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'But baby I HAVE to have a profile up.. it's REQUIRED for godsakes!!' - the GIRLFRIEND file the Daily Throb

Posted by zeitgeisty
One of the requisites for being a blogger here at Date Machine is to have an active personals profile. This initially elicited a bit of consternation from my girlfriend.

‘I don’t understand… If you’re dating someone, why do you have to have a profile up?’

‘I dunno… it’s the rules. I follow the rules! I’m a good soldier..’

‘Sure that’s what they all said at Nuremberg…’

Eventually, after I changed my status to ‘attached’, and set my preferences to ‘looking for a man or woman for a friend’, she eased off. Then one day she approaches me with a grave expression on her face. Automatically, I knew I was in for some sort of drama. I hate the ‘grave expression’.

‘Do you talk to women on Hooksexup?’

My mind raced… had I talked to anyone? Shit… I realized that in fact there were a couple of chicks that wrote to me, in which I had politely ( yet very briefly )  responded to.

‘Nooo! What are you talking about? Like who? Who would I talk to?’ 

‘So you’re saying you’ve never talked to anyone on Hooksexup recently’

I knew in order for her to have found out about these completely banal and harmless non-conversations, she would have had to have gone into my account and snooped around. She’s looked through my stuff before, so this wasn’t much of a surprise to me, and to tell the truth at this point I don’t even care when she does it anymore…

‘Ohh… Did you say TALK to?... Well I do believe there were a couple I just responded to briefly…’

‘Why are you talking to women on Hooksexup??’

‘I’m not TALKING to women on Hooksexup… did you want me to be rude?? I just responded!... They could have been fans of the blog!!!’

‘I don’t get it… what do you get out of it? Why are you talking to strange women?’

‘Listen, as a blogger, I’m REQUIRED to have an active profile, if someone writes me do you want me to just not respond? I mean, it’s not like I’M writing anyone… It’s not like I’m flirting with them, or giving them any indication that I’m interested…Jesus.. it says ATTACHED on my profile. What else do you want?’

‘I know I wouldn’t respond if it were me. How would you like it if I were talking to strange men on Hooksexup. I’m putting my profile back up.. no biggie right? If all I’m having is simple conversation’

‘That’s completely different.. I HAVE to have my profile up’

I could tell this discussion was going to be an all-nighter…

‘What about the Hotlisting?’

Shit… now my mind was racing. Had I hotlisted anyone??

‘Hotlist? Who did I hotlist?’

‘You have like 15 people you hotlisted!! Some since we’ve been going out!!!’

‘Oh HOTLIST..uh… well, they probably were people that commented on the blog-a-log that I was just checking out’

‘Bullshit… they’re all HOT women!!’

‘So… I’m to blame that my readers are hot??’

‘You’re a liar!!... Even if they were readers, why do you need to hotlist them?’

‘What’s the big deal anyway? It’s not like I WROTE to anyone!’

‘Yeah, but you HOTLISTED them...’


‘When you hotlist someone, they see it, and that’s a way of getting them to write to you!!... it’s an INVITATION!!’

I actually had never even realized that. Shit… I should’ve used that trick when I was actually using the fucking thing!

‘You mean it’s like a technique? That’s devious… You have a devious mind!!’

‘You were trawling for responses!’

‘Yeah well… I didn’t get any anyway, so what’s the diff??’

‘Why are you hotlisting strange women?’

‘Like I said, either I knew them, or they were commenters… Ok.. and even if there were a couple that I just hotlisted for the hell of it, what’s the big deal? I was just bored probably. I mean, I didn’t WRITE to them!...’

‘You were just bored? So you’re bored, and you’re looking at other women?’

‘God… it’s meaningless. It’s just pointing and clicking, mindless, emotionless, pointing and clicking!!’

It went on and on like that for the rest of the night, and into the next day. Eventually, I managed to quell her fears by telling her that I just wouldn’t respond back to anyone that wrote to me, and that I wouldn’t hotlist anyone anymore.

Of course recently, it’s been floated here at Date Machine, that we’re going start up a new feature where we bloggers spotlight the ‘personal of the day’. Now, in order to use their profile, we would have to get their permission, which means we’d have to write to them! When I heard about this, I immediately let my girlfriend know about it.

Smiling, she said….‘So you beat the system huh?’

‘Hey… I follow orders… I’m a good soldier.’




Hubba hubba!...Claudia Cardinale actress...Fellini's 8 1/2

BITE ME! - Snark.

My first kiss...a remembrance of thing past

Feel the paste in you face - The FACIAL file

Talk dirty to me!!

I abstain! The fear to fuck

The unvarnished TRUTH about dating on the internet.


Pontifications on the bangin' of ass - The ANAL file

The brass ring



vix_en25 said:

I remember how freaked out you were about the whole snooping on your text messages ordeal (i think i may have suggested that you should chill back then), and Im just so glad that you don't care as much anymore.

September 8, 2008 4:13 PM

zeitgeisty said:

yeah... I remember that.. You're very wise!

September 8, 2008 4:30 PM

waitmexico said:

I'm with her on this one. I'm glad you guys resolved it.

September 8, 2008 5:55 PM

profrobert said:

If you think there's a future with this girlfriend, stop blogging and take down your profile.  Whatever they're paying you isn't worth it if you screw up something really good with a partner.

September 8, 2008 5:59 PM

zeitgeisty said:

Wait - Don't get me wrong I could see her point too...

September 8, 2008 6:06 PM

zeitgeisty said:

prof - If a relationship can't withstand this, then it's not much of a relationship...

September 8, 2008 6:15 PM

airheadgenius said:

I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone that had "gone into my account and snooped around". I gave up that shit in high school.

September 8, 2008 7:14 PM

dvaleriey said:

Oh airheadgenius, stop being holier than thou.  I'm with the girlfriend here!  A little snoop establishes boundaries and shows a woman to be feisty.  When a fellow snoops on me, I feel flattered.  Anything can go too far, but in this era of half-hearted hook-ups and shruggy dull "mutually satisfying relationships" I like a wily gal who keeps tabs on her man.  It brings out her bristly femininity and should make the fellow feel MANLY!  

September 8, 2008 9:43 PM

airheadgenius said:

dvalerley - I am holier than thou. I am in like Flynn with the heavenly father. Ask anyone. And I maintain that it's more stalkery than feisty.

September 8, 2008 9:56 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Snooping through texts and e-mails is an instant dealbreaker for me, though I've never had to test that conviction.  Google makes life weird enough anyway.  I've had dates, upon learning my name, return with information I'd forgotten myself.  

I've got a statcounter on my blog that shows keyword searches and once I had a searched dating, ex-wife, women, sex, unfaithful, cheating and more.  I understood she wanted to know fully what she was getting herself into but as I told her... just ask.  Going through texts and e-mails though is a condemnation and invasion of privacy.  Not cool.

September 9, 2008 5:54 AM

kpeckett said:

Yay you are back! It's kpeck writing under a better name! Looking forward to reading about your baggage!

September 9, 2008 8:26 AM

brady'sbumknee said:

Gotta say i think snooping in relationships is one hell of a bad sign. Repeated snooping is a CLEAR deal breaker. If your partner is so insecure that she needs to check your personal emails, texts, Hooksexup profile, etc. A. she has a reason to feel insecure (you must not be making her feel she's your one and only), and B. She's passive aggressive. I agree YOU shouldn't be hot-listing other women. However, she loses some steam in her argument when she knows you are up to no good because she hacked your account. Word of advice to your lady, either don't snoop, because you are likely not going to like what you find, or suck it up and just play along. And advice for you: If you are still looking elsewhere, maybe you should just end it for your girl's sake. Save her the heartache. Lying, snooping, passive aggressive behavior etc. Where's the security in a relationship like that?

September 9, 2008 8:41 AM

vix_en25 said:

I hate it when people make a big deal out of little things like snooping. its just so ridiculous. Its only really a problem if its something that is done often and there are major jealousy issues. what zeitgeisty's gf is doing is so mild it shouldnt even be mentioned. im glad that zeitgeisty is FINALLY in what seems to be a healthy relationship. STOP PUTTING IDEAS INTO HIS HEAD.

September 9, 2008 9:04 AM

vix_en25 said:

btw, claudia cardinale is sooooo yummy. perfect body.

September 9, 2008 9:13 AM

dvaleriey said:

Following the former blog, I contend the girlfriend in question is witty and pretty.  Men with a list of "dealbreakers" are often sexless nerds wishing to pull brethren like Zeitgeisty back into the fold of loneliness and longing.  Don't fall for it!  A fondly remembered former boyfriend who caught me rifling through his desk said, "If you really want to know how I feel, take a look in here."  (his pants!)

September 9, 2008 10:06 AM

zeitgeisty said:

I must admit when the snooping first began it really pissed me off, the main reason being we hadn't been going out that long at all, and I didn't even know MYSELF what was in my cell phone, or Myspace account... I don't like being surprised and caught off guard with a bunch of shit... Now what annoyed me more about this incident was not the fact that she snooped, but that she made a huge issue out of nothing...

September 9, 2008 10:50 AM

tweak23 said:

I'm sorry, but snooping is just not OK. It's not unforgivable either, but if it happens chronically, there is a serious problem.

I'm not saying *THIS* is a serious problem, just snooping in general.

September 10, 2008 5:01 PM

dvaleriey said:

Plenty of sharp-minded, confident, gorgeous, lusty ladies who are witty and fun also snoop (I should know, I'm a snooper!)  The occasional peep can save so much time.  Rather than a long, droning relationship conversation, you can take a peak and say, "Yippee!  My man is crazy about me!" or "Hmmmm, time to start flirting with new fellows."  If it's chronic or icky, that's one thing, but recently I snooped an email my fiance wrote to an old friend and it was filled with great things about ME!  I was giddy all day and felt excited to be complimented second hand.  

To cut out snooping entirely, let her find something sweet, adoring, and cute.  Hide a note in your wallet: "I caught you snooping!  Hope to catch you hiding in my bed later tonight, you sexy sneak!"      

September 11, 2008 9:56 AM

pinkboots said:

there is nothing sexy about snooping.

September 19, 2008 2:05 AM




DATE MACHINE explores the triumphs and tragedies of your dating confessions. Look here for commentary, dating advice, and our own salacious (or ridiculous) dating stories.



Professional Dominatrix, lapsed English major and token black chick extraordinaire. I'm also a great big perv. Bend over.

Location:New York, New York
Looking for: Those who aren't too afraid.


I'm an existentialist trapped in the body of a rational humanist. I've got a penchant for misanthropy and a flair for the obvious. I'm quick with a joke or a light up your smoke, but there's someplace that I'd rather be. I'm Zeitgeisty, pleased to meet me I'm sure. Visit my blog at

Location: Somewhere on the isle of Manhattan...
Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

Location: Brooklyn
Looking for: A stunning socialist with a propensity to pick winning lottery numbers


I'm a smart ass writer who'll argue your ear off, hold your hand close, and tell you the truth whenever. I'm a fool and a hero, a confessional soul, and lover of life in every conceivably absurd way that it can come. I also paint my toenails.

Location: San Francisco
Looking for: A sail, not an anchor.


Slightly neurotic, over-analyzing girl..err, woman, with too much charm for the average person to handle. Has a fondness for red wine, cheap beer and a good time.

Location: The Igloo, Canada
Looking for: Nothing mediocre

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