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Date Machine

Date Machine: Setting Up Your Friends

Posted by amboabe

Being set up on a date by friends is a terrible paradox. It's briefly exciting to imagine meeting a brand new person who comes pre-ordained as attractive, intelligent, and beguiling by people you know and trust. That excitement quickly turns into disappointment when the vague premonition of the person turns into a fleshy, detailed reality. Predicting attraction is tough, and being friends with a person isn't always the clearest lens through which to view their relative merits as a partner. The few times friends have tried to set me I've almost always been uncomfortably reminded of my own shallowness. I usually feel mildly slighted. Can it be that my friends think I belong in the same pool of attractiveness with this foul beast?


There's no accounting for attraction. I barely understand what rippling threads pull my heart and loins towards the women I've fallen for, and it's seems the difficulty would only be intensified with a friend left in charge. The impulse to set up two friends seems more motivated by the need to join loose threads in the periphery than by a fully formed thought that these two separate humans would actually make each happier. It's more like an act of neatness. A few years ago my friend S, then happily in the midst of a relationship that would eventually become a marriage, suggested that I hang out with another of her friends whom she thought I would like a lot.

I met her for drinks (I'd write her first initial but I can't even remember it anymore – sorry S!). I knew as soon as I saw her that I wasn't attracted to her. She looked like a cartoon woodchuck stripped of her cel-shaded whimsy. Our conversation was doubly awkward, knowing that our meeting was not a product of our own devising. It felt like being a little piece on someone else's chessboard. We both agreed to come together as a matter of faith in our mutual friend, an act of blind trust and implicit desperation.

There's nothing that I want for my friends more immediately than safety. I want my friends to be well-insulated from the world, and swaddled away from any unnecessary stresses and traumas. I imagine a similar impulse guiding their process of selecting a mate for me, and suddenly I'm having a drink with the metaphysical version of a pair of mittens. Love isn't about safety or insulation. It's about one extended risk taken in slow motion. The implicit goal in dating is to find a partner for some longer period of time, and what's more risky than committing to someone for a long period of time? To speak without wavering about a future that is fundamentally uncontrollable?

Falling in love is like surfing a giant wave. You stand in the uterine pipeline, racing forward at superhuman speed, and in a precarious balance. There's no room to think about the precarious posture. A few inches left or right would be enough to send the whole endeavor in a tumbling disaster, roiling downwards to the ocean floor below. Your friends are like the nervous parents sitting on the beach watching you out on the open ocean, rising and falling in the giant swells and getting nervous. They wave you in, want to give you floaties for your arms, and a nice safe friend to go playing in the tide pools with instead.

I've been set up by friends twice. The first was when my high school English teacher told me that J up in the corner would be a good foil for my hairless poetic scrawlings. She was, for a little while. We had a lot of fun together, indulging long winding talks that were so preposterously self-righteous I wish there was a surviving transcript somewhere. Her pale blue eyes were merciless, and her thick hips and calves were tanned in a way that made me salivate subconsciously. I had an instinctual urge to want to taste her before I had the language or experience to articulate it. Then I fell off her wave and tumbled hard into the crashing undertow beneath. The second time was earlier this year. Swoon.

In both those cases, the set up was instigated by someone that wanted to see me challenged. I've become great friends with my high school English teacher, but while I was still his student he didn't much like me. His suggestion that I go chase after J for a few months was a mischievous one. I'm sure he must have enjoyed watching me squirm in an emotional scrum. What better way to repay his time for all those obnoxious essays he had been forced to grade than by watching me dangle from a thread of impossible love for a semester?

I've never tried to set anyone else up. The thought doesn't even occur to me. I don't think I'd have the heart to send anyone I care about off to dangle. And I don't think I'd have the heart to send them off for another milquetoast evening making nice with a stranger in the shallow end of the pool. Where would you even begin? Nobody knows anybody. Not that well.

Previous Posts:

Sex Machine: Having Sex at Weddings Redux 

Love Machine: Making Love to ESPN 

Date Machine: 5 Things I'm Thankful For 

Sex Machine: Having Sex at Weddings 

Love Machine: What Work Is 

Sex Machine: Sleeping Naked 

Love Machine: Breaking Up in a Text Message 

Date Night: The F U Date 

Sex Machine: Shave My Bush 

Love Machine: Taking A Break From Dating 

Date Machine: The Celebrity You Most Resemble 

Sex Machine: I Kissed A Boy 

Vote Machine: No Gay People Can't 

Sex Machine: Let's Have an Orgy 

Sex Machine: My First STD 

Sex Machine: There's a Possibility You've Been Infected With HIV 

Love Machine: Let's Make Babies 

Date Machine: Rate My Pick-Up Lines 

Sex Machine: My Kingdom for a Boner 

Date Machine: Don't Make Poopy in the Office 

Hooksexup Confessions: Fat and Skinny, Ugly, Pretty

Crying In Public: Some Corner in Brooklyn

Dating the Web: Don't Google Fisting and Why Women Apologize So Much 

Date Machine: The Woman in the Coffee Shop and The Woman at the Bus Stop 

Love Machine: Your Mom Will Do 

Date Machine: Scary Movies or I Peed My Pants 

Date Machine: Rate My Ethics 

Love Machine: Let's Just Be Friends

Love Machine: Must Be Willing to Lie About Where We Met 

Sex Machine: Why Women Are Great In Bed 

Sex Machine: Why Women Suck in Bed




airheadgenius said:

There isn't a single Amboabe in this piece. I am bitterly disappointed.

December 4, 2008 7:26 AM

amboabe said:

There's always something to complain about. I thought that was my move.

December 4, 2008 10:26 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

I've always said, if you want to know just how little your loved ones truly know you, let them set you up with someone they think would be perfect for you.  

December 4, 2008 6:29 PM

amboabe said:

recycled: Have you ever had the impulse to try and set one of your friends up?

December 4, 2008 10:09 PM

Toluca_86 said:

I actually have set up 3 sets of friens successfully (well, two of those were only pseudo-deliberate, I introduced them because of common intersts and stuff)

Personally, I've never had anyone try to set me up.  But, I can say that often with my best friends, I find most of THEIR friends to be quite fantastic as well.

Did it occur to you that your friends might not be trying to give you the foaties and the shallow pool, but were in fact pairing you with people they considered of a similar level of attractiveness to yourself?  Not saying that's necessarily the case, just perhaps a possibility worth considering.

Maybe it's a good thing my friends don't try and set me up.  Who knows, I'm kind of shallow so maybe I wouldn't want to know what level of attractiveness they considered appropriate for me either...

December 5, 2008 1:47 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Amboabe--I haven't.  I've never known two people that I've believed to be romantically compatible, so it's something I never considered.  I sort of float on the periphery of several very different social circles, so it just never seemed likely.  It's hard enough to throw a party or a casual get-together where the chemistry is such that a good time is guaranteed for all.

I've had a couple uncomfortable situations over the years where friends have connected on their own in liaisons that I would have advised against.  The results were disastrous and I was stuck in the middle of huge drama.  I loved all parties involved but wouldn't have hooked them up with my worst enemies.  

December 5, 2008 5:29 AM

amboabe said:

toluca: Pairing like-attractive levels is definitely a possibility. It's delightful and flattering when you wind up actually being attracted to the person, but when you're not it just feels like your friends are trying to tell you that you like an ox and maybe you should lower your expectations. That agony of the ego.

recycled: ha, a couple of friends of mine have been seeing each other for a while now, and i actually had nothing to do with it. I'm very nervous that it'll unravel and someone will get hurt more than necessary. It's tough being friends with both sides, especially when things go to hell, you get stuck in the middle, which side to pick? It feels like treachery to support sides.

December 5, 2008 10:45 AM

profrobert said:

My previous serious relationship was a set up by friends (a husband and wife) who knew us both.  I can understand why they thought we'd be a match, and for a while it looked like we would be, but then it ended in spectacular horror.  Each of us has remained friends with the friends who set us up, though ironically in the interim, their own marriage cratered.

Another phenomenon I noticed back in the '90s was the pass-along date:  You go out with someone for a short time, you wouldn't click, but you thought he/she was a good person who might be interested in your friend.  I had a number of relationships that proceeded like that.  I suspect the internet killed those off -- it used to be a lot harder to meet people if you had a busy job.

December 5, 2008 1:00 PM




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Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


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