up, "Nope, still no erection."

After much straining, angst, and blowjobs (which didn't quite do it), I finally forced my mule back into his yolk. I slipped the condom tenuously down over my penis, torturing myself with the idea that this one would melt away like the one before it. There's a lot of pressure involved in having a penis. If men put hideously unreasonable expectations on women by validating sexual tripe like Playboy and Hooters, the converse is that we've boxed ourselves into a role of being rock steady pipe layers. Virility served twenty-four hours a day or my name isn't Joe Namath. 


I haven't had many episodes of impotence since then. The most distressing part of my penile performance over the last few years has been a gradually increasing refractory period. But I've noticed that I want to switch positions more frequently now. A little too long spent in one posture and I start to lose track a little. A brief image of my penis made up of quicksand flashes through my head, and that's enough to move into something else.

Then I wonder, what will things be like in five years? Or ten years? Will I start popping hard-on pills if when I'm forty and my mule is more interested in grazing? Would it be demeaning to my partner if my erections became more scattershot? Can you have sex without penetration? Can intimacy and eroticism take a form outside of the throbbing masthead without being somehow less? I'm a little bit frightened of the idea of having a teenage erection attached to my wrinkly, liver-spotted fifty year-old body. When I was young I had sex like a young man. As I get older, it doesn't seem unnatural that the sex should change accordingly.

I just don't know what that means. How do old men have sex?

Previous Posts:

Date Machine: Don't Make Poopy in the Office 

Hooksexup Confessions: Fat and Skinny, Ugly, Pretty

Crying In Public: Some Corner in Brooklyn

Dating the Web: Don't Google Fisting and Why Women Apologize So Much 

Date Machine: The Woman in the Coffee Shop and The Woman at the Bus Stop 

Love Machine: Your Mom Will Do 

Date Machine: Scary Movies or I Peed My Pants 

Date Machine: Rate My Ethics 

Love Machine: Let's Just Be Friends

Love Machine: Must Be Willing to Lie About Where We Met 

Sex Machine: Why Women Are Great In Bed 

Sex Machine: Why Women Suck in Bed 

Date Night: All By Myself on a Saturday Night 

Sex Machine: Spank My Ass 

Love Machine: Infidelity or How Long Can You Go Without Cheating? 

Date Night: The 45-Minute Walkout 

Date Night Redux: H's Version of Our Night Out 

Celebrity Confession: Who is Lauren Cohan and Why is She Hitting on Me?

Sex Machine: My First Muff Dive 

Crying in Public: Remember the Cheerleaders 

Sex Machine: Masturbating Upside Down 

Date Night: Two Women in One Night 

Hooksexup Confessions: Rate My Penis Size 

Crying In Public: The Sichuan Night Train

Love machine: How I Date On The Internet

Sex Machine: Rate My Blowjobs

Crying in Public: My Cubicle




zeitgeisty said:

This friend of yours you speak of in the first paragraph... Her penis troubles couldn't have anything to do with her could it?

October 27, 2008 10:19 AM

loobetchka said:

Yeah exactly.  

I've had a few scary bouts in my life, but it was always because I wasn't really attracted to the woman and my body was just reacting to that.  

Once it's in your head though, it's fucking hard to shake out.

October 27, 2008 10:55 AM

thatasianygirl said:

if it really concerns you that much, i suggest you read these: . then again, what do i know?

October 27, 2008 1:53 PM

bizzarissima said:

Maybe for certain men it becomes increasingly important to be really attracted to the woman in order to get no 'scary bouts', as loo points out. Sex with my lover who is in his late 30s comes after mental or visual stimulation most of the times and less through the usual skin progressive pattern [kissing etc.]. It's a bit on the aestheticised side of pleasure, but we equally enjoy it, more playful and demanding like that.

I made at the very beginning this harmful assumption, that he might suffer of ED, but then I just observed him very carefully and quickly got what I wanted, without creating too much useless frustration.

And then, I like challenges and provocations, so things never manage to get too predictable or repetitive fortunately. Quality over quantity remains my ground rule. ;)

October 27, 2008 7:40 PM

Toluca_86 said:

I've known some dudes who said there ED moments were attributable to things other than not being attracted enough to the woman.  So, I think it varies...

October 27, 2008 7:57 PM

askmeanything said:

Same thing can happen for women except it's probably less dramatic.  With a new partner I can become sopping wet at the drop of a hat.  In an established relationship, it sometimes takes a while any lubrication to happen even though I am mentally turned on.  Then I start to worry about it like, "He's going to want to put it in soon and I won't be wet, it won't work.." which doesn't help.

October 28, 2008 2:33 PM

Gelfling said:

The increasing dysfunction with age is the opposite of my personal experience - when i was in my late teens and early twenties, i had no BFs who didn't have some sort of dysfunction. But that was over a decade ago, and since i was about 25 i've not known anyone to have an issue.

The point being, one person's experience is not enough data to project an entire trend.

November 5, 2008 1:59 PM




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I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

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