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Sony's Trailers Are Graphics Whores

Posted by Derrick Sanskrit

We get it, Sony, the Playstation 3 is the most powerful of the three current-gen home consoles. You don't have to flaunt it over and over to make yourself feel better for being in last place in sales this generation. You seem to be treating this as a beauty pageant, and you're certainly not in the running for Miss Congeniality with these repeated boasts.

I'm referring, of course, to the recent trend of all of the PS3's exclusive AAA titles featuring trailers of all in-game footage. This would be fine, in fact commendable, if not for the fact that they have to tell us, heavily implying that other trailers rely on CGI cutscenes (they mostly do). The latest offender is this one for Sucker Punch's Infamous. It may be all in-game footage, but I'm pretty sure all that excessive blur and reverse time were added in post-production (the slow-down may very well be part of the game):

Others on the docket include God of War III and Uncharted 2, both of which look like intro cutscenes, but we're guaranteed they are at least in-engine of not direct gameplay:

You know what would help convince us this was in-game footage? A HUD. Some sort of graphical elements to convey "this is what's happening". You know your games have these. At least the occassional your-character-got-shot-so-now-the-screen-flashes-white-and-desaturates that every action game does nowadays. Showing what could very understandbly be rendered footage and telling us it's all in-game isn't as convincing as it used to be (remember what happened with Killzone 2?). There's no shame in third place these days. Nintendo was third last generation and look at them now. I love you, Sony, just stop being so cocky.

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Morganfell said:

An utterly retarded article. Does no one at this site recall the Mass Effect "the following is comprised entirely of in game footage" trailer. How about the first appearance of Gears at E3? Microsoft pulled this stick out and now some people apparently do not care for the fact Sony took the stick away and whacked them over the head with it.

Fans want to know what the game will actually look like. They want to see proof the game will deliver. And you want to blame Sony for pushing graphics in a graphics generation?

Sony was blatantly attacked early on by not only MS but game sites as well regarding their claims of graphical prowess. Sony has responded with a powerful volley and vindicated themselves. How is this wrong?

Let's pick on the Wii for shoving their controller at people in all those early commercials. Or the 360 for having dropped their price. Their are 10 times the number of "The 360 is only $299" commercials out there as there are trailers of Sony titles period.

March 16, 2009 2:27 PM

MasFlowPlayer said:

LOL, Sony Please tone it donw, ur trailers are too awesome for my fanboy eyes, LMAO

Derrick Sanskrit = FAIL

March 16, 2009 3:05 PM

nightelfmohawk said:

Of course graphics matter. This is the HD gen of console gaming after all. If they didn't matter, I wouldn't have upgraded to the PS3 and bought a 1080p LCD TV. That said, I know plenty of games are great without good graphics on par with PS3 (i.e., Nintendo games), but graphics definitely matter this gen.

I do want a Wii though for both Wii games and GCN games. I used to own a GCN and regret having to sell it for gas money one time.

March 16, 2009 3:36 PM

To the retard... said:

Are you aware that the entire next-gen war is over graphics? Next time think before writing an article on being a retard. Oh and as your aware Sony's graphics kick ass....they can't help that they pwn. What do you expect them to do? make the trailers crappy so they don't look so damn good? well that's hard to do because people will be disappointed when the get a game and the gameplay graphics are triple the trailer...(sarcasm). Maybe they could just get Microsoft to run thier advertising department?

March 16, 2009 3:37 PM

derrickshouldbefired said:

Derrick should be fired. Probably the stupidist fucking article I've read in a long time. Almost worse than HHG

March 16, 2009 3:40 PM

bob said:

You, derrick sanskrit, are an idiot. What are you talking about?? Basically you're saying that Sony has to stop showing off beautiful graphics?? And yes, all the trailers consist of IN-GAME footage. The creators of both InFamous and GOW 3 have confirmed that this is actualy gameplay. InFamous looks great, but its not "I'm showing off" amazing. God of War on the other hand looks awesome. Good for Santa Monica!! We should be congratulating them not bashing. We want all games to look this good. Derrick, go buy a PS3 and stop your whining you baby!

March 16, 2009 3:44 PM

sy said:

maybe Sony should try and run the games through a 360 so the graphics wont upset this guy lol wierd article..

March 16, 2009 3:46 PM

Bob said:

Look, I own both console so I'm not a fanboy. But you have to give credit where credit is due and the fact of the matter is the PS3 has waay better games and trailers this year. Even someone who loves their 360 can say that, why can't you?

March 16, 2009 3:52 PM

haste said:

So, after 2 years of people bitching about the PS3 to be the same as the 360. The ps3 is finally creating a graphical gap with the 360 and you want them to shut up?

Sony was cocky before the launch of the ps3. Now they are working their asses off to make up for their arrogance. In game XMB, new PSN store, Home, Trophys, risky projects like LBP and FLOWER.

Nintendo is bragging about there sales.

Microsoft brags about their online being so good people will pay $300+ just to play online during the system life.

Sony has the best first party developers.. let them brag about it.

March 16, 2009 3:56 PM

Spriggers said:

Give me a break. Did you even ever watch the Halo Wars commercial? The gears 1 commercial? gears 2? Should they just include text and explain what the game is about? Should they make it look just average when games look better? I can agree that graphics aren't everything, but to say that Sony is the only one doing this? Lame. Here is the Halo 3 commercial. Nice!

March 16, 2009 3:57 PM

AclayPS3 said:

"I'm referring, of course, to the recent trend of all of the PS3's exclusive AAA titles featuring trailers of all in-game footage. This would be fine, in fact commendable, if not for the fact that they have to tell us"

Putting the words "in-game footage" before a trailer starts isn't being "cocky" that's just Sony informing any doubters that the game is indeed REAL TIME.....You've always got these people that are like, "Heck no, the trailer looks too good to be real-time and it's CGI", and there's nothing wrong with noting "In-game Footage" before or during a trailer.

Sony can't help it that the exclusives coming out for the PS3 are some of the best looking games this generation and that it's getting harder and harder to discern between CGI and Real-time in various PS3 games.

Sony can show off their games any way they want too, DEAL WITH IT. Using a damn HUD in a video game trailer to notify that it's Real-time takes away from the entire trailer in my opinion and on top of that, the use of HUD's in video games in general are slowly diminishing.

To me this just goes to show how it makes people feel uneasy about the impact that PS3 games have been having and the way Sony is displaying their own games... and I LOVE the fact that it makes people feel that way. This article is just ridiculous.

March 16, 2009 4:02 PM

jriquelme said:

This article= EPIC FAIL

March 16, 2009 4:07 PM

Ross said:

Wow...holy crap, what a terrible, terrible article.

March 16, 2009 4:10 PM

lady said:

...What's your fucking point?

All of you PS3 haters need to get laid.

March 16, 2009 4:11 PM

Funky Monk said:

I agree with "derrickshouldbefired". Why the hell wouldn't Sony push the limits of its PS3? Now that everyone knows that its a graphical powerhouse it should just back off and remain in third place?

The PS3 is like a Ferrari. It relies on its power, its looks and its features to sell and move units. If at any point it begins to stop showcasing these attractive aspects, the PS3 will surely fail and no one will see any reason to purchase one.

Derrick, if you're trying to build yourself a career in gaming journalism or even journalism in general, you're off to a terribly pathetic start.

March 16, 2009 4:17 PM

Lemon said:

3rd most retarded article this generation (the top 5 flops of this gen that doesn't include the RROD tops the list), but's OK to be the 3rd known dumbest person...maybe in a few years when more brain cells die, you'll be 2nd!

PS3 is far from last in this gen, just depends on how you want to portray the stats...outsold the Xbox in relative periods of their life span (2 years) by a considerable amount...outselling the wii and xbox collectively in Japan (and the world market seems to be following in suit)...

I'm stopping here, don't wanna have people claiming i'm the 4th dumbest person by responding any further to this drivel..

March 16, 2009 4:19 PM

JQQQ said:

getting tired of these articles. If these guys like derrick can make these articles i should be able to make my own.  What was the point of this article anyways. So this guy is mad that ps3 exclusives look badass and have the best trailers

March 16, 2009 4:21 PM

360, wii, ps3 owner said:

So maybe Sony should ugly it up a bit so that 360 and wii owners don't feel so bad.  Is this essentially what you're saying.  Here's my motto "Flaunt it if you got it" and Sony needs to use everything at their disposal at this point. This article was written by an idiot, I hope this guy isn't being paid for his work.

March 16, 2009 4:33 PM

Pointfex said:

Sony has the most powerfull engine of all the next gen consoles, so what if they flaunt it as much as possible, do you expect them to put up a tralier which makes the game look worse or something? I take it you won't be satisfied until Killzone 2 is overtaken by a 360 game.

March 16, 2009 4:41 PM

Mark said:

As PS3 flexes its muscles more and more, and clearly shows how miles ahead it is with it's platform exclusives, the childish Xbox owners like this author will get more and more irate...

March 16, 2009 5:08 PM

The_Con-Sept said:

What is with the Gournalists these days? (And yes I meant Gournalist, because you aren't Journalists. You are nothing more than a Gournalist! If you don't know what one is then prepare to fill your noggin with some information.)

Where were you when Microsoft showed off Halo 3 at E3 2007 and when the final game came out it looked NOTHING like its trailer? You say Sony is the biggest graphic whore company yet you let something as big as the Halo 3 graphic display pass?

That is not the only game that is ignored even though its obvious. How about FORZA 2? Where were you when this game even launched? It sickens me to see people lament over the future if they do not acknowledge previous mistakes first.

Nintendo also has some faults but they are the ones who are pushed aside altogether for reasons unknown. (Probably because it is outselling both the 360 and PS3 combined so they would rather not touch the subject in fear of retaliation on a massive scale.)

Where can I sign up to have the same Diplomatic Immunity as Microsoft to give to Sony so that articles like the above do not surface anymore?

If I gave you a dozen of freshly baked, "PS symbol," chocolate chip cookies would it calm you down? Or would it drive you off the deep end?

March 16, 2009 5:09 PM

moo said:


March 16, 2009 5:19 PM

Shake Zula said:

Maybe this article is meant for a sarcastic use?

In any case, I'm calling the PS3 a Corvette ZR1 with a nice sound system...

Wii's a Go-Kart with mirrors...

...and the 360's that Corvette Z06 with a cracked radiator...

... the PC's a potential Bugatti!! lmao

When all is said and done, we can all say we love Pac-Man and Tetris!!!

March 16, 2009 5:24 PM

PS360Player said:

hmmm maybe they arent really showing off. has ANYONE actually seen gameplay? no so how does anyone know if the game actually looks like the trailer. anyway sony doesnt make commercials the game makers do

March 16, 2009 5:26 PM

Damien said:

I guess I dont need to say anything. Everyone just made the writer look like a total asshole. And they take the HUD out for a reason dipshit. When's the last time you watched a trailer for a baseball game and the HUD was all over the screen? It wasnt,because people want to see what the game looks like not what the fucking controls are. Moron.

March 16, 2009 5:26 PM

Cloud said:

Dude, that's a really pathetic, uninformed article. You seem so prejudice. You haven't heard that in GoW3 trailer, that they removed the HUD for commercial purposes??? I mean where do you live, in a barn or something? Get a life, and the criticize someone else's console-company-game...

March 16, 2009 5:40 PM

melonpopper said:

Wow. Someone has to much time on their hands. You're very bitter for some reason. Sony is finally showing us what the PS3 can do when It comes to graphics, and people are bitching?

Do yourself a favor. Put the Xbox controller down. Put the Will controller down, and don't even pick up a PS3 contoller. If your complaining about a good thing you don't need to play games period.

March 16, 2009 5:47 PM

ManWithSword said:

its quite a clever strategy I guess...say something stupid so that lots of people feel compelled to respond. Increases the website hits, which is good for the advertisers. Makes absolutely no contribution to gaming journalism though.

March 16, 2009 6:05 PM

Michael said:

Okay, Derrick (Sanskrit), YOU DON'T GET IT.  I don't know about the Microsoft, but Sony's next-generation gaming console is "heavily" immersed in hi-definition.  Hence the blu-ray capabilities, built-in HDMI connection, needing a hi-def TV to visually see and hear the beauty that next-gen games will offer. From the PS3 launch until some time last year (debatable), you and the rest of the media kept your jobs by bashing Sony for their price, "it's too hard to develop for", lack of games, lack of sales and their cockiness.  Now that Sony has games and it is selling, and the "PRICE IS TOO HIGH” well has run dry, you have to come up with something right?  I mean after all, it is a job right?  And your editor is more like your buddy than your boss, so articles like these make it to print.  These articles are unbelievable to the point of annoying these days.  It's obvious that the media takes it readers to be fools.  News flash, WE ARE NOT.  How shameful the scale of  gaming writers that totally ignore that the Sony's PS3 is 1 year behind the MS XBOX cycle life, but it is undebatable that right now in 2009, the PS3 is the console with the most potential that has not even peaked yet.  Also ignored, if you added everything that the PS3 could do into the XBOX today, then the XBOX would actually cost more than the PS3, but would still lack what the PS3 can offer .  No matter how many exclusives Sony has lost, if Sony was to throw down the gauntlet of their next-gen games lineup right now in 2009, their lineup would outweigh the lineups of the other consoles, do I dare say combined.  I know what you are thinking, so Please, Please PLLEEAASSE, do not bring up DLC as an argument,  That is for the fool-minded fanboys. The media (meaning you Derrick) are well aware of this, but you're all on the same wagon right?  I have done my own research and continue to follow gaming news, so I have a sensible idea of what is valid and I get tired of mucking through this crap.  Be a leader, I mean writer Derrick, not a follower.  Show some "krit".   Now that Sony is not taking it on the chin anymore, your article and others like it do not merit.  Have you not read/heard that the Sony PS3 bashing ended some time last year.  Because the "more bang for your buck" folks are starting to realize the truth about the PS3.  I am not saying anything negative about Microsoft's XBox or the Wii for that matter, because I am not a fanboy, but again, after research and use of this console since  its launch, to me, knocking the PS3 these days is lame.  But then you knocked Sony right?  So let's go there.  Right now Sony's lack of marketing should be knocked, but when they attempt to market or respond in a marketing way, you write this crap.  Damned if they do and damned if they don't I say. i.e. KillZone2.  The advertising of how KillZone2 would look on the PS3 in 2005 or 2006 (I believe) was shredded by the media because it was not actual game play, but now that they are validating their content, you see fit to write this article.  Come on!  Do you think your readers just started reading gaming news YESTERDAY.  News flash, WE GET IT DERRICK, we are aware of the history and with that being said, this article does not merit. Did I say this article doesn't merit again, oh, my bad.  Who approved this?  Maybe I shouldn't be knocking you Derrick, but your editors instead, because how does this stuff make it to print.  To me no matter what Sony does in terms of marketing it is going to get thrown in the ring as a jab or blow against Microsoft/Wii, because that is what the media festers.  It's what the media wants, so mainly Sony and MS have to play this game to get idiot writers to write something.  And when they do.....we get to learn that people like Derrick Sanskrit exist.

March 16, 2009 6:07 PM

Ralph said:

You my friend are a retard, You are so fucking stupid, Tone it down ?

SHut the fuck up you fanboy go play your xbox with o wait NO AAA EXCLUSIVES THIS YEAR.

While PS3 has, inFAMOUS,GoW3,UNcharted 2, MLB09 The Show, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain and etc i could go on.

March 16, 2009 6:11 PM

Edito said:

we want good games and we know Sony know how to do it right insteed u know and now they are showing this to ppl like u and Gournalists like u this to make they redeem and go out and buy a PS3 lol...

Keep up the good work SONY this is the way things are supposed to be... Quality games no shiti bought RPGs and shooters full of lag im tired off this xbots...

March 16, 2009 6:14 PM

mike said:

please..these kind of articles come from little cry babies that can't handle the truth.

March 16, 2009 6:18 PM

Paranoimia said:

"Showing what could very understandbly be rendered footage and telling us it's all in-game isn't as convincing as it used to be (remember what happened with Killzone 2?)"

What exactly happened with Killzone 2? Oh, that's right - they showed a trailer which was CG, and everyone laid into them saying "it'll never look like that!"

And then what happened? Oh yes, the final game actually looked BETTER than that trailer. So maybe that's why they're doing it... to ram that humble pie down the doubters throats.

Get back in the box with the rest of the tools.

March 16, 2009 6:37 PM

PS3 said:

I recommend you to take a look at Heavy Rain's trailer (which is obviously in game play) :).

Sorry xbox fans

March 16, 2009 6:47 PM

joe said:

wow, I must say, you completely FAIL. This article FAILS, this website FAILS, and did I mention YOU FAIL?

March 16, 2009 6:54 PM

melonpopper said:

I'm not going to insult you by calling you out of your name, but seriously man. What was the point of this? Does it really bother you so much that Sony is showing what they can do?

For a few years, it was Xbox rules this or Sony can't do that. And now that The PS3 has the games and finally kicking some ass, you come up with this? This is just nitpicking.

If you love Sony like you say you do, why the negative post?  

March 16, 2009 7:08 PM

Brian said:

Are you retarded or just eight years old? You sure come across as a bratty Xbot.

March 16, 2009 7:18 PM

common sence said:

the owners of this site shouldn't let Derrick Sanskrit write for their site again

March 16, 2009 7:24 PM

David Macphail said:

Gears Of War 2 didn't use in - game footage for it's trailer.......after the game came out, it wasn't hard to see why.

There's nothing wrong with showing what your console can do - Nintendo and Microsoft would give their souls to be able to achieve in - game footage like the trailer for God Of War 3.

BTW - the Uncharted 2 trailer was from a cut - scene however all cut - scenes in Uncharted 2 are rendered using the game's own engine, not CGI. Naughty Dog did the same thing with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, so that there wasn't a big difference between what was cut - scene and what was in - game footage.

March 16, 2009 7:26 PM

XeroTrinity said:

You sir, fuckin suck.  Douchebag.

March 16, 2009 7:26 PM

LBD "Nytetrayn" said:

o/~ Oh when the trolls, oh when the trolls, oh when the trolls come marching in... o/~

I'd need to double check, but I don't think a single one of these N4G people even get what's being asked.  It's not like this article is really an attack on Sony.

March 16, 2009 7:47 PM

Will said:

wow the writer's rep just got destroyed. Thats what you get for writing retarded shit. At least you get a few clicks on your site.

March 16, 2009 7:48 PM

kSQUARE said:

damn dude, you hit the nail on the coffin. kill zone was greaat graphics, but there was A LOT OF BAD TEXTURES AS WELL!! That sad.... it's sad to hear RE5 sold better on ps3 by 10% so far.. but the graphics and frame rate are much better on 360 WITH OUT THE MANDATORY INSTALL ....any way..

proof is in the pudding....

its all there in VC1

March 16, 2009 7:52 PM

graphite said:

Oh so when master 'chef' stood up in the official tv trailer 'finish the fight' slogan they were showing the 'real' power of 360 graphics? Or let's try the 'gears of war' tv ad with REM's 'mad world' song playing in background. Both adverts were lies cos at no point do you play the game from any of those perspectives and where's the HUDs in their trailers? Halo trailer was all CGI! You dear sir are an xbot, get some glasses (or a girlfriend), get some reasoning and don't pretend you like the ps3 cos you don't. just get a life, dump the ps3 and stick to your noisy, sad little dvd, disc scratching, rrod, backwards cheap ass 360 and your two only AAA exclusive games!!! Consumers with half a brain know the PS3 is desirable and future proof.. just a tad expensive still.

March 16, 2009 8:02 PM

IbeenaFistsed said:

Well, I'd add my two cents, but looking at the above wall of text, it's pretty much all been said... and so colorfully too!

Oh, and Derrick, there is a procedure nowadays, recently perfected, where they can actually REMOVE YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR ANUS.  

You may find life more comfortable - and fragrant - that way.

Good luck with the surgery!

March 16, 2009 8:13 PM

Adriano said:


what then should Sony do to make the best thing out of its current position? Showing graphical garbage to us? Reaching for normal standards instead of pushing the hardware more and more to its limits?

Some points I get out of this article, no doubt, but I really don't see any important, must-have-been-outlined message.

March 16, 2009 8:23 PM

melonpopper said:

Oh, I get it. It's supposed to be a joke. lol. Man, Do I feel stupid. /sarcasm.  

No but really, I feel like a a-hole.

March 16, 2009 8:23 PM

Bob said:

This is the dumbest fucking article i've seen in years. Kill yourself.

March 16, 2009 8:36 PM

grisham said:

What fucking moron had the Hooksexup to write this shit? Could your Xbox loving desperate ass go play in traffic?

Should they hire the CGI people MS do to make


Oh christ, I facepalmed so much after reading this. From the framerate trolling to the "please stop using gameplay footage" to the "I don't believe it's gameplay gootage" (the GoW3 one is ALL gameplay. FUCK YOU). This article is full of fail.

March 16, 2009 8:57 PM

tchang said:



FUCKING RETARD... this shit is really getting me mad...

March 16, 2009 9:08 PM

saminseattle said:

the reason they say its all in-game footage is because people want to know if it is. Their is nothing wrong with that. Now , Im getting InFamous for sure but dont know how the visuals will be at all. GodofWar3 looks beautiful but really I dont know about that one either. However, Uncharted I know for a fact will look fantastic, the first Uncharted looked amazing and if the second is even just on par with the first then I will be correct, and we've already seen Killzone2's visuals, so we know SONY can and will deliver. And people are awed by these visuals and doubt they're in-engine, so SONY informs them.

March 16, 2009 9:26 PM

LOL said:

looks like the fanboys are getting jealous. at least sony is showing what the game will look like. not like halo wars...half you guys got confused and bought it because all the trailers were CG and didnt show gameplay. LOL

March 16, 2009 9:33 PM

7jgfjgf said:

lololol microshitting fagtarts!@12222$$

March 16, 2009 10:42 PM

Haha said:

Sorry PS3 exclusives look so good.

This article = FAIL

March 16, 2009 10:42 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:43 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:44 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:45 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:45 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:45 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:45 PM

Common said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:46 PM

Beer said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:46 PM

theCakeisAlie said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:46 PM

Jokes on You said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:47 PM

SPa, said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:47 PM

Super Soulja said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:48 PM


This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:48 PM

D.O. said:

You pissed yet? I guess not?

March 16, 2009 10:48 PM

D.O. said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:49 PM

OD said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:49 PM

inFAMOUS said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:49 PM

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:49 PM

God of War 3 said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 16, 2009 10:50 PM

Derrick_is_an_idiot said:

This is the most retarded fanboyish article I've ever read. So having good graphics is now considered a bad thing? So Sony should make their trailers crappy looking to appeal to you so that you can complain about how crappy PS3 games look. You see where I'm going with this? You are a complete idiot.

March 16, 2009 11:24 PM

melonpopper said:

Dude, grow up.

March 16, 2009 11:31 PM

kyle said:

"sony, just stop being so cocky."

do you understand business in the slightest? to sell something, you always show  your best. however, it sounds like you want them to show their worst, is that right?

imagine sonys a prostitute. a giant, synergy-lovin' prostitute. if this prostitute said "hey sexy im pretty fugly lets get it on," would you allow it into your house? hell no! you call the cops! now if she walks up without a top, and nothings prerendered or anything, you welcome her in with open arms!

but i doubt any of that made much sense to you, because you probably dont know the meaning of the word prostitute.

March 16, 2009 11:38 PM

xerometi said:

lol someone got on N4G with a retarded post. congrats

March 17, 2009 12:35 AM

thisarticlesucksASS said:

wow.... i dunt need to say anything cause enough was already said but i can help u with what u do next. just turn off the computer, grab a gun/knife, walk outside. Kill yourself. its the only way, ur life is over, u virgin.

March 17, 2009 12:49 AM

Tone it Down Sony? said:

Derick, you fucking retard. Kindly kill yourself. Stop wasting our precious oxygen. You're worthless.

Fuck you and everything you stand for.

March 17, 2009 1:25 AM

Really, now? Seriously? said:

What a load of shit. God forbid in-game graphics are shown in a trailer... maybe we should show the characters of the game on a cardboard box, pretending that they're in game? Or should we just show some CGI and PRETEND that it's in game? What the fuck do you want?


March 17, 2009 1:49 AM

Jesus, you ARE an insufferable fanboy. said:

How do they even let you WRITE this shit?

Editor, I think you're an idiot.

March 17, 2009 1:51 AM

jrman1386 said:

OK...I am, admitidly, a PS3 fanboy.  I now, after reading these comments understand why we get a bad rap.   THIS ARTICLE IS SARCASTIC...i loved it, i laught my proverbial ass off.  Why, oh why, would he put the videos he's "complaining" about in the article if he took such offense to them... BECAUSE THE ARTICLE IS MENT TO BE SARCASTIC... (for those who don't know sarcasm is when you say something, but only to parady what your saying).   The only thing this guy is guilty of is over-estimating what his demographic are capable of understanding...

All that being said.  He may be way off the mark, and be completely seriouse... if this is indeed the case, then everything, everyone has said goes for me too.  But I'll look for the best in this guy and say he was sarcastic.

March 17, 2009 1:52 AM

blahblah said:

err, WTF is this guy on about, graphics whores?

Why wouldn't sony be showing off impressive graphics, its common sense, DERR!

What do you think MS has been doing with its games? Games in todays standards are suppose to look good, idiot.

March 17, 2009 2:02 AM

I'm Back said:

This article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of YoutubeThis article is so ignorant I'm going to spam you

"Don't read this if you're married, if you jump in place 10 times and close your eyes while reciting the name of your high school crush, you will meet your true love the next morning... It's true!"

-courtesy of Youtube

March 17, 2009 2:10 AM

storybook7 said:

derrick equals moron

March 17, 2009 2:25 AM

frosty said:

Um, ok. "We know your games look good, so stop showing it!"

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Bar none.

You are calling Sony out for doing something every other videogame manufacturer does in their trailers. Fill them with eye candy. At least their trailers are actually filled with eye candy you will be seeing as you play the game (albeit minus the HUD or cinematic camera angles). At least it isn't like Halo Wars where you don't get to see ANY of the game at all, just some bullshit pre-rendered scenes of space marines doing space marine crap.

March 17, 2009 3:04 AM

A-HOLE said:

2 words: fucking hater

March 17, 2009 3:05 AM

Jase said:

Actually, the God of War III was confirmed to be taken from a gameplay demo with the hud elements removed (the camera work was most likely done real-time in post-production). Also, the Uncharted 2 trailer was confirmed to be real-time; Naughty Dog showed the trailer off to the press and then threw the camera around the area in which the trailer is set. Lastly, I wouldn't call the motion blur in the Infamous trailer (arguably the less prettier of the three games) impossible to do in real-time if the leaked screenshots of the DoF in Uncharted 2 are anything to go by.

March 17, 2009 4:21 AM

Shimmy-ya said:

How much did microsoft paid for this article?

March 17, 2009 5:20 AM

Jimmy said:

Go back to school asshole, you obviously need it.

March 17, 2009 6:19 AM

Peter Segura said:

As someone who actually enjoyed this site I'm now left with a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think you'll be seeing more traffic from me, let alone all these other people who had their intelligence insulted.


March 17, 2009 6:24 AM

aVGfan said:

Funny thing is, microsoft does the same thing with their games and yet this guy is pointing the finger at sony for promoting their graphics.

graphics are a big part of the console war, get over it.

March 17, 2009 10:18 AM

will said:

TOO MUCH TROLLS NOWADAYS... you just want your site to be visited so stop making article with full of crap(BS)....

March 17, 2009 10:54 AM

Matt said:

Haha! What was the point of this article? What a load of crap! You're bitching because Sony's trailers are too awesome? Wtf!? Am I seriously dreaming or something because this cannot be real. I must be imagining this..

March 17, 2009 1:03 PM

What a stupid atricle said:

Fanboy is fanboy

March 17, 2009 1:12 PM

peter said:

all the comments on here are making me afraid WHAT's WITH SONY FANBOYS are you so brain washed that all you can hear is "SONY has a Science Fiction console" and anyone who Dares to degrade it is a potential target to get bashed by U

March 17, 2009 1:27 PM

WAAAAAAmbulanceIsHere said:

what a focking whiner.  shut up author dick, I'm here to take you to the sobspital.

March 18, 2009 12:23 PM

hesis said:

Oh yeah! I'd love to see Sony release trailers that look like Gabe Newell took a shit all over them. These fancy HD graphics are too much for me, and I'd love to see all the creativity and hype taken out of trailers...

/sarcasm. In all seriousness, what the FUCK is this article? Trailers are supposed to look good, and fancy, and wonderful, and...all sorts of other shit that make people want to buy the game. I don't care if this article was picking on the 360 or Wii instead, the fact is that your argument is severely flawed and only here to generate flames like the ones I'm posting.

March 18, 2009 5:57 PM

thatguy said:

you must jack off to microsoft, xbox and pictures of bill gates every morning.

March 18, 2009 8:57 PM

jackson said:

what the fuck is this guys problem lol

March 19, 2009 12:57 PM


Seriously wtf is this article even about?....and why the fuck would you put HUD into a trailer?

March 19, 2009 4:05 PM

Eyros said:

PS3 hate articles, if I had to guess can be broken down to one thing 90% of the time... I can't afford a PS3, otherwise I would just play the game for what it is regardless of platform. Own it all, play it all, rate accordingly.

On the topic of "the company behind it all"... I am in all honesty completely baffled by the support of Microsoft in any of it's console ventures. They rush start the next (current) generation of gaming by a year early for a foothold in the market, and somehow retain support through tremendous failure rates. How is that acceptable?

What has Sony, as console manufacturers, ever done to it's gaming community to cause distrust? Giving us two consoles with the longest life cycles to date, and a third that is posed to do the same?

Maybe I've missed something, but I just plain don't understand. Well, I do hear talk of the PS1 and 2 having failure rate problems of their own from some... being those arguing for the 360, but damn me if I don't STILL have the same functional units for both examples.

But maybe you're right... Sony, they are cocky huh? Using legitimate marketing showcasing the legitimate power of their TRUE next gen machine...  maybe we should impose a law to force all game trailers with in game footage retain the HUD.

What do you mean HUD are being phased out? Well they're not allowed to have any video advertising then!

March 20, 2009 11:59 AM

Jay said:

what a dick this guy is, I hope he didn't get paid for this article!!!!!

March 21, 2009 9:09 AM



about the blogger

John Constantine, our superhero, was raised by birds and then attended Penn State University. He is currently working on a novel about a fictional city that exists only in his mind. John has an astonishingly extensive knowledge of Scientology. Ultimately he would like to learn how to effectively use his brain. He continues to keep Wu-Tang's secret to himself.

Derrick Sanskrit is a self-professed geek in a variety of fields including typography, graphic design, comic books, music and cartoons. As a professional hipster graphic designer, his recent clients have included Hooksexup, Pitchfork and MoCCA, among others.

Amber Ahlborn - artist, writer, gamer and DigiPen survivor, she maintains a day job as a graphic artist. By night Amber moonlights as a professional Metroid Fanatic and keeps a metal suit in the closet just in case. Has lived in the state of Washington and insists that it really doesn't rain as much as everyone says it does.

Nadia Oxford is a housekeeping robot who was refurbished into a warrior when the world's need for justice was great. Now that the galaxy is at peace (give or take a conflict here or there), she works as a freelance writer for various sites and magazines. Based in Toronto, Nadia prizes the certificate from the Ministry of Health declaring her tick and rabies-free.

Bob Mackey is a grad student, writer, and cyborg, who uses the powerful girl-repelling nanomachines mad science grafted onto his body to allocate time towards interests of the nerd persuasion. He believes that complaining about things on the Internet is akin to the fine art of wine tasting, but with more spitting into buckets.

Joe Keiser has a programming degree from Johns Hopkins University, a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, and a fake toy guitar built in the hollowed-out shell of a real guitar. He writes about games and technology for a variety of outlets. One day he will stop doing this. The day after that, police will find his body under a collapsed pile of (formerly neatly alphabetized) collector's edition tchotchkes.

Cole Stryker is an American freelance writer living in York, England, where he resides with his archeologist wife. He writes for a travel company by day and argues about pop culture on the internet by night. Find him writing regularly here and here.

Peter Smith is like the lead character of Irwin Shaw's The 80-Yard Run, except less athletic. He considers himself very lucky to have this job. But it's a little premature to take "jack-off of all trades" off his resume. Besides writing, travelling, and painting houses, Pete plays guitar in a rock trio called The Aye-Ayes. He calls them a 'power pop' band, but they generally sound more like Motorhead on a drinking binge.

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