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Personals Drama: Dicks in your inbox, or Are romantic relationships becoming obsolete?

Posted by airheadgenius

As mentioned, I do love a good double entendre.

(Full disclosure: my regulars know this is one from the archives, but bear with me. There's a couple follow ups. A dick trilogy if you will)

I read an article in Business 2.0 about AdultFriendFinder and was somewhat surprised to find that it is one of the fastest growing online communities and ranks in the top 100 of most popular websites in the US. This I had to see.....

I created a user name. Man, that was quite a challenge given that there are SO many people on it and so few names left to choose from. All the obvious ones are gone. Forget anything with blonde in the title - the competition is fierce. Finally, I managed to think of something available, created a one line profile and - boom- I was in. Tits and dicks abound - as one would expect - complete with myriad claims of sexual prowess. A common theme seemed to be the desire to CAPITALIZE EVERYTHING and punctuate with dozens of exclaimation points. FREAKY AND HORNY!!!!!!!! for example.

Cut to the following morning. As I drank my tea and ate my cornflakes, I remembered the profile and so checked out my inbox. Hence my title. More dicks than I have ever seen at one time and certainly more than I'd seen during breakfast. A penis plethora. An abundance of appendage. Dick-a-licious (I've re-spelled him to protect his privacy) had a giant penis and a dubious shot of his bathroom floor. Note to dick photographers - get someone else to take it. You cannot do it yourself. But if you must, please clean your bathroom floor. Or trim your toenails.

I know it's a hook up site, but still, the speed at which the dicks popped up took my breath away. (Kinda rolling with the double entendre thing - sue me). My profile was not explicit. It had one line "looking for a friend" and no photo.

In amongst the profiles, I found earnest descriptions of men looking for love. Wrong site for you my love. You with your earnest smile and Kmart jacket.

So, what I am wondering is.... we all have friends, family, colleagues to hang out with. And now there's an incredibly easy way to get laid. It's like ordering in - just IM one of those big dicks and have them come right over. (Must stop with the double entendre. This is not Viz)

Are romantic relationships becoming obsolete?

Thoughts people.....

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shakti_vos said:

what is it about guys who send out pictures of their dicks, anyway?  it would never occur to me to take a picture of my clit and send it out.  i'm guessing there are a lot of chicks who do, though.  

ultimately, i think we're all here to get laid, some of us by one person all the time, some by as many as will have us.  

for me, it's nice to be romanced a bit, but i'm certainly not above the occasional hook-up.

September 7, 2008 9:47 AM

xcalibur86 said:

"Note to dick photographers - get someone else to take it. You cannot do it yourself."

Interesting point. It can be extrapolated to include most dating site photographs which across the board are generally one degree above miserable. Strange phenomenon this, especially when one considers that a profile pic would be the place where one might actually take some time to place their best, err, foot, forward.

September 7, 2008 10:12 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

If women are sending out pictures of their genitals, it's a trend that has completely passed me by!  Not that I'm Cary friggin' Grant or anything but I've got all my hair and that has to count for something!  

But maybe these guys are sending out pictures of other guys' gear?  

September 7, 2008 10:13 AM

Pants said:

Hilarious post! What I want to know it -- did you find any of the guys attractive? Even a little bit? Or was this purely an...intellectual exercise?

September 7, 2008 10:41 AM

airheadgenius said:

shakti - Adultfriendfinder had tons of pictures of women's tits, but no snatch. Presumably it's the topless ones they send out as bait. Barely anyone shows their face though.

xcalibur - I don't see too many females profiles, but there are some mens ones that are laughably bad. Especially the 40+ shirt off ones. There should be some kind of law against that.

recycled - maybe peeps think it's a weave? I don't know how one knows for sure that it's the emailers real dick in the photo. An image comes to mind of a dick photo including the New York Times, but that doesn't quite cut it does it?

September 7, 2008 7:33 PM

airheadgenius said:

Pants - There were some very appealing dicks it has to be said. Although, as mentioned above, few faces. More will be revealed in the second part of the dick trilogy. Stay tuned.

September 7, 2008 7:34 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Fake hair.

Fake dicks.

What is this world coming to?

September 7, 2008 9:01 PM

pink822 said:

As a side note, most of the men will elaborate on their sexual skills, but is it true once the clothes are off.  Mostly likely no.

The ones that give me the biggest laugh are the ones that think that leaving their white socks on is sexy. Are they trying to hide ugly toes?

I want romance!

September 8, 2008 10:24 AM

airheadgenius said:

pink - what is it about the white socks??? Even ugly toes would be better than grubby sports accoutrements. When I am president, I will bar all white socks from the country.

September 10, 2008 10:38 AM


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