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Personals Drama: Dick Trilogy Part ll (More dicks in my inbox)

Posted by airheadgenius

This is part ll of the dick trilogy. Check out part l here or this will make even less sense than it should.

So, the dicks kept flying in until my box was full to capacity (thanks Finbar) What struck me most was not quantity, although it was abundant, but quality. There were some fine looking penii in the crowd: long straight and girthy (ooo, new word) and nary a deformed or diseased one amongst them. What of the man behind the dick photo was the thought that kept popping into my mind. A face and body to match these delicious dicks would be nothing to sneeze at. But, let's be real, Ron Jeremy's dick is about a hundred times better looking than his face and a million times better looking than his doughy old body.

And thus an email was sent.

I picked the best of the bunch and wrote to it's owner. "I am new to this and appreciate your email, but can't take this any further without seeing what the rest of you looks like. Please send more photos".

A day of suspense passed, whilst myriad new dicks came in, and then the reply. (I must confess that at this juncture, the quality had gone down just a tad. The smoothness had gone a bit veiny. The uniform color blotchy and, sorry to the owner, but one had a distinct listing to the left. The first hit of heroin is apparently the best and maybe this is the path of sex addicts trying to recapture that perfect first time. In any case, dicks had gone down. As it were)

But I digress... He wrote: "I don't usually do this, but since you've asked here are more pictures"


The man was magnificent. A 6' hard body of rippling muscle. Whilst not stunning, his face was perfectly pleasant. He looked like he could fuck for America in the next Olympics.

Gaahahahhahaha again!

Because I had no intention of ever contacting him, whether he'd been gorgeous or sporting a face like a bag o' spanners. Not because I don't do hook ups due to some arbitrary standard of morality, but because I live with children and my libido has to take a backseat to parental responsibility. It was, as asked by "Pants" the other day, somewhat of an intellectual exercise. (I use "somewhat" as a disclaimer since the intellectual element is arguable)

He remained but a beautiful beast equipped with a tremendous tool and not a thing that I could do about it. Sigh.

And there you have it ladies and gents. Maybe it was a one off, but there are gorgeous men touting their wares on adultfriendfinder. My curiosity satisfied, I went about my usual life.

Weeks passed and suddenly it occurred to me that I had not written back a "thanks but no" to the gentleman in question. His first big bold dick correspondence had been macho and confident, but on reflection, his follow up email with the requested photos had been humble and almost shy. I realised that I had accepted him on the basis of his dick (almost another one Finbar) and rejected him on the rest of his body! And how often does that happen???

I felt like crap. I had to explain. I launched adultfriendfinder and went to the sign in page. But what the fuck was my user name? Blonde something or other. English blonde something or other??? Ah, fuck it, I had no idea whatsoever. I tried to retrieve my name using my password, I was feeling badly at this point, but couldn't remember that either. I gave up.

And so, if you are reading this dear man with the big thick dick, perfect body and kind eyes, I apologise. It really was me, not you.

Read my Sodding Profile! Hooksexup Confessions: Herpes The Queen Confesses The Arse Man Cometh The Ass Play Chronicles The Sandwich Blowjob Porn Connection Bangin Ass Deformed Dicks Did I really dream that? Why I don't date Celebrities Fashionably late or just a slacker



shakti_vos said:

that Dick In A Box video never gets old.  thanks for reminding me of it.

September 8, 2008 4:17 PM

spjv840 said:

Gotta love Justin in that Dick in a Box video. Classic.

I don't really have anything else to add to this, except that I really hope the man with the nice, big thick dick reads this and contacts you again. Kids or no kids, you deserve a wild romp 'tween the sheets with a big tool.

September 8, 2008 4:54 PM

profrobert said:

If you have time to go out on a date (I'm assuming you don't take your kids), you have time for a hook up.  In my single days, I was a big fan of "friends with benefits," and was always eager to work around a horny mom's schedule.  Be bold.

September 8, 2008 5:56 PM

LaMz said:

Don't hate on the bent penis. Trust me--they hit the g-spot in a way that straight dicks can't. I swear by the bent penii. Alas, the SM's is straight, but we improvise.

September 8, 2008 9:31 PM

stone1029 said:

Okay I looked, I'm not that into sending pictures of my dick to people, so don't look for me on AFF.  I'd more likely show off my 1969 vintage slide rule.  

September 8, 2008 9:51 PM

tumba said:

Many many years ago, one of my girlfriends got a gift like that from her boyfriend.  She was so thrilled she told me all about it the next day.  I had forgotten about it until I watched that SNL show.  I think they actually said "dick" that night too.

September 8, 2008 9:55 PM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Confession:  I checked out adultfriendfinder before checking out Hooksexup.  I was newly divorced and not eager, or maybe just gunshy, to explore dating and romance.  Outside of some explicit photos, mostly of the last people I ever wanted to see naked, the whole thing seemed rather tame.  I even went into their chats and they discussed anything but hook-ups and sex.  And they may have been adults but it was more like an Anne Rice/Stephen King fanclub meeting online.

Back in the day, Hooksexup was considered the edgiest of online dating sites, and it still may be in comparison to Match or E-Harmony... The edge remains to be seen though.  And now they're supposed to be linked by common ownership with adultfriendfinder but I've yet to see much of a change, despite the odd photo of fishnet trapped thighs and names like Le Petite Chat, or Mons veneris.

September 9, 2008 6:02 AM

vix_en25 said:

I used to love the Hooksexup chat room. They should really considering bringing it back. I used to go in there back in 1998 when I was still really young and really horny (the horny part hasnt changed). no one was showing dicks (at least not to me), it was more erotic than raunchy and I miss that.

September 9, 2008 8:05 PM

airheadgenius said:

Shakti - yer very welcome. I've watched it about half a dozen times since posting it. Funny stuff.

spjv - I seriously could not fit the 10 incher anywhere but my apartment. It makes my eyes water just thinking about it. I could use a romp with a 7 or 8 incher though if any gorgeous men are reading.

prof - it's funny that you'd say "be bold" to me. Most of my friends would say "be less bold". I've got balls like buster gonad. I'm also very familiar with friends with benefits, although I don't have one at the moment. Keep encountering idiots and I've got to have a tiny bit of a standard for who I sleep with.

September 10, 2008 9:34 AM

airheadgenius said:

LaMz - I am a bent penis fan, but it has to bend in the right direction. Up or down is good for g-spot depnding on position and down is very conducive to blowing, but this one was definitely sideways which is only good if you like your ovaries prodded.

stone - a 1969 vintage slide rule??? I am dripping at the thought. You busy this afternoon?

tumba - man, I can't stand this bleeping out words nonsense in America. At home, you can say whatever the fuck you like after 9pm.

September 10, 2008 9:47 AM

airheadgenius said:

recycled - clearly you were not looking the week that AFF took over Hooksexup (supposedly anyway) The "most popular members" got rejigged and instead of yours truly on the first page, there were women with profile handles like "Cunt Meat". Subtle huh?

vix_en - I totally missed the Hooksexup chat room. Sad about that.  Back in 98 I was still farting about on

September 10, 2008 9:55 AM

recycledbrooklyn said:

Oooh AHG... I read that new name phonetically and thought they were talking about the Republican Convention!

September 10, 2008 6:39 PM

stone1029 said:

stone - a 1969 vintage slide rule??? I am dripping at the thought. You busy this afternoon?

I'll be busy calculating my girth on a logarithmic scale.  Sorry, how about tomorrow?

September 10, 2008 9:56 PM

ProfRobert said:

AHG: I agree completely about brains -- sexiest organ in the body (and I married a woman with two IQ points on me!).  I wish I could have been into dumb women; it would have significantly increased my opportunities.

On the bent-penis issue, if north/south works for you, why not just rotate 90 degrees with an east/west phallus (e.g., you lie on one side and he straddles your bottom leg and holds the upper one either across his stomach or, if you're flexible enough, over his shoulder)?

September 11, 2008 3:33 PM




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Professional Dominatrix, lapsed English major and token black chick extraordinaire. I'm also a great big perv. Bend over.

Location:New York, New York
Looking for: Those who aren't too afraid.


I'm an existentialist trapped in the body of a rational humanist. I've got a penchant for misanthropy and a flair for the obvious. I'm quick with a joke or a light up your smoke, but there's someplace that I'd rather be. I'm Zeitgeisty, pleased to meet me I'm sure. Visit my blog at

Location: Somewhere on the isle of Manhattan...
Looking for: A shining good deed in a weary world...


I am a fish out of water - an opinionated cheeky smiling English chick in a land of larger than life Americans. I don't understand the culture. I don't understand asking if we're exclusive. I don't understand this weird practice of decapitating penises. Some days I am definitely MILF material. Other days I feel more like the material on the inside of yer grannys' handbag.

Location: Brooklyn
Looking for: A stunning socialist with a propensity to pick winning lottery numbers


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Looking for: A sail, not an anchor.


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Looking for: Nothing mediocre

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