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Date Machine: The Celebrity You Most Resemble

My friend C has taken to teasing me with the idea that I look like Nick Nolte. Just hearing his name insinuates a black metallic fear in the bottom of my heart. We have similar facial structures, no cheekbones, pursed lips, brows prone to furrowing. I'd be okay with the analogy if Nick Nolte's index of attractiveness stopped in the late Seventies, maybe somewhere around The Deep. That's not the image of Nick Nolte that I have. That may have been who he once was, but it isn't who he's become. The Nick Nolte I know is the one that looks like a scarecrow and passes out on the floor in airports, clutching his folded glasses like some confused professor after a quart of hot toddies. It's a scary comparison because it reminds me that I have no idea who it is that I'll become as the years continue to deflower me.

Over the summer I started to look at people on the sidewalk, in coffee shops, sitting at bars and I would imagine how they would age. It might have been a delusional skill, but I began seeing eager young twenty-something's age into liver-spotted fifty and sixty year-olds. I started doing this with old people too. Grumpy old women and tired old men in outmoded shades of gray and brown easily morphed into their lithe younger selves, with tight skin and sparkling eyes.

There aren't many people whom I've gotten to see age over a long period of time. With my parents and myself the process has been so gradual that I've barely noticed any change at all. I find it hard to look in the mirror and see how I'm different from my teenage self. I know I am, but I don't know what it is that's different. I have the same experience when I'm with my parents. My sixty-three year-old father is indistinguishable from his thirty-five year-old self. It's jarring to go back and look at old photos and be reminded of just how much he has changed. I forget about the white hair, the new wrinkles, the loosening skin. It's so easy to look past all that in the course of the days and weeks that sneak up on us.

I'm bad at accepting compliments. It makes me uncomfortable, and I've learned to cover up that discomfort with an aloof disinterest. I have no idea how attractive I really am. I don't have any interest in the general criterion of what makes someone attractive or not. It's usually either symmetry or conformity. Clothes can make people more attractive with a subtle suggestion of someone else, emulating the style of some celebrity or some social group, you can subconsciously insinuate yourself into their circle. Or you can just celebrate the fact that your eyes are evenly spaced and your body is proportionate and let the ooh's and ahh's fall where they may.

When I'm on a date with someone I always wonder what they're thinking when they look at me. It's always surprising to see someone drawn to me, charmed by whatever energy or image I'm translating into in their minds. I know that I have a lot of attractive qualities and am comfortable with the idea of people being drawn to them. But it can also be disembodying to get complimented for something you have no control over, like symmetry. It's always nice to feel desirable, but when the root of that desirability is the result of some genetic gamble, the compliment stops to be about who you are. It's like when a stranger sees you from a far and mistakes you for an acquaintance and waves before realizing their mistake.


So when C tells me I look like Nick Nolte, even when she protests and insists that it's the young Nick Nolte that she means, I still panic. Nick Nolte is a paean to the transience of all the things we tend to value in our world. Looks, talent, success, a great mustache. Who would have thought that brawny man with the romantic squint and the wind-swept hair would one day turn into a prune-faced drunk lying on the floor in baggy pajamas? It's even more terrifying to imagine that he must surely feel the same on the inside now as he did when he was young and desirable. I can imagine Nick Nolte staring at himself in the mirror some mornings, just like I do, touching his face and finding it indistinguishable from the one he saw years earlier.

The Celebrity I Most Resemble: Nick Nolte.

Previous Posts:

Sex Machine: I Kissed A Boy 

Vote Machine: No Gay People Can't 

Sex Machine: Let's Have an Orgy 

Sex Machine: My First STD 

Sex Machine: There's a Possibility You've Been Infected With HIV 

Love Machine: Let's Make Babies 

Date Machine: Rate My Pick-Up Lines 

Sex Machine: My Kingdom for a Boner 

Date Machine: Don't Make Poopy in the Office 

Hooksexup Confessions: Fat and Skinny, Ugly, Pretty

Crying In Public: Some Corner in Brooklyn

Dating the Web: Don't Google Fisting and Why Women Apologize So Much 

Date Machine: The Woman in the Coffee Shop and The Woman at the Bus Stop 

Love Machine: Your Mom Will Do 

Date Machine: Scary Movies or I Peed My Pants 

Date Machine: Rate My Ethics 

Love Machine: Let's Just Be Friends

Love Machine: Must Be Willing to Lie About Where We Met 

Sex Machine: Why Women Are Great In Bed 

Sex Machine: Why Women Suck in Bed 

Date Night: All By Myself on a Saturday Night 

Sex Machine: Spank My Ass 

Love Machine: Infidelity or How Long Can You Go Without Cheating? 

Date Night: The 45-Minute Walkout 

Date Night Redux: H's Version of Our Night Out 

Celebrity Confession: Who is Lauren Cohan and Why is She Hitting on Me?

Sex Machine: My First Muff Dive 

Crying in Public: Remember the Cheerleaders 

Sex Machine: Masturbating Upside Down 

Date Night: Two Women in One Night 

Hooksexup Confessions: Rate My Penis Size 

Crying In Public: The Sichuan Night Train

Love machine: How I Date On The Internet

Sex Machine: Rate My Blowjobs

Crying in Public: My Cubicle


Comments ( 17 )

Nov 11 08 at 5:09 am

What horrors do you see in store for someone who resembles Angelina Jolie? her worst case scenario possible please.

Nov 11 08 at 10:59 am

You HAVE to go to and do the celebrity look-a-like quiz. It's always a fun pick-me-up! (According to them, I look like Gabrielle Union, Beyonce and Naomi Campbell... I'll take it!)

Nov 11 08 at 11:28 am

I just went and played with that site and i got Giselle (nifty) and Ben Stiller (huh)... how is that even possible?

most of the time i am compared to Winona Ryder, because i have large brown eyes and Uma Thurman, because i'm built like her

Nov 11 08 at 11:44 am

haha.. god myheritage is so totally ridiculous... I put in a few different shots, and this I keep getting these asian actors Matsumuto Jun and Jay chou... I also got piper perabo, gillian anderson, richard gere and tim curry... all of which I look nothing like....

Nov 11 08 at 12:53 pm

myheritage thinks I look like Courtney Cox. I then tried a horrible picture of me and got Princess Diana and some boy actor who's name escapes me. Kian something.

I get Naomi Watts which is great but inaccurate and Helen Mirren all the time which I loathe because she is so much older than me and I don't look old for my age. I am totally going to end up looking like Judy Dench though.

Nov 12 08 at 1:04 am

Damn, Nick Nolte used to be smokin'

Nov 12 08 at 1:20 am

Helen Mirren was a daily throb!!...

Judy dench on the other hand... not too throbby.

Nov 11 08 at 3:06 pm

Yeah I just did the myheritage thing and I got Giselle (yeah right), some chick named leeann tweeden,mira sorvino and calista flockfuck.
oh and with another pic i looked like Jeanine Garofalo.

Nov 11 08 at 3:07 pm

oh and tony danza!

Nov 11 08 at 3:55 pm

Wow! I got Liv Tyler, Kate Bush (!), and Stephanie Power (Mrs. Hart?) while my fellow resembles Matt Dillon, Ethan Hawke, and my favorite: fine-ass Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton!

Nov 11 08 at 5:18 pm

The concept of attractiveness is so odd to me. It still kind of fascinates me when someone is drawn to me for reasons that I really have no control over. It can also be so jarring for me to realize how people see me vs. how I feel inside. I forget that I have an innocent, young-looking face, or fair skin, or something else that people remark upon. When I do or say something that doesn't fit their perception of me, it surprises them, which in turn, surprises me.

Nov 11 08 at 5:23 pm

I'll do anyone that looks like Helen Mirren. I'm still too scared to go to myheritage. Someone else once told me I look like William Forsythe, the fat detective in Deuce Bigolo: Male Gigolo who keeps showing Rob Schneider his penis. I guess that's at least metaphysically accurate.

Nov 11 08 at 11:59 pm

amboabe - did you just say you'd like to have sex with me? That would be a little awkward when we both blogged about it the next day.

Nov 12 08 at 3:23 am

Would I have to go halfsies on the baby sitter?

Nov 12 08 at 8:31 am

Sure, it would give you a whole new category of things to be miserable about. What a boon for you!

Nov 12 08 at 4:17 pm

You make it sound so romantic, I don't know how I'd resist.

Nov 12 08 at 9:25 pm

Hehe - you would love it. I give the PERFECT blowjob by all accounts. But I could never make you that happy since it would lead to terrible writer's block.

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