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Personals Drama: Would you please read my sodding profile!!!

Posted by airheadgenius


I go to great lengths to describe myself accurately on my Hooksexup personals profile. Many would say it's over long, but I don't care. It amused me to write it and plenty of men have written and said they enjoyed it too, so I have no particular reason to change it.

But even if I did, does the content really matter? Apparently, it matters to those who find me entertaining, but so many men read it, or at least glance over the details and manage to miss out one very salient fact. Well, two to be precise.

I have children.

It's not written in code or buried deep at the bottom of the page. It's right there near the top, clearly stated "Have children: Yes. We live together". And what d'ya know beautiful people? That means that I've got children and, yep you've guessed it, we live together.

So this bloke writes to me yesterday expressing an interest. I check out his profile and he seems pretty cool, is an appropriate age for me, decent looking, but on further inspection of the "You" box, I see that he's said no to his date having children.

I write reply and point out that he seems to have missed the small print and that I actually do have offspring. He then writes back and says that he's not interested because "I grew up a stepchild and it sucked. I just want to be honest."

Now, I have no problem that he doesn't want to date a woman with kids. Back before I had mine, I wouldn't have dated a man with kids either, so it's pointless getting all high horse-ish about it now. But, surely a man that experienced life as a step child would be the perfect candidate as a step father. Since he knew exactly how it sucked, he could figure out how to make it not suck for someone else. Right the wrongs so to speak. The man doesn't owe me an explanation, but if he is going to proffer one, surely he can come up with something with a little more credibility. If I was a teacher, I would be sorely disappointed to read "my dog ate my homework"

Another man last week missed the fact of my two children and, when it was pointed out, he declined also. This time with "my last girlfriend had a child and that didn't work out so..."     Yeah, complete with the last sentence hanging ",,,"

Now, if it didn't work out with that chick, and she presumably was female, did he stop dating women? His brand of logic would necessitate it no? If it's a given that all women are the same and all children are the same and all dynamics of human relationships are the same, then that's a fair extrapolation my friend. But given that none of that is true, it's just another dog ate my homework line.

The thing is with both these chumps, their inability to a) actually read my profile and b) extend their own train of thought would've been a major deal breaker for me, so in that respect it's an all round winning situation.

Over to you, Date Machiners, post your "my dog ate my homework" excuses here.

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xcalibur86 said:

I think that these two replies have more to do with the assemby line nature of internet dating rather than a reasoned, thought-out reply. It's unfortunately all to easy to find one superficial aspect of a profile, key on it, and fire off a hasty dismissal without working the whole of the thing through.

September 6, 2008 6:50 AM

xcalibur86 said:

Forgot to add that despite my explanation for their behavior, both these dudes are rancid fucking tossers.

September 6, 2008 6:57 AM

shakti_vos said:

if someone has emailed me and his profile preference is no to children, i politely point out his error.  usually their response is that it's not a deal breaker to them, but, for me, it actually is.  if they put on their profile that they wouldn't date someone w/kids instead of "no preference" (which is the default answer - so no thought is even required to answer that way) then, it's likely that they truly would prefer to not date someone with kids.  why waste each other's time?

September 6, 2008 8:09 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Their loss on a couple levels.  

I'm fairly well convinced that a lot of people don't read profiles at all.  They see someone in the right age range, then the photos and seem to ignore the rest.  

And most profiles are too short and say too little.  The fill in the blanks parts are inadequate, but there is plenty of space to express who you are and what you are and aren't looking for.  People don't seem to take advantage of that.  

September 6, 2008 9:56 AM

Simplenigma said:

I'm guilty of not reading through the profiles all the way sometimes. I read their last book, scan for any mention of cats, and what they're looking for. I figure if they're contacting me, I must fit that profile.

Which probably explains how I ended up on a date with a married guy in an open relationship.

September 6, 2008 10:20 PM

acamil said:

AHG! This is for the 2 dudes

hey dudes, ever thought about WHY are you single? you are just plain ignorant! thinking is a sexiest thing around (OK cute works too) so think some

September 6, 2008 10:28 PM

The Most Insightful Man on Earth said:

You are so fucking overly sensitive about having children. I feel badly for any guy that has to deal with your crazy bullshit.

September 7, 2008 2:06 AM

profrobert said:

I can understand the fellow who doesn't want to date anyone with children after a bad experience.  My last serious ex- had kids, and I fell in love with them.  Since the relationship ended, I've had little contact with them (their choice, not mine).  I don't know what happened with the person who wrote to you, but after that experience, I didn't stop dating women with children, but I became much more careful about how quickly or intensely I got involved.

As for not reading profiles carefully, lots of people fail in that regard.  Moreover, lots of people don't really know what they want until they are in the situation.  A woman who said she had no kids and was "happy with what she had" hotlisted me, despite the fact that I said I wanted kids (both in the check-off area and in the free-writing area).  But she was interesting, so I wrote to her saying as much, and that though we probably were looking for different things in life, it's always good to meet interesting people.  She agreed.  17 months later, we're married and expecting our first child.  You never know.

September 7, 2008 5:45 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Given my age, the odds of finding someone within an appropriate age range who have no children are pretty small.  Then going beyond that criterion, finding someone that is compatible in other ways even lessens it.  And despite all my hesitation and drama, I'm not just window-shopping.  I could do that (and do) on the subway.  Yes, I'm sorry, that was me staring at your bottom!!! Okay???  

Seriously though, it would never even occur to me to say "no children."  I don't even see what difference it makes.  

September 7, 2008 10:22 AM

airheadgenius said:

xcalibur - I think you're right. A lot of men confess that they only look at the pictures and check out the age so it's really no surprise. Those are the same men that claim to be looking for, above all, a smart female.

"Rancid fucking tossers"? Like it. You must have English blood.

September 7, 2008 10:29 AM

airheadgenius said:

Shakti - Yeah, that's becoming my policy too. Several times, men have written without noticing that I have kids and have SAID they are ok with it, but it quickly becomes clear that they have no notion of what it means to deal with a single mother. NOT with kids, because it's not gone that far, but just the logistics of dating someone who has other people to put first. It's tricky.

Recycled - I guess I used up all the available space on my profile, but I am sure it puts off as many men as it attracts. C'est la vie.

September 7, 2008 10:45 AM

airheadgenius said:

Simplenigma - ah, bless your cotton socks! Sorry about the married man in the open relationship. That has to be up there with discovering you're out with the wrong gender, which used to happen repeatedly to a male friend of mine who drank too much. At the moment of truth "dammnnnnnn. AGAIN????"

Acamil - thanks lovely man.

September 7, 2008 10:52 AM

airheadgenius said:

Most insightful - You cursed at me on the internet in an open forum??  I think I am going to cry. Oh, wait a minute, feeling much better. What kind of a dickwad curses at a complete stranger simply because of a difference of opinion? My guess is that you have a tiny penis and are feeling pretty badly about it. Never mind ducky, you can always get angry out of all proportion on the internet as an outlet for your rage.

September 7, 2008 10:55 AM

airheadgenius said:

profrobert - That situation is really a shame. Sorry to hear. Glad it worked out so spectacularly well though!

I would never introduce my kids to someone unless we'd reached a point where it looked like the relationship was going to continue. It's really not fair on little kids otherwise.

recycled - I guess you don't see the difference because you've got kids and are used to accomodating other people's needs. If you'd made it to 40 or so without having to put yourself anywhere but first, it would likely appear to be too much of a hassle though.

Oh and stop staring at my bottom.

September 7, 2008 11:01 AM

shakti_vos said:

yeah - i've gone out with guys who SAY they're ok with me having a kid - but then start being all spontaneous, cuz they can.  they can decide at 5pm that they wanna go to a free concert at 6.  i can't. they don't understand that canceling at the last minute is actually a problem, cuz i've already hired a sitter.   after a while it's just obvious that they really don't get it at all and i don't bother with them anymore.  

September 7, 2008 2:24 PM

xcalibur86 said:

AHG, actually yes, some English blood, but it's pretty diluted at this point in the family history. Spent four years living in Putney and Wimbledon so the local lingo is definitely imprinted in my daily verbiage.

September 7, 2008 3:54 PM

sorch1 said:

Sometimes I think people only look at pictures, not ages or anything else useful.  I get mail from 18-year-olds, I write a nice note back saying that I think I'm a bit old for them and wishing them luck, and usually get a return response to the effect of, "Ohhh, dude, I didn't realize you were so oooooold.  I don't date old chicks."  I'm in my early 30s.  Oh sure.

September 8, 2008 8:52 PM

airheadgenius said:

Shakti - so you're going to turn me down for an impromptu trip to Spain now are ya? I here you though - those cancelled, but still have to pay the babysitter nights suck dick for beer money.

Xcal - Putney is all I needed to hear. It explains a lot.

sorch - Early 30's??? You are sooooooo ooooollllldddddd. He he. My youngest correspondent was 23. 17 years younger than me and 17 years older than my oldest son. Don't like that math too much. Have sex and then apply clearasil to a spotty back? No thank you.

September 8, 2008 10:01 PM

shakti_vos said:

my bags are packed, when we going?

September 11, 2008 12:22 PM

pinkballoon said:

airheadgenius: I really respect you for at least following up with those guys who said they weren't into children.  I often try to get in touch with people that my profile says I won't be compatible with--but I expect differences, compromises, even changes if possible and consensual and mutually-desired.  For example, I sent a message to a beautiful, left-wing, vegan; she never replied.  I can't say for sure why--but my guess is that it's because my hobby is making ice cream (not usually so vegan).  But veganism is something I would have loved to learn about!  I understand the idea of a "dealbreaker," but online daters need to ask themselves if the people they flirt with are as hardline on the deal-being-broken as they might at first appear.  I hope you keep checking on the ones who say they don't want to date people with kids--I'm sure too many of them are bad guys, but it is also possible that they are just mentioning preferences that belie their open-mindedness.

September 28, 2008 7:03 PM


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